2� 1 �� 1975
<br /> The property is located in ...Hal1 ................ ,........ ........ ...... at ........ ... ...... ......
<br /> ■ •r• .r r .r. •r• .r r. ••..••r r r.
<br /> �County}
<br /> 5 8 S E 19 th S t Grand I s 1 and ., Nebraska �8$�1
<br /> .. .. .. . .. ............................... .. .. ................. .. . ..........
<br /> (Address} (City} {��F Cod�}
<br /> Toge�her wx�h all righ�s, easem�nts, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oxl and gas righ�s, aI� water and
<br /> riparian rxghts, ditche�, and water stock and aII exis�ing and future Ymprovements, s�ructures, fixtures, and
<br /> repiacemen�s that may naw, ar a� any�ime in the futur�, be part of�he rea.1 estate descrYbed above (a11 r�ferred
<br /> to as "Proper�t�"}.
<br /> 3. MAXIMU�VI QBLIGATI�N LIMIT. The �o�al pr�nczpal amount secured by this Security Instrum�n� at any
<br /> ane time sha.Il nat exceed $ g,.0.o�..��..................................... . This Iimitatian af amount does not
<br /> include �nterest and other fees and charges �alidly made pursuant to this Se�urity Instrum�nt. Also, this
<br /> limi�ation does nat apply to advan�es made u.nder the terms of th�s Secur�ty xnstrument ta protect
<br /> Ben��cxary's security and�o p�rform any of�he cavenants contained in this Security Instrum�nt.
<br /> 4. S��UYtED DEBT AND FUTUR.E ADVANCES. The t�rm "Secured Debt" xs de�ned as f�Ilaws:
<br /> A.Debt in�urred under�he�erms of aII promissary note(s�, contra�t��}, guaranty�ies� ar other evYd�nce of
<br /> de�t des�rrhed below and aII their ext�nsians, rene�als, modifications ar substitu�ions. �Y�u must
<br /> specifzcall�iden�ify thQ debt�s} secr�red and�ou sh�uld include the fir�ar maturzty dat�of such deb�{s}.}
<br /> Note �ated March ll 2�16 In The Amount �f $8 fl0�.�4
<br /> A�cruing At A Varia�ale Rate �With A Maturity Date af Mar�h 1�� 2��1
<br /> S a i d L�an I n The Name�s} �f Randy L Amme rman
<br /> And S flnya S Amm�rman
<br /> �. A11 future advanc�s from Beneficiary �o Trustar or o�h�r future obliga�ions af Trustor to Seneficiary
<br /> under any promissory note, contract, guaranty, or o�her �vYden�e of debt executed by Trustor in favor
<br /> of BeneficXary after this 5ecurity �nstrumen� wh�ther or not this 5ecuri�y Instrument is specifically
<br /> referenced. Zf more than one person signs this Se�urity �nstru.ment, ea�h Tru.stor agr�es that thi�
<br /> S�cur�ty Instrument wi11 secure a11 future ad�ances and future ab�igatians that are gi��n to �r incurr�d
<br /> by any one ar mor� Trustar, or an.y ane or more Trustor and o�hers. A1X future advances and other
<br /> future obligations are secured by this Security Znstru.ment even though all or part may not yet be
<br /> advanced. A11 future advances and o�her future obXigatxons ar� secur�d as if made on the date of this
<br /> Security �nstrumen�. Nothing in �h�s Security Instrum�nt sha.11 �onstitute a cammitment t� make
<br /> additional nr future loans ar advances in any amaun�. Any such commitment must be agreed �o in a
<br /> s ep arate wrYting.
<br /> C.A1I ath�r ob�igat�ons Tru�tor awes ta B�nefxcxary, which may Iater ar�se, to the extent no�prohibxted by
<br /> law, in�Iuding, bu� not lxmited to, lxabili�ies for a��rdrafts relat�ng to any deposxt accoun� agreement
<br /> between Trus�or and Ben�ficiary.
<br /> D.All additiona.l sums ad�anced and expenses �ncurred �y Beneficiary for insur�nga pres�rving or
<br /> atherwYs�protecting the Prop�rty and its �alue and any oth�r sums advanced and expenses Yn�urred �y
<br /> Beneficiary under the term� of this Security�nstrum�nt.
<br /> In th� event�hat Ben�f�cia.ry fails �a pro�zde any required natice of the right of rescission, Beneficiary waives
<br /> any subsequen�securYty inter�st in the Trustar's pr�ncipa� dwell�ng�hat is created by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 5. DEED �F TRUST C�VENA►NTS. Trustor agrees that the covenants in thzs sectzan are material obligations
<br /> under the Secured Debt and this S��urity Instrument. �f Trustar breaches any cavenant in this 5PC�IQTIy
<br /> BenefX�zary may refuse to mak� additiona� ex�ensians of cr�dzt and reduce �h� credit limit. By not exercising
<br /> ei�her rem�dy on Trustor's breach, Beneficiary daes not waiv�Beneficiary's right to�a�er consider the event a
<br /> breach if it happ�ns again.
<br /> Payments. Trustor agrees that all payments under th� Se�ured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance
<br /> w�th�he terms of the�ecured D�bt and th�s Security Ynstrument.
<br /> Pr�or Secux-�ity Interests. Wx�h regard to any �ther mortgage, deed of trust, seGuri�y agreement or ather I�en
<br /> document that created a prxor secur��y �nterest or encumbran�e on the Pr�p�rty, Trus�or agrees to make all
<br /> payments when due and to perform or comply with all cavenants. Trustar also agre�s nat to ��QW any
<br /> modification �r exten�ifln of, nar to reque�t any future ad�ances under any note ar agreement secured �ay the
<br /> lien dacument without Benef�ciary's priar wr�tten approva�.
<br /> C�a�ms Against Titl�. Trustor wz�1 pay a�l taxes �includ�ng any tax assessed to this Deed of Trus��,
<br /> ass�ssments, Iiens, encumbrances, 1�ase payments, ground rents, util�t�es, and other char�es relating t� th�
<br /> Property when du�. B�ne�ciary may r�quire Trustor to provide to Benef�ciary �opY�s af a.�l natices tha� such
<br /> amaunts are due and the re�eipts �videncing Trustvr'S payment. Trustor will defend titl� to the Praper�y
<br /> agaYnst any claims that wauld impair the lien of thxs Security �nstrum�nt. Trustor agrees to assign ta
<br /> Bene�ciary, as requested by Beneficiary, any r�ghts, claims or def�nse� Trustflr may hav� against partxes wha
<br /> supply labor or material,s t�maintain or imprave the Property.
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument-�pen-�r�d-Cansumer-NE nCP-REDT-NE 71�12�1 1
<br /> VMPa Bar�kers SystemsT"" VMP-C4B5�NEy [�107y.Q0
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Fir�ancial Ser�i�es�1994,20�� p�����f�
<br />