2� 1 �� 1945
<br /> not be exercised unreasonab�y. Lender may require Sorrower to pay,�n connec�ion�ri�h�his Loan, e�ther: �a� a one-
<br /> �ime charge far flnod zone de�erm�natxan, cer��f�catian and track�ng servi�es; or�b} a on�-�ime charge for fia�d�one
<br /> determ�nation and cert�f�cat�on serv�ces and subsequent charges each�ime remappings or s�m��ar chang�s occur wh�ch
<br /> reasonably migh�affect such determ�nation or cert�f�ca��on. Borrower sha.�� a.�so be respons�b�e far the paym�nt❑f
<br /> any fees�mpased by�he Federa�Emergen�y Management Agency in connecti�n�srzth�he revzew of any flo�d 2ane
<br /> determ�nat�on r�su���ng from an object�on by Bvrrovver.
<br /> If Borrower fai�s�o maintain any of the co�erag�s d�s�ribed above, Lender may obtazn Ynsurance c�verage, at
<br /> Lender's option and B�rrower's exp�nse. Lender is un�.er na ob�igat�an ta purchase any particular type ar am�unt
<br /> ❑f c��erage. Therefare, such cov�rage sha�� co�er Lender, but m�ght or m�ght not prot��t Borrower, Barrovver's
<br /> equ�ty in the Proper�y, or the con�en�s af t�e Property, agaznst any risk, �azard qr�zabil�ty and migh�pro�ide greater
<br /> or�esser c�verage than was pre��ous�y�n effect. B�rrower a�know�edges that�he cost of the insurance co�erage s❑
<br /> obtained might sign�ficant�y exceed the cast of�nsurance�hat Borro�ver cou�d have obtained. Any amounts disbursed
<br /> by Lender under th�s Se�t�on�shal�becflme additiflna�deb�of Borrower secured�y th�s Security�nst.rument. These
<br /> arnvunts shal.� bear�nterest at�he Nate rate from the date af disbursem�n�and sha�.�b�payab�e, v�ith such�nterest,
<br /> up�n notice from Lender t❑Borr�wer requestzng paym�n�,
<br /> A�1 insurance po�icies required h�Lender and rene�wa�.�s of such po����es sha.�� be subj ect to L�nder's r�ght tfl
<br /> d�sappro�e such p��zc�es, sha�l include a standard mortgage c�ause,and sha1.I name Lender as mflrtgagee andlor as an
<br /> addi��anal�ass payee. L�nder shail ha�e the right to ho�d�h�po��cies and renewa�. eer��f��ates. �f Lender requ�res,
<br /> Borrower shal�promp�.y give to Lender a��rece�pts of paid prem�ums and renewal notices. �f Barrower obta�ns an�r
<br /> form of insurance coverage, not othervvise requ�red by Lender, for damage to, or destru��ion of, the Property, such
<br /> po�ic� sha�� xn�lude a standard mortgag� c�ause and shal� name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an additional �o�s
<br /> payee.
<br /> �n the event of�oss, Borrovver sha.��give prompt notice t�the insurance carr�er and Lender. Lender may make �
<br /> proof af Ioss zf no� made promptly by Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Barrower ❑�her�r�se agree �n v�r�t�ng, any
<br /> �nsurance praceeds,whether ar not th�underl�ring insurance was required by Lender, shal�be app��ed t❑restoration
<br /> ar repair af the Praper�y, if the restora��on or repazr is eco�om�ca��y feas���e and Lender's security is not�essened.
<br /> Dur�ng su�h repa�r and res�oration periad, Lender sha�.�ha�e the righ��a hold such znsurance proceeds until Lender
<br /> has had an oppor�un�ty to �nspeet such Proper�y to ensure the work has been comple�ed to Lender's sa�isfaction,
<br /> pravYd�d tha� such in�pec�ion sha�l be undertak.en prompt�y. Lender may disburse pro�eeds for the repa�rs and
<br /> restoration in a s�ngle paymen�or in a series of progress paymen��as the work�s campleted. Unless an agreement
<br /> �s made�n vsrriting or App�icable La�v requires�nteres�to be pa�d �n such insurance proceeds, Lender sha1�not�e
<br /> requ�red�o pay Borrower any�nterest ar earnings on such proceeds. Fees for pub�ic adjus�ers, vr a�her third parties,
<br /> retained by Borrawer sha�� nat be pa�d out �f the insurance praeeeds and s�all be the so�e o�bligat�on vf Borravs�er.
<br /> �f�he restoration or repair�s nat eeonomical�y feaszble or Lender's se�ur�t�r vvou�d be�essened,the insurance proceeds
<br /> sha.11 be appl�ed tv�h�sums secured by this Secur��y�nstsum�nt,whe�r.er or nat then due,with the excess,if any,pa�d
<br /> to Borrower. Such�nsurance proceeds shal�b�app�ied in th�order prv�ide�for�n Section 2.
<br /> �f Borrower abandflns �he Froperty, Lender may�ile, n�g�tia�e and se�t�e any a�aila��e insurance ��aim and
<br /> re�a�ed matters. �f Borr�wer daes nat respond w��hin 3�days to a no�ice from Lender that�he insuran�e carrier has
<br /> offered�o s��tle a claim, then Lender may nego�iate and set�Ie the claim. The 3�-day period w��l begin wh�n�he
<br /> notice�s g���n. In either e�ent, or�f Lender acquires�he Praperty under S�ct�an�2 or other�r�se, Borr�wer h�reby
<br /> ass�gns to Lender �a} Borrower's right� to any�nsurance proceeds in an am�un�no�to exeeed the amounts unpaid
<br /> under the N�te or th�s Secur��y�nstrument, and �b} any o��er of B�rrower's righ�s �other�han the right to any refund
<br /> af un�arned premiums pazd by Borrawer} under a�� �n�urance poli��es cvver�ng�he Prap�rty, insofar as such r�ghts
<br /> are app��ca�Ie�o�he co�erage af the Praperty. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repair ar restore the
<br /> Praper�y or�a pay amaun�s unpaid under the Na�e ar th�s SeGuri�y�nstrument, wheth�r or not then due.
<br /> fi. C]ccupancy. Borrower sha�.I oc�upy, es�abl�sh, and use�he Property as Borro�rer's pr�ncrpal residence
<br /> �vi�hin 60 days af�er the execution of this Security Ins�rument and shal��an�inue to accupy the Property as�orrower's
<br /> pr�ncipa�residenc�for at�eas�❑ne year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender atherwise agrees in writing,which
<br /> NEBRASl�A�-Single Family--Fann�e MaelFreddie Ma� UNIF4RM 1N5TRUMENT - MERS ������.��
<br /> Form 3Q�8 �IQ� Page 6 af 15 www.daGmagi�.corx�
<br />