� 2� 1 �� 1945
<br /> "covenan�and agreement" zs used�n 5ection 9. �f Borrower zs ob��ga�ed�o pay Escrow Ifems directly, pursuan�ta
<br /> a�vaiver,and Barrower fai�s to pay the amoun�due for an Escrovv Item, L�nder may�xercise��s righ�s under Section
<br /> 9 and pay such amoun�and Barra�r�r sha.��then be ob��ga�ed under S�ction 9 to repay to Lender any suc� �moun�.
<br /> Lender may re�ake�he waz�er as to any or a��Escrow��ems at any time by a notice given in accor�ance wit�:��ctxon
<br /> 15 and, upon such re�ocation, �arro�rer sha11 pay�o Lender a1�Funds, and�n such amoun�s, tha�are then tequ�red
<br /> under�his Section 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any time,eolle�t and ho�d Funds in an amount�a}suff�cien��o perm��L�nder t�app�y�he Fun�ds
<br /> at�he time sp���f�ed under RESPA, and �b} nat�o e�ceed the maxim.um amoun�a�ender can require under RESPA.
<br /> Lend�r�hall�stxmate the arnount af Funds due on�he basis❑f current da�a and reasonab�e estimates�f expenditures
<br /> vf fu�ure Escrow Items or o�herv��se in accordance with Appli�ab�e Law.
<br /> The Funds sha�� be held �n an institut��n vvhose deposits are insured by a federa�agency, instrumentali�y, or
<br /> entxty �inc�ud�ng Lender, �f Lender is an institu�ian whose depos�ts are so �nsured} or�n any Federa�Home Loan
<br /> �ank. L�nder sha.11 app�y�he Funds�a pay the Escrov�Items na la�er�han the�ime specif�ed under RESPA. Lend�r
<br /> sha.�l nvt charge Borrower for halding and app�y�ng the Funds, annua�ly analyzing the escro�accaunt, or verif�ing
<br /> the Es�row�tems, unless Lender pays Borrov�er in�erest on th�Funds and Appl�cab�� Law perm�ts Lender to make
<br /> such,a charge. Unl�ss an agreement�s made in v�riting or Applicab�e Law requires�n�erest t�be paid on the Funds,
<br /> Lender sha�.�no�b�requ�red tfl pa�r B�rrower any in�erest or�arnings�n the Fund�. B�rrov�rer and Lender can agree
<br /> � in wrztzng, havvever, that xn�ere�t sha.�� be paid on the Funds. Lender sha��gi�e to Barrower, withou� charge, an
<br /> annual accnun�ing of the Funds as requ�red by RESPA.
<br /> �f there�s a surp�us of Funds he�d�n es�raw, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha.�.�accaun��o Borraw�r far
<br /> the excess funds in accordance w�th RESPA. �f there is a sh�r�age af Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA,
<br /> Lender sha��no�ify Bflrrov�er as required by RESPA, and Borrower shal�pay to Lender the amount neCessar�to make
<br /> up �he shartage in aecordance with RESPA, but in no more than �.� mon�y payments. �f there�s a def�ciency of �
<br /> Funds he�d in escrow,as defined under RESPA, Lender shal�nat�fy Borrov�er as requ�red by RESPA, and Barrawer
<br /> shall pay t❑Lender the amount necessary to make up the defic�en�y in accordan�e with RESPA, ���in no mar�than
<br /> ��mon�h�y payments.
<br /> Upon payment�n full af a1�sum�s�cured by this Securi�y�nstrument, Lender sha�.�prompt�y refund to Borrower
<br /> any Funds held by L�nder.
<br /> 4. Charg�s; Liens. Borrower sha�l pa�a.��taxes,assessments,charges,f�nes, and impos���ons attr�bu�ab�e to
<br /> the Praperty whi�h can attain pri�r�ty o�er this S�curity �nstrumen�, �easeho�d payments �r ground rents an the
<br /> Praperty, if an�r, and Commun�ty Asso��ation Dues, F�es, and Assessm�n�s, �f any. To the extent that th�se items
<br /> are Escraw Items, Borrvwer sha��pay them in fhe manner provided in Section 3.
<br /> Borrower shal�promptly discharge any�i�n�vh��h has priflr�ty over this Secur�ty Ins�rument unless Borrawer:
<br /> �a} agre�s in writing�o the payment of�he ob��gation secured by�he�ien in a manner acceptab�e to Lender,but on�y
<br /> s� long as Barrawer is perform�ng such agreemen�; �b3 contests �he Iien �n gtiod faxth by, or defends against
<br /> enfareement of�he lien in,legal praceed�ngs which in Lender's apinian vperate to preven��he enforcement flf the��en
<br /> while�h�se praceed�ngs are pending, but anl�r unti�su�h proceed�ngs ar�con�Xuded; ar �c} secures from the holder
<br /> of the �ien an agreem�nt sa��sfac�ory �o Lender subordinating the �zen �o this Security rns�rument. If Lender
<br /> de�ermYnes th.at any part❑f the Property�s subjec�to a��en whi�h ean a��ain priar�ty a��r�his 5ecurit��nstrum.�nt,
<br /> Lender may gi�e Borrawer a no��ce identify�ng the ��en. �Vithin �� days af�he date on wh�ch that notic�is giv�n,
<br /> Borrov�er sha��satisfy�he��en ar take flne or more ❑f the act�ons se�farth abo�e in�his Se�t��n 4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrower to pay a ane-time charge for a real�sta�e�ax�eri�ication andlor repar�ing ser��c�
<br /> used by Lender�n connect�on v��th this Loan.
<br /> �. Property Insurance. Borrov�er sha�� keep the improvemen�s now ex���ing or hereafter erected ❑n �he
<br /> Property insur�d against Ioss by f�re, hazards�ncluded�rithin th�term "extended co�erage," and any o�her hazards
<br /> �n�Iuding, but not iimited to, ear�hquakes and floods, for Whzch Lender requires insurance. Th�s insurance sha���e
<br /> ma�n�ained in the amaunts �in�lud�ng deduct�b�e leve�s} and for the per�ods �ha� Lender requ�res. 'L�hat Lender
<br /> requires pursuant ta the preceding sentences can change dur�ng�he term af the Loan. The�nsurance earrier pro�iding
<br /> the insurance shall be chosen by Borrov�rer subj�ct to Lend�r's right to disapprove Borrower's choice,v�rh�ch rrgh�sha.�l
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Famiiy--F�nni� MaelF�eddie Mac lJN1F�RM 1NSTRUMENT - MERS �������
<br /> Form 3Q28 11Q� Page 5 of �� www.d�crr�agt�.�o�rr
<br />