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` 2� 1 �� 185� <br /> . <br /> � <br /> , � <br /> L�AN#: �sao3��7� <br /> sale, the follovving descr�bed property l�cated in the Cvunty <br /> [Type v�F Recvrding JUrisdic�tan]�f Hall [Name of Recording Jurisdi��ivn]: <br /> SEE LEGAL DESCR�PTI�N ATTACHED HERET�AND IVIADE A PART HERE�F AS "EXHIBIT A". <br /> APN#; 4�D'I�1�53 <br /> wh�ch currently has th�address of 393fi Hampton Rd, �rand �siand, <br /> �st�e����c;ty� <br /> N�braska fi88�3 �"Property Address"}: <br /> (�ip�ade� <br /> T�GETHER WITH a!I the impravemen�s now or h�reafter erecfi�d on the prop�rty,and a!I easements, <br /> appurtenar�c�s, and tixtures now or hereafter a part af th�property.�11 replacements and add�tions shai! <br /> �lsv b�covered b}r�his Secur�ty Instrument.All of the faregoin� �s referred to in thiS Se�urity Instrument <br /> as t�e "Prop��ty." Barr�wer und�rstands and agr��s tha� MERS holds vniy legai �itle to the interests <br /> granfi�� by Borrawer i n th is Security I ns�rumen�, but, if necessary��c�mply with �avv or custom, M ERS <br /> �a� �omine� fvr Len�er�nd Lender's succesSors a�d assigns} has th� righ�: to exercise any or a!I of <br /> those�nterests, inc�uding, b��not�imited to, �h� �i�ht�o foreelose and sell the Pr��erty; and�v take any <br /> act�on required of Lender in�luding, but not lim���d�o, r�leasing and canc��ing this Se�urity Instrument. <br /> BC3RR�V1lER C�VEhIAIVT� �hat Borrovti►er is lawfully s�i�ed vf the es�ate hereby conv�yed and <br /> has the right ta grant and ��nv�y t�e Prop��ty and that #he Property is unencumb�r�d, excep� for <br /> encumbrances of recard. gvrrower warr�nts and will d�fend generaily the t�#le ��the Praperty again�t <br /> al! claims and demands, subj�ct ta ar���ncumbr�anc�s af record. <br /> THIS SECURITY �NSTRUMENT combine� uniform ���enants for nativnal us� and n�n-uniform <br /> Gv�enants with I�mited�ariations by ju��sdiCtion�a c�ns�i#ute a unifo�m securi�y�nstrument caver�ng real <br /> property. <br /> L!N I F�R1111 ��VENANTS. B�rrower and Lend�r covenant and agree as f�llows: <br /> �I. Paym�nt�f Principal, Interest, Escr�w ltem�, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charg�s. <br /> Borro�r�r�half pay when du�the princi�al af, and in�erest on, the de�t evidenced by�h� Nate and any <br /> prepa�men� ch�rges and late charges due under the N�te. B�rrawer shali a�s� pay funds f�r Escrow <br /> I�ems pursuant��Sect�on 3. Payments due under the N�te and�his S�cu�ity lns�rument shall be made in <br /> U.S.curren��. Hawe�er, if any check ar other instrument r�cei��d by Lender as paym�nt under the N��e <br /> or#his Se�uri�y lns�rument is return�d t� Lender u�p�id, Lende�may r�quire�hat any or al�subsequent <br /> payments due under�he Note and this Security�ns�rumen�be made�n on��r more of th�fol�owing fvrms, <br /> as s�lected by Lender: �a} cash; �b} mon�y order; �c� �ertified ch�ck, laank check, tr�asurer's check or <br /> cash�er's check, �rovided any such check is drawn upon an instituti�n whos� ���os�ts are �nsured b� <br /> a f�de�al ag�ncy, in�trumen�ali�y, o�en�ity; o��d} Electr�nic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s ar� �e�med r�c�i�ed by Lender wh�n recei�ed at the iocafii�n design�t�d in the N�te <br /> or at such ath�r locafiion as may be d�si�na#�d by Lend�r in acc�rdance w�th �he no��c� pr��isians in <br /> Se�tian ��. Lender may r�turn any payment or par#ial payment �f the paym�n�or parti�l pa�lments are <br /> in�ufficient to bring�h� L�an current. Lender ma� acc�p#any payment or par�ial payment insufficient to <br /> hr�n� th� Lvan �urrent, withou�v�►aiver of any r�gh�s h�r�under or p�e�udic�ta its rights to r�fus� such <br /> pa�Iment�r partia�payments in�he�utur�, bu�Lender is not obligated to app�y su�h payments a��he�ime <br /> such payments are accep�ed. If each Period�c Payment is applied a� of its schedu�ed du� date, �hen <br /> Lender ne�d nat pay in�erest on unapp�i�d funds. L�nder may hold such unapp��ed funds until �a�rowe� <br /> makes payment to brin� the Loan curr�nt. If E�or�awer d�es no� do s� within a rea�onable period �f <br /> �ime, Lender sha�l ei#h��apply such funds or re�urn �h�m ta Borrawer. If nat applied earirer, such funds <br /> vvill �e app�ied �o the out�tanding pr�ncipal balance und�r�h� Nat� immediately priar to far�cioSur�. N� <br /> offset �r cla�m which Borrawer might ha�e now �r in fihe fu�ure agains� L�nder sha�l reli�ve Borrawer <br /> from mak�ng paym�nts due und�r the No�e and �his S�curity �nstrurr��n� or p�rFarmin� the ��venants <br /> and a�reemer�ts secured �y this Securi�y lnstrumen�. <br /> . <br /> initials: <br /> NEBR►�S�{A--Sing1�Fam�iy--Fannie IV�aelFredd�e Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRUNlENT Form 3�28'f1U'� <br /> Ellie Mae, I nc. Page 3�f 11 NEEC3EED 03�5 <br /> NEEDEED(CL5} <br /> D�129120'i fi�2:5fi PM PST <br /> �� . . <br /> � <br />