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<br /> . .
<br /> L�AN#: 'I CD4513?'I
<br /> �E� �zI111ER5" is IUlortgage Ele�trvnic Regis�rati�n Sys�ems, �n�. lIIIE�� �s a s�parate corporat��n t��t�s
<br /> ac#ing soiely as a n�mine�for Ler�der and L�nde�'s successors and assigns. IIlIERS is the�enefi�cia�ry
<br /> under this S�curity Instrument.MEF�S i��rganized and�xist�ng under�he laws af Delaware, and ha�
<br /> an �ddress and t�lephon� number of P.�. Box 2�26, Fl�n�, III�I 485��-����5, tei. �888}�79-MERS.
<br /> 4F� "Note" m�ans th� pramissory note �igned by garrower and da��d IVlar�h 7,2D'i fi.
<br /> The No�� stat�s���t Barrower ow�s L�nder SIXTY TH�USAND AND N�11��*** ******* *** ***
<br /> * **** * **** ** * *** * *** ***** **** ** ***** *** **** * ** ***** **** *** ******* ** *
<br /> * *********** * **** ** * ***** ****** * ******* ******* ** *** ** ****�r * * * **�o�lars
<br /> �U.S. $fi�,��4.�� } plus inter�s#. B�rrow�r has promised �o pay th�s deb�in regular Periodic
<br /> Payments and to pa�the deb#in fufi nat later than April 'I, �43'�.
<br /> �G� "Property" mean� the praperty t�at is descri�ed belvw under the h�ading "T�ansf�r of Ri�hts in
<br /> the Pr�p�r�y."
<br /> �H� "Laan" means the d��t e�idenc�d by th� Na��, plus inter�st, any prepaymen# �h�rges and �a�e
<br /> charges due under the hlat�, and alf sums due under this Security instrum�nt, p1u� �n��r��t.
<br /> �I� "R�ders" means ail Rid�rs to�his�ecurity Instrum�nt#hat are executed �y Borrfl►��r.The following
<br /> Riders are#o b��xecu�ed by Sorrower�check box�s applicab�e]:
<br /> � Ad�ustable Rate Rider ❑ Cvn�aminium Rider ❑ S�candHomeRid��
<br /> L.� Ballaon R�der ❑ Pfanned L1n�t De�elap�er�t Rider ❑ �ther�s� �sp�cify�
<br /> ❑ �-4 Family Rid�r ❑ B�vrre�kly Pa�ymen� R�der
<br /> � V.A. Rider
<br /> �J� `=Appl�cabfe La�v" means all cnnt�ol���g applicable federal, stat� and local s�atutes, regu�ations,
<br /> ardinances and administrati�e ru�es and arders �tha� h�ve �he effec� of �aw} as well as a!I a�plicable
<br /> fin��, nan-ap��ai�ble judicia� opinivns.
<br /> �K3 "�ommunityA�so�iation Du�s,Fees,andAssessments"meansall dues,fe�s,asse�smen��and
<br /> other charges that are imp�sed on Borrower flr the Prop�rt�1 hy a condami niu m a�sociation,h�meawn�rs
<br /> associa�ion or similar or�an�zation.
<br /> �L� "El�ctronic Funds Transfer" m�ans �r�y transf�r�f funds, oth�r�han a transactivn originat�d by
<br /> check, drai#, ar s�milar paper ins�rum�n�, which is in��iat�d #hrough an e�ectronic �erminal, �ei�phan�c
<br /> instrument,computer,or magnetic�ape so as to orde�, ins�ruct,orauth��ize afinancial�nst�tu�ion ta debit
<br /> or credit an acc�un�. Such term includes, hu��s not limited �o, p�int-of-sale tran�fers, aut�mated teller
<br /> machine transactions, transfers initiat�d by telephone, wire transfer�, and automa��d cl�aringhause
<br /> �ransfers.
<br /> �M� "Escr�v�►�tems" mean��hose it�ms that are ��scribed in Se���vn 3.
<br /> �N� "Miscellaneaus Proceeds"means any com�ensation,settf�ment,award of dannage�,or proceeds
<br /> pa�d by any third party �ather�han insurance proceeds paid under the caverages des�ribed in Section
<br /> 5} for: �i� damage�o, a�destruction af, �he Property; �ii} candemnativn or ather taking of aIl �r any part
<br /> of t�e Property; tiii�conveyanc� in lieu of c�nd�mnati�n; or�iv} misrepresentations of, ar omissions as
<br /> to, �he�alue andlor condition of the Property.
<br /> ��� "I'�ortgage �nsura�nce" means insurance pr�tecting L�nder against the nonpayment of, �r defaul�
<br /> on, �he Loan.
<br /> �P� "Peri�dic Payment"means the regularly scheduled amflunt due f�r�i�principaf and inter�s�und�r
<br /> t�� hlate, plus �ii} any amoun#s under S�ction 3 of�h�s Security Instrurnent.
<br /> �C�� "RESPA" means the Real Esta�e Se�fement Proc�du�es Act ��� U.S.C. §�5�� e� s�q.} and its
<br /> im�lerr�enting regu�a�i�n, Regu�atian �! {�� C.F.R. Part 1�24}, a�they m�gh� be arnended from time �o
<br /> time, or any additional a�successor legislation vr regulation tha�go�erns�he same subject ma�ter.As
<br /> used in this Security Instrument, "RESP�" refers to al! requirements and r�stricti�n� that are impas�d
<br /> in re�ard to a"federal�y rela�ed morkgag�Ioan" e�en if the Loan do�s no�qualify as a"fed�rall� rela��d
<br /> mor�gage Ioan" under RESPA.
<br /> �R� "Su�cess�r in Int�rest of Bvrr�►nrer"means any party tha�ha�tak�n title to the�'raperty,whether
<br /> or not that par�y has assum�d Borrow�r's abligations under�he Nvte andlor�h�s �ecuri�r Ins�rument.
<br /> The benefic�ary of this Security �nstrument is MERS �salefy as nominee for Lender and Lender's
<br /> suc�essors and as��gns} and #he succe�sars �nd a$signs of lI�ERS. Th�s Securi�y I�st�um�nt secures
<br /> to Lend��: �i} �he repayment of the Laan, an� �ll renewals, extensions and modifi�a�i�ns of the Nv��;
<br /> and �ii� �he per�armance �f Borravuer's co�enants and agreemen�s under th�s Se�uri�y Ins�rum�nt and
<br /> �he No�e. F�r th�s purpose, Borrovtirer irr��ocably grants and c�n�ey�ta Trustee, in �rust, with pow af
<br /> �
<br /> �nitiais:
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Fam�ly--Fannie IIAaelFred�l�e Mac UNlF�RM INSTRUlIIIENT Form 3028�1�'I
<br /> Eliie Mae,1nc. Pag�� of 1� NEEDEEL7 �3��
<br /> NEEDEE❑[CL5}
<br /> D21�912a16��:�5 PM PST
<br /> �� ...
<br /> �
<br /> �
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