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2� 1 �� 1749 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Na: 'i�'I 293��4 {��nt�nued} Page 2 <br /> PERS�NAL PRaPERTY, iS GIVEN T� SECURE 4A} PAYMENT �F THE �NDEgTEDNESS AND �By PERF�RMANCE DF <br /> ANY ANa ALL DBLIGATIONS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED DDCUNiENTS, AND THIS QEED �F TRUST. THiS <br /> DEED UF TRUST 1S G�VEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE FOLL�INING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Exc�p� as otherwise pra�ided in this ❑eed o�Trust, Trustor shaii pay �o Lender al! <br /> amounts secured by �his ❑eed of Trusfi as th�y become due, and sha!! stric�ly and in a time�y manner perform aIl a# <br /> Trustar's ob��gativns under the Note, this Deed o�Trus�, and the R�la�ed Documents. <br /> P�SSE551�N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRDPERTY. T�ustar agrees that Trustvr's pvssession and use o# the <br /> Pr�perty shaEf be gv�erned by the f�llowing pro�isions: <br /> Possess;on and Use. Until �he occurrence o� an E�enf vf Defau�#, Trus�or may �'�� remain in possessian and <br /> contrv�o�the Property; {�� use, operate ar manage the Property; and {3} colle�t the Rents-Fram the Property. <br /> Duty #� Mainfiain. Trustor shall maintain the Praperty �n tenanfia�le cvndi�ion and promptly p��-#orm all repai�s, <br /> replacements, and maintenance n�cessary to preser�e its�alue. <br /> �ompliance `IUith Environmen�al Laws. Trus�vr rep�esen�s and warrants to Lende�that: �'I y Dur�ing the period o� <br /> Trustvr's v►nrnership af the Property, there has been no use, genera�ion, manu�ac�ure, stvrage, trea�ment, disposal, <br /> rel�ase or threatened release v� any Hazardvus Suhstance by any person an, under, a�ou� or f�-am the Property; <br /> �2y Trusto� has no knowledge of� ar reasvn�o belie�e that ther� has been, excep� as pre�iously disc�osed to and <br /> acknawledged by Lende� tn wr�ting, �a} any breach ar �Eolation of any En�ironmentai Laws, ��y any L15Lr <br /> genera��on, manufacture, storage, �reatment, dispasal, release or threatened release o�F any Hazardous 5ubstance <br /> �n, under, about vr �r�m the Property by any prior owners or occupants v� the Prope�ty, ❑r �c� any actual vr <br /> th�ea�ened fitigativn �r �laims v� any kind by any persvn relating �a such ma�ters; and {3y Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed tv and acknowledged hy Lender in w�iting, {a} nei�her Trustor nvr any�enant, �antrac�ar, agent ar other <br /> author��ed user af�he P�op�r�y shaI[ use, gen�rate, manu#ac�ure, stvr�, �rea�, dispose v�ar reiease any Hazardous <br /> Substance on, under, abvut a�from the Proper�y; and {b} any such acti�i�y shail be conducted in c�mpiiance w��h <br /> a!I applicable �ede�al. state, and loca� laws, regu[at�ons and ardinan�es, Encluding withou� iimitativn aI[ <br /> Environmental Laws. Trusto�r authorizes Lender and i�ts agents ta enter upon the Property �v make such <br /> inspections and fiests, at Trustor's expense� as Lender may deem appr�pria�e �¢ d�terrnine compliance o� the <br /> Prvperty wi�h this section af th� ❑eed vf Trust. Any inspec�ians or tests made hy L�nder shali be ��r Lender's <br /> purpvses vnly and shail not be cvns�rued to �reate any responsibiiity o�-�iabEiity an�he par#af Lender to Trustor vr <br /> to any athe� person. The re��esen�a�ians and warranties �ontained herein are based an Trustor`s due diEE�en�e in <br /> in�es#igating the Proper�y far Ha�ardous Substances. Trus�or herek�y {"I y releases and wai�es any �u�ure c�a�ms <br /> against Lender fvr indemn�ty ar con�ribution �n the e�en�Trus��r becomes [iable far cleanup ar v�her cos�s under <br /> any such iaws; and �2� agrees�o ind�mnify, de�end, and hold harmless Lender against any and all c�a�ms, lvssss, <br /> IiabiIities, damages, penalt�es, and expenses which Lender may direc�ly or indirect[y sus�aEn or suffer resul�ing��am <br /> a breach o�this se�tion ofi the flesd of Trust �r as a �onsequence o� any use, generation, manufac�ure, sfiorage, <br /> d�spvsal, release or�hreatened release occurring prior to Trustor's ownersh�p or interest in the Prvperty, whether or <br /> nofi �he same was vr shou�d have been known �a Trustor. The pro�Esions af this section af the Deed o� T�us�, <br /> including the obliga�ion ta indemnify and de��nd, sha�l sur�i�e the paymen�a�the lndeb�edness and the satisfac�ian <br /> and recvn�eyance of�he l�en o�this Deed of Trust and shail not be a���cted by Lender's acquisition of any inte�esfi <br /> in�he Property, whether by foreclosure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trustor sha1� no� cause, conduc� ❑r permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, ❑r suffer any <br /> s��ipp�ng a� or waste vn ar to the Praperty or any partivn of the Proper�y. With�u� �imiting the genera[ity af the <br /> #ore�oing, Trustar wiI� nafi remv�e, or grant�a any other par�y�he righ�to remo�e, any timber, mine�-als �Encfuding <br /> �ii and gasy, caal, Glay,scoria,svii, gra�el or�vck praducts without Lender's prior wr�tten cansent. <br /> Remv�al of[mpra�ements. Trustor sha1� nvt demol�sh vr remo�e any lmpro�emen�s�ram the Rea! Property withvut <br /> Lender's prior written consent. As a condifivn tv the rem��a� of any Impro�ements, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangements satisfactory to Lender to repla�e such Imprv�emen�s wi�h lmpr�vements ❑� at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Righ�to Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agents and representat��es may en�er upvn �he Rea� Property at all <br /> reasonable times �o a�tend ta Lende�-'s interests and to �nspect the Real Pr�perty far purpases o� Trustor's <br /> cvmpiiance wEth�he�erms and c�nditivns of this Deed of Trust. <br /> �vmpIiance wi�h Gv►►ernmen#al Requirements. Trusfior shaEl promptEy compEy with aii laws, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, now or h�reafter in e�fect, ❑f all governmental authorEties app��CabEe t❑ the use �r occupancy vf#he <br /> Praperty, in�luding w�th�ut iimitation, the Americans V`lith ❑isabi�i�ies Act. Trus�or may contes� ir� good �aith any <br /> such �aw� ordinance, ar regu�ation and wi�hhvid c�mpliance dur�ng any pra�eeding, inCEuding approp�iate appeals, <br /> so I�ng as Trus�or has na�ified Lender�n writing prior tv doing so and so Ivng as, in Lender's sv�e opinion, L�nder's <br /> interests �n �he Property are nvt jeopardized. Lender may require Trustor to post adequate securi�y or a surety <br /> bond, reas�nably sa�isfactvey�a Lender,t�prote�t Lend�r's in�e�-esfi. <br /> Duty to Prote�t. Trustor agrees neith��- to abandan or lea�e unattended the Property. Trus�ar sha�E d� aIf other <br /> acts, in addition to�hose acts se�f��-th abo�e in this sectian, which from the �haract�r and use of the Property a�-� <br /> reasonab�y necessary to protec�and preser�e�he Prvperty. <br /> DUE DN SALE-C�IVSENT BY LEN�ER. Lender may, at Lender's optivn, declare immediately due and payabie all sums <br />