2� 1 �� 1722
<br /> CR�SS C�L�ATERALIZATI�N. It �s the e�pressed x.n�ent ❑f Gran�or to Gross colla�erali�e aI� of its
<br /> r�debtedness and ��iigati�n� �Q �.ender, ho�vs�eWer arisi.ng and whensoever incurred, e�cept any nbliga��on
<br /> exis�in�or arising against the:�rincipal d�nrell�ng of any Grantvr.
<br /> �NARRANTI��� Grant�r� for �tself, i�s heirs, pers�nal rep�esentati�v�s, suG�essors� and ass�gns, represen�.s,
<br /> warrants,co�r�nants and agre�s vvi�h Lend�r, i�s su�c�essa�rs and assi�ns,as f����ws:
<br /> Performance �� �bliga�Yans. Grantar prom�ses tv perform a�l terms, cvnditions, and ��v�nan�s of th�s
<br /> Security�nstrumen�and Related L7ncuments in accvrdan�e wi�h the terms contained therein.
<br /> Ilefense an�T�t1e to�Praper��r.A�the time of e�ecution and deliv�ry flf th�s instrunlent, Caran�or is law�ull�
<br /> seis�d af�he esta�e h�reby cvnvey�d �nd has �h� exc�usi�e x-��ht t❑ �nvr��age, gran�, con�ey and ass��n the
<br /> Pr�per�y.�i•an��r cflv�nan�s�ha��he Pr�p�rry�s unen�umb�ered and free af all liens,except far en�umbra.�c�s
<br /> vf reca�rd accepta�le �� L,ender. Further, ��-antar covenan�s �hat �rantor�v��l warrant and �.��end generally
<br /> th� tit�e �o �he Pr�pe�-ty aga�ns� any and a�l �Ia�s and demands whatsoever, subj ect tv the easements,
<br /> res�tric�i�ns, or o�le� en�um�brances of record acceptab�e to L�nder, as may be Iisted in the schedu�e of
<br /> e�cep�ior�s to co�erage �.n any abstrac� �f��tle ar title insurance palicy insurin� Lender's zn�ere�t in the
<br /> Pr�per�.
<br /> Con�i�ian of Pr�pert,y. �rantor pr�mis�s at a11 times �� pr�ser�e and �� main�ai.n �he P�r�perty and ev�ry
<br /> par��he�reof in goo�repair, �or�ng order, and condition and wi�l from tim� tv t�me, mak� all needful and
<br /> p�•aper repairs s�tha�the�va�ue af�he Propert�sha�l not in an��ay�be�mpaired.
<br /> Removal uf any Par� af the Property. �rantor prorr�is�s n�f to remave any part nf�he Property frorn its
<br /> pr�sent lo�ation,��cep�for rep�acement,main��nance and relocation in the ordinary cour�e of�usi�ness.
<br /> Aite�ra��on5 t� the Prc�p�r�y. Gran�a�r pr�mises to a�s�ain fi•om ��he c�mmiss�on of �ny waste on ❑r in
<br /> cannection�ri�h�he Proper�y.Fur�her, �ra�.t�r shall make��material al�e��tions,addit��ns ar impr�vemen�s
<br /> of any 1�ae �vha�soever�o the Pr��erty, regardless of�r�e#her such altera�ians, additi�ns �r impr�vements
<br /> v�ou�d increase the �a1u� �f the Pr�p�r�, n�r�ermi� an�ane to do so except for tenan� impr�vements and
<br /> completi�n of items pursuan��� appr���d plans and spe�i�cati�ns, wrth�u�t Lender's �ri�r• wri�ten c4ns�n�,
<br /> v�hich c�nsen� may be wi��he�d by Lendel- in its so�e d�scre�ion. Cran�or wi�1 c�mply �rith ��1 Iaws and
<br /> xegu�atians�f all�ul��i� au�horities having�urisdicti��.o�er the Prop��y including, �vith�u�limitation, �hose
<br /> reXa�in� to the use, ❑�cupanc� and n��.xnten�nce thereof and sha�� upo� r�quest pramp�ly submit t� Len���
<br /> ewid��c�nf such cornp�iance.
<br /> Due an Sale-Lender's Consenf. �ran�a�r sha�l no�sei�,further�ncumber�r a�herwise dispose af, excep�as
<br /> here�n prov�ded, any ar al� af i�s in�erest � any part �f or al� of the Frop��-ty �ri�hout first oh�ainin� the
<br /> v�ri�ten consent of I��nder. If any encuami�rance, �ien, iransfe�- ar sale �r agr�ement for �hese is created,
<br /> �ender may dec�are immediate�y dt��and payable,th��nt�re�alance of�h��ndebtedness.
<br /> Ins�uran�e. Grant�r promises t�1�eep�he Praper�y u�sured ag,ainst such r�sks and�n such�orm as may v�it�in
<br /> tlie s�I� disGret�an �f�,�nd�r be ac�ep�a�ble, causing Lendez to be named as Iass pa}�ee ar �f requested by
<br /> Lende�•, as mar�gagee. The insuranc� �ompan.y shal� be ch�sen 1�� �ran�or subject t❑ Lender's approva�,
<br /> �vhic�� shall n�t he unreas�nably v�ithheld. All insurance p�Iicies must pr��ide �hat Lender �i�� ge� a
<br /> minunum of 1 U days na�i�e pr�ar���ance�lat�on.At Lender's discretion,�rantor rnay be required to produce
<br /> r�ceipts af paid prem�ums and re�ewa�p��i�ies. �f Grant�r fails ta ob�ain the required coverage,Lender may
<br /> �.o sQ at Grant�r's exp��se.�rant�r hereUy du•ects��ch and e�er}�vnsrxrer of�he�rQp�rty�v xnak�paym�n�flf
<br /> l�ss���ender wi�h t��e proceeds tn be appl�ed, only at Lend�r�s opti�n,to th�repa�r and rep�acemen�of the
<br /> damage or Iflss or to be appli�d��the Ind��a�edness vriith the sur�lu�,if any,��be paid by Ler�der�o�rant�r.
<br /> Payment of Ta�es and �ther App�icab�e Charges. Grantor promises to pay and to discharge 1i�ns,
<br /> en�umbr�n�es,taxes�assessmen�s,lease paymenfis and an��ther charges�•ela�ing ta�he Prope�-�y�hen Iev�ed
<br /> �r assessed agains�Gran��r or the�'rvper�y.
<br /> Environnaen�ai LawS and Hazardo�s �r Tn�ic �a�erials. �rran�:�r and every ��n�� have been, are
<br /> presen�ly �and sha1� can�inue to l�e in s�r�G� �omp�i��G� wi�h any applicable local, s�a�e and federa�
<br /> en�riror��nenta�la�rs and regula�i�ns.Further,ne��her Gran��r n�r any�enan�s�all manufa�tur�, ��ore,handle,
<br /> discharge or dispose of hazardaus or�oxic ma�erials as may be defined by any state �r fed�ral law �n�he
<br /> Prop��-�y, e�cept �o �h� ex�ent �he ��ist�n�� �f such ma�er�a�s has be�n present�y �lisclosed in writi�ng �o
<br /> L�nder. �Y-ant�r�ill immedi�.�e�y n�txfy Lender in writing of any asseXtx�n or��a3m mad�by any par�t}�as��
<br /> �he p��sib�e vio�a�ian �f applica�sle s�a�e and federal en�ironmenta.� �avvs including �he Io�atian �f �ny
<br /> ha�ard�us ar�axi�ma��r�als �n ar a�Qut�he Prope�-t�. ��-an�or indemni�es and holds Le�der harm�ess fra�n,
<br /> ��tho�.t lunx�a�ivn, an�r ��abi�i�y ar expense of v�hatsae�e�r�aature incurred �ire�tly ar indir���Iy out of�r ixx
<br /> cor�nect�an v�ith: �a�any en�ru�nmentalla�vvs affecting a��or any part of the�'roperty or�rantor;�b}the p�st,
<br /> pr�sent or future e�istence af any hazardaus ma�erials in, ❑n, under, abvu�, �r emanatYng from nr passing
<br /> ��u vugh th� PZ-vperty �r an� part �hereaf ar an�proper� adj a�ent #heret�; �c} an� past, presen�t �r future
<br /> hazard�us ac�iv�ty a� or�.n co��ne��ian wi�h the 1°rv�er�y ❑r any�ar�therevf; and �d} �he n�n�a�m�alianG� by
<br /> �ran��r or Gra.�lt�r's fai�ure��cam�1��ully and timely vt�ith en�ir€�nm���al la�rs.
<br /> Finaricial Infvrmatio��.�rant�r agrees�c�supp�y Lender such financia�and Qther Xnf�rma�xnn concerning i��
<br /> affairs �rid t�i� s�a�us a�any of i�s assets as Lender, fram �ime tn time, rnay i•easonab�y request. �ran�or
<br /> fur�her a�-ees to permit Lender �o �erify accaunts as vvell as �a inspect, copy and to examine the b�vks,
<br /> rec�rds and��es af Grantor.
<br /> �2004-�D 1 S Gomp[iance System�,In�.���9��qA�-2�15 L 1.3.1���
<br /> ComEnerciai ltea[EstaEe Security Instruinent-DL40Q7 Pa�;e?of 5 �v►tirw c�mplianeesystems.Garn
<br />