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<br /> TH�S I�STRLJIVI�NT P�EP��]B�": .1�FTER�EC��I]TiNG�'�URI�T�:
<br /> Hame Federa�Sav�ngs&Loan AsSocxa�ion of Home�`edera��a�v��ngs&Loan Associa�ion of
<br /> �rand Island � �rand Xsland � � '
<br /> Z�� S�u�h Lo�usf Stre�t 22�.�out��vcus�S�reet
<br /> G1�AND I�LAN�],NE 55841 ". G�I�D YSLAND,�TE 6�841
<br /> �Space Abave Tliis Line Fo�Recardin�Data)
<br /> ��]MM����A.��A��STATE�3��D ��'�'�i:U�'�''
<br /> This�QMMERC�AL RE�.L ESTA�'E DEED�F�'RUST�"Secur�ty Instru.men�"}�s made on�ebruary 17,201�
<br /> by�he�rantor�s}V4r�R,I.1LC,a Nebras�a L�rni�ed Lxah�Ii#y�ompany,vvhose address xs 17�9 Rro�rande Cxrcle,
<br /> G�.A�N�] �SLAND, Nebxas�a �g8U1 �"Gran�flr"�. The t�-ustee �s .Ar�nd It. Baack, A►,t�arney who�e adda•es� is
<br /> P.�. Box �9U, �rand Is�and,N�braska 6S8Q2 �{'Trustee"}. The benefi�zary �s�i�me��dera� Sa�ings & Loan
<br /> Association �f �rand Is�and whose addr�ss �s ��� Sauth Locust Str�et, �rand Island, �Tebras��a �88UX
<br /> �"Le�d��-"}, whi�h is ar�an�zed and e��s��in� under the �aws of the Ilnited Sta�es �f A�m�r�ca. Grantor in
<br /> consideration of Xaans e�tended b� Lender up �o a �nax�mum pr�nc�pal amaun� of Nxne �Iu��dred T�i�rty-two
<br /> Thausand F�ve Hundred and 4�I1U4�3o�iars�LJ.S. $93�,5U�.UO��"Ma�imu.�n Pz-�ncipa��ndeb�edness"�, and far
<br /> ather �raluable cansid�rafi�n, �h� r�ceip� af v�hich �s �.ckno�ledged, irrevo�ab�y gran�s, �an�eys and a���gns �o
<br /> Trustee, in trus�, v�i�h po�er o�sale, �he fo��e�vving described pr��er� �ocated �� �he �aunty of�aX�, S�ate of
<br /> Nebraska: .
<br /> A.ddress: 1313-�3X5 Johnstown�td.and 8U2--S34 Copp�r Rd.,GRAND ISLAN�,�Vebraska.��8U3
<br /> Lega� Des�ri�tion: Lats Dne ��.� and Twa �Z�, I]eadwoad �econd Subdiv��an i��;the ���� af Gr•and Is�and,
<br /> I�a�l County,Nebraska � '
<br /> . � �
<br /> Lot� ane �1�, �'wo (2), Three �3}, �'our �4), F�ve ���, Six [��, S���n �7), Eight �8} and N�ne [9], �Ves�gate
<br /> Nfne�h Subciiv�sion�n�he C�i�y of Grand Island,Ha�i��u�nty,Nebras��a
<br /> Together w��h aI1 easezxa.ents, a�pur�ena�c�s abuttzn� s�reets ar�d a��eys, i�npravemen�s, bui�din�s, fi.�.tures, �
<br /> fenements,heredxtam�nts, e�u�pm�nt,rents, a�ncoxr�e,prc�fits and ro�a�ties,pers�r�a�goads�f�ha�ever descri��ion
<br /> and a�l Qther rights ar�d privileges includv�g aI� m�nera�s, oil, gas, v�a�er �vvhether graund�rater, sub�erran�an or
<br /> o�th�rwise},�ater righfs(whe�her�xpar�an, app�a�aria�e or�ther►�vise, and�he�her or�a�appur�enan�tQ�he aho�e-
<br /> descrzbed �rea� prop�r�y}, wells� vwel� per.mits, dx�ches, ditch righ�s, res�rvvxxs, reservair righ�s, reser��zr s��es,
<br /> s��rage rights, dams and vva�er sta��k �h�a� may now, or a� any �une in th� future, be loeated an andlar used in
<br /> �on�ec��Qn wz�h tbe abo�re-descr�hed r�a� property, paymen� ar�vards, amo��ts xeGe�ved fro�n enr�ulen� damain,
<br /> amounts rec�ived�'rom any and al�an�uran��pay�x�.ents,an�tunber�vhich may now�r Iater he�ocated,si�uat�d,or
<br /> aff�ed on and used zn conn�ction therewith�herei.naf�er�a�led the"Praper�"�.
<br /> �I�A�'E�] IfDCUM�NTS� �'he wards "�ela�ed Documen�s" mean a�l pxa�nissnry nates, se�uri�y agree��nents,
<br /> pri�r m�r��a�es, prioz• deeds o�trust, pr��r deeds �o secure debt, bus�aess Ioan a�r�emen�s, cnns�ruc�.ion l�ar�
<br /> agreements, resvlutions; guaran�xes, ���W�rflnm�n�a� agreemen�s, sub�rd�na�ion a�t-eeznents, asslgnmen�s of Xeases
<br /> and rents and a�y v�h�r da�unr�ents flr agreemen�� execu��d �n cvnx-�ec�xo� wi.th this �ndeb�edness and Secur�ty
<br /> Instru�men�,whe�her naw ar h�ereaftex e�istin.g,inc�uding any madif�cations,extensxons,substi�u�ions ar re��ewals af
<br /> any of�he foregairag. �`he i�e�a�ed Docum�nts are hereby madu a par� of�his 5e�urx�r �ns�i umerit b� 1-ef�z ence
<br /> �her��o,vc���h the sa�e farce and effect as zf fui�y�et�or�h herein. ;
<br /> II�DEB�'EDNESS.This�eGur�ty�ns�t-umen�s�cures�he�rincipal�maunt shov�x��.b��e as may be�videnced by a
<br /> pr�missary note ar notes of°e�en, pr��r or subsequen� dat� hereta, includixlg fu�ure advances and ��ezy other
<br /> �ndebtedness of any and e��ry k�.nd nov�v or �iereaf�er ov�in�; from 'VL�C]R, L�C �o Home �edera� Sa�rngs &
<br /> Laar� ASsa�ia��on af Grand �s�and, howsoever created or arising, v�he�h�r priun�r�, seGondary ar ��n��ngent,
<br /> tageth�r�v�th any interes�or cha�-ges pro�ided in ar ar�sing ou�vf such indeb�edness,as��rel�as�he agx-eements and
<br /> ���re�.ar�ts af�his 5ecuri�y�nstru.�nen�and al�Rela�ed I]ocuments�hereina�er a1I referred�o as the"�x�dehtedness"}.
<br /> , .
<br /> F�.3TYJRE AI7�'VA.NCES.To`:the ex�en.�per�n�t�ed by�aw,�his S���uri�Instrum�n�,v�r����ecu�e�uture�dvances as�f
<br /> ..
<br /> su�h ad�ances vvere made ari��he da�e of�his Secur�ty Instrw.nen�regardtess o#'the fac��that from tun��a t�une fi�ere
<br /> may�be n��ba�ance due u.n,der the no�e and regardless�f wh��her L�nd�r is obli�a�ed ta make such fu�ure a��ances.
<br /> �r��Q4�2�1 S Cvrnplian�e Systems,Inc.58�9-S�AC-2415.l I.3.I025
<br /> Cvmmercial Reai Fstate 5ecurity Instrumettt-D�.40Q7 P�ge 1 af 5 wi�w.�nmp]iartce5yst�rrrs.Gam
<br />