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2� 1 �� 1715 <br /> for�he repairs and restoration�n a single payment ar�n a series�f progress paym�nts as�he�ark is <br /> compl�ted, �f the insurance or condemna�ion proceeds are nat suf�cient to repair vr res�are the Property, <br /> Borrower is not re�iev�d of Borrower's obliga�ian for�he c�mpletian af such repair or r�storat�on. <br /> Lender flr i�s agen�may mak�reasana��e entries upon and inspectians of the Praperty. �f it has r�asonab�e <br /> cause, Lender may inspe�t the�nterior of the impro�ernen�s�n the Pr�per��. Lender sha�� gi�re Borr��ver <br /> not�ce at�he�zme of or prior�o such an zn�erior in�p�c���n spe�ify�ng such reasona���cause. <br /> S. Bor�vwer's L�an Applicati�n. B�rrower shall�� �n default if, dur�ng�he L�an appl�catian process, <br /> Borrov��r or any persons or enti��es ac��ng a��he dire��ion of Bflrrov�rer or with Borrower's kx�owledge or <br /> con�en�gave ma�erially fa�se, m�s�ead�ng, or inaccura��inf�rmati�n or state�nen�s to Lender�or failed tfl <br /> pro�ide Lender with materia� informat��n3 in conne���on wi���he L�an. Materza� represen�atx�ns include, bu� <br /> are no��imited t�, representat��ns concerning Bo�rawer's accupancy of�he Proper�y as Borrower's principa� <br /> res�dence. <br /> 9. Protectivn vf Lender's Inte�rest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. �f�a} <br /> Borr�wer fa�ls tn perfarm�he covenants and agreements con�a�n�d in th�s Securit��ns�rumen�, �b� �here is a <br /> lega�proceeding that migh��igni�can�ly affec�Lender's in�erest in the Prop�rty andlor r�ghts under�his <br /> Security �ns�rument�such as a pr�ce�di�ag in bankru����, �rahate, f�r c�ndemnat�on ar forfeiture, for <br /> �nf�rcement of a�ien v�hich�nay a�tain priority��er�his S�cur�ty �nstruxnent or t��nforce�a�s or <br /> reguia�ians}, or�c} Barrov�rer has abandane�i the Praperty, th�n Lender rnay do and pay for wha�e��r is <br /> reas�nabl�or appropriate�o pr��ec�Lender's inter�st�n the Property ar�d righ�s under this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rumen�, inc�ud�ng protec�ing andlar a�sessing the�alue of�he Proper�y, and securing andlor repa�r�ng <br /> the Pr�perty. Lend�r's a�t��ns can ine�ude, bu�are nat lim�ted to: �a}pay�ng any sum�s s�cured b�r a l�en <br /> which has prior�ty��er this Security Instrument; �b} appearing �n cour�; and �c}pay�ng reasvnable a�torneys' <br /> fees to pratec�its �n�erest in�he Proper�y andlor r�gh�s under th�s Securi�y�ns�rument, �ncluding ��s secured <br /> pasi���n in a�ankrup�cy proceedxn�. S�cur�ng the Proper�y in�ludes, but i�nat limi.ited�o, en��ring the <br /> Praper�y�a mak�repa�rs, chang��ocks, replac�or�oard up d��rs and windows, dra�n wate�r from pipes, <br /> e�iminate bui�dxng or other c�de�iola�i�ns or danger�us cond��i�ns, a�nd have util�tie��urned an ar Off. <br /> Aithough Lender�rnay�a.�e action under this Section 9, Lender does na�ha�ve to d� so and�s no�uncier any <br /> duty or ab�igation to da so. ��is agreed�hat Lender incurs no liability for na�tal�ing any or al�a�tions <br /> au�harized under�his S�c�ion 9. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under�hzs Sect�on 9 shai�become add��ianal d��t af Borrower secured by <br /> this S�curi�y �ns�rument. Thes�amoun�s shall b�ar�nter�st a��he Note ra�e from�he da�e of disbur�exn�nt <br /> and shall be payab�e, wx�h such in�eres�, upan no��ce from Lend�r ta Barrourer requestzng pa�men�. <br /> �f th�s Se�urity Instrurnen�is on a leaseho�d, Borrovver sha�I comp��r�ith all the pro�isi�ns of the lease. �f <br /> Barrawer acquir�s fee�itle�o�he Praper�y, �he Ieaseh��d ar�d�he fee title sha�� no�merge un�ess Lender <br /> agrees�o Che merg�r in writing. <br /> 1�. IVlartgage Insurance. If Lender required Mor�gage Insuranc�as a condition af mak�ng�he Laan, B�rrower <br /> sha��pay�he premuums required ta main�a��.�he M�r�gage�nsuranc�in eff�c�. �f, for any reason, the <br /> Mor�gag�Insuranc�coverage r�quired by Lender ceases to be ava�la��e from the mor�gage�nsurer�hat <br /> pre�iaus��provided such insuran��an�B�rr�wer vvas required�a make separately designa�ed paym,ents <br /> ��ward�h�premiums for�Vlor�gage�n�urance, Borrnv�er sha��pay�he premiums requ�red�o o�btain c���rage <br /> subs�ant�ally equivalen�to �he Mortgage �nsurance previausly in effec�, a�a cos�substantial�y equi�a�ent�o <br /> �he c�s��a B�rrower of�he Mor�gage�nsurance prev�ously in�ffect, fr�m an a�ternat�mor�gage insurer <br /> seiec�ed by Lender. �f subs�ant�ally equivalen�Mor�gage�nsuranc�co�erage is no�available, Borrower shall <br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac LJNIFDRM tNSTRUM�NT �vrm 3428 11�� <br /> VMP[� VMPBtN�y�13Q2} <br /> Wal�ers Kfuwer�inanciai 5er�ices Page 8 of i 7 <br />