2� 1 �� 1 �84
<br /> Loan Nv: ����942�� �Cont�nued} Page �
<br /> cansen� by Lender in any ins�ance shall not cons�i�u�e con�inuing consen� to subsequent instances where such
<br /> cansenfi is required and in all cases such �ansen�may be gran�ed ❑r withheld in the sale dis�retion of Lender.
<br /> Na�ices. Any na�ice requ��ed tv be gi�en under �his Assignment shall be gi�en in wr�ting, and shall k�e ef�ecti�e
<br /> when ac�ually defivered, when actually receiWed by �elefacsimile �un�ess atherwise r�quired by �aw}, when
<br /> depasited with a nativnally recagni�ed o�ern�ght c�urier, flr, if mailed, when deposi�t�d in�h� LJnFted S�ates mail, as
<br /> first�lass, �ertified vr registered mail postage prepaid, dire��ed fi❑ �he addresses shown nea�r the beginning of this
<br /> Assignmen�. Any par�y may change its add�ess for na�ices under this Assignment by gi�ing �ormal written na�ice
<br /> �o �he ❑ther parties, speci�fying �ha� fihe purpose af the not;ce is to change the par�y`5 address. For notice
<br /> purposes, �ran�or agrees to keep Lender informed at all �imes ❑� Grantor's current�address. Un�ess v�herwise
<br /> pro�ided ar rsquired by law, i� there is more than one Gran�or, any notice gi�en hy Lender �o any Grantor is
<br /> d�emed to be no�i�e given to all Gran�ars.
<br /> Powers of Attorney. The�arFaus agencies and powers ❑�att�rney canveyed on Lender under�his Assignmen�are
<br /> granted�or purpvses of securi�y and may na� be revaked by Grantar un�il such time as the same are renounced hy
<br /> Lender.
<br /> Severabili�y. lf a court o�F campefient jurisdzc�«n finds any pro�ision o� this Assignment to be illegal, in�alid, ar
<br /> unenfv�-ceable as �❑ any circumstan�e, �hat finding sha�� not make fihe vffending pro�ision ill�gal, inva[id, or
<br /> unenforceabl� as �o any other- �ircums�an�e. lf�easible, �he_offending provisian shall be Gvnsidered madi�ied so
<br /> tha� ifi becvmes �egal, Walid and enfarceable. lf �he o-��ending prv�ision �anno�k be so modifi�d, ifi shall be
<br /> cvnsidered dele�ed �from �his Assignm�nt. �nless v�herwise required hy law, fihe illegality, in�alidity, ❑r
<br /> unenfarceability o� any pro�ision vf�his Assignment shall no� affect the lega�ity, �alidity or enforceability a� any
<br /> other prvvisi�n af this Assignmen�.
<br /> .
<br /> Suc�essars and Assigns. 5ubject�a any�imi�a�ions s�ated in this Assignment on transfer❑f Gran�or's interest, fihis
<br /> Assignmen� shalf be binding upan and inure to �the bene�Fi� af �he pa�ties, �hei� successors and assigns. lf
<br /> ownership o�F�he Proper�y becames ves�ed in a persan other�han Granfior, Lender, wi�haut notice fio Grantor, may
<br /> deal vvith Gran�or's success�rs with re�e�ence �v this Assignment and �he Indehtedness hy way af f�rbearance ❑r
<br /> extension withoufi releasing Gran�or#r�m�he obIiga�ions �f�his Assignment vr�fability under the lndebtedness.
<br /> Time is ❑�the Essence. Time is of the essence �n the performance of�his Assignmen�.
<br /> Wairrer vf Homesfead Exemption. Gran�or hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefi�s v� the homesfiead
<br /> exemp�ion faws�f�he 5�ate�f Nebraska as to a[[ lndebfiedness secured by�his Assignmen�.
<br /> DEFIN1TIaN5. The �ollowing capi�alized words and terms shall ha�e the fol[owing meanings when used in this
<br /> Assignment. Unless speci�i�ally s�a�ed t� the cvn�rary, all references t❑ do�Iar amounts shall mean amoun�s in lawfu[
<br /> money ❑f�he United States af Ameri�a. Words and �erms used in the singu[ar shall include the plural, and �he plural
<br /> shal�.include�he singular, as �h� context may require. VIlords and terms na�❑�herwise d�fiined in this Assignment shall
<br /> ha�e the meanings a��ribu�ed to such terms in�he L]niform Commercial Code:
<br /> Assignmen�. The word "Ass�gnment" means this ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS, as this ASSIGNiVIENT�F RENTS may
<br /> be amended ❑r modified fram�ime�o�ime, �koge�h�r wi�h all exhihifis and schedules attached to this AS5[GNIVIENT
<br /> OF RENTS fram�ime�o.�ime.
<br /> Bvrrower. The word "Borrower" means L&P 1NVE5TMENTS, L.L.C..
<br /> De�au�fi. The ward "Default" means�he De�aul�sefi forth in this Assignment in�he sectian titled "❑efault".
<br /> Event of Default. The words "Even�o� I]efault" mean any ❑f the e�ents ❑�f defau�t sefi�orth in�this Assignmen�in
<br /> fhe default sec�ion of�his Assignmen�. .
<br /> Gran#ar. The word "Gran�ar" means L&P 1NVESTMENTS, L.L.C.. � ��
<br /> Guaran�y. The wvrd "Guaranty" m�ans the guaranty fram guarantor, endorser, surefiy, ar accommadatian party�a
<br /> Lender, including wi�hou�limitation a guaranfiy of a1i ar part❑f the Nate.
<br /> Inde��edness. The word "Indebtedness" means al� prin�ipal, interes�, and other amoun�ts, C�5f5 and expenses
<br /> payabfe under the No�e ❑r Rela�ed Documents, �agether with a�l renewals a�, ext�nsions of, madifications of,
<br /> cansvlidatians vf and substitutions �ar the Na�e or Rela�ed ❑ocumen�s and any amoun�s expended ❑r advanced by
<br /> Lender ta discharge G�-an�or's abligafizons vr expenses incur�ed by Lender �❑ enforce Grantor's obligations under
<br /> �his Assignmen�, t�gether with interes� ❑n such amounts as proWid�d in this Assignment. Specific�lly, without �
<br /> limitativn, Indebtedness includes a!I amvunts�ha� may be indire��ly secured by�h� Cross--Callatera[iza�ivn prv�ision
<br /> ❑�this Assignmen�.
<br /> Lender. The vvord "Lender" means Fi�e Pvints Bank, i�s successors and ass�gns.
<br /> Note. The word "Nofie" means the promissory note dated March �2, 2D1�, in the ariginal principal amvunt
<br /> �f $'I,���.���.�� from Gran�or to Lendsr, togefiher with all renewa�s o�, extensions ❑f, modificativns of,
<br /> re�inan�ings o�F, consolida�ians af, and subs�itutians�or the promissory no�e ❑r agreement.
<br /> Prvper�y. The. word "Property" means all of Grant�r's righ�, titfe and in�eres� in and to ai� the Prvper�y as
<br /> described in the "Assignmenfi" sect�on�f�his Assignmen�.
<br /> Rela�ed ❑o�uments. The words "Rela�ed Documen�s" mean aII promissory nvtes, credit agreements, loan
<br />