' 2� 1 �� 1 �84
<br /> Loan Na: 'i�'1�94�1� {ContNl�ued} Page 4
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDfES DN DEFAULT. Upan the occurrence of any E�ent o�❑e�aul�and at any time�hereafker, Lender
<br /> may exer��se any one or more o�the fivllowing righ�s and rernedies, in addition�❑ any ofihe�-rights or remedies prv�ided
<br /> by law:
<br /> Accelera�e �ndebtedness, Lender shall haWe the righ� a�fi ifis ❑p�ian to dec[ar� �he entire lndebtedness immediately
<br />; due and payable, includ�ng any prepaymen�penalty�hat Grantor wauld be required to pay.
<br />� Cvlle�t Ren�s. Lender shall ha�e the right, wi�hout notice �a Granfiar, �❑ take possession of fihe Property and
<br />� colfect�he Rents, including amoun�s pas� due and unpaFd, and apply �he net proceeds, ❑ver and abo�e Lender's
<br />� CD5�5. agains��he lndeb�edness. ln fur�herance of�his right, Lender sha�� have all the righ�s pro�ided �or in �he
<br />� Lender's Right �❑ Re�ei�e and Collect Rents 5ection, abo�e. I��he Ren�s are cvllected by Lender, then Grantor
<br /> irr��acably designates Lend�r as Gran�ar's attorney�in--�fact to end�rse ins�rumen�s recei�ed in paymen��h�reo�f in
<br /> �he name vf Grantor and t� neg�tiate fihe same and co��ect the pr��eeds. Paymenfis hy tenants or vther users �❑
<br />' Lender in response�o Lender's demand shali sa�isfy�khe obliga�ians ��r whi�h the payments are made, whether or
<br />�
<br /> no� any proper grounds for�he demand existed. Lender may exercise i�s rights under this sulaparagraph ei�her in
<br />�. ' persvn, hy agent, �r�hr�ugh a rece��er. �
<br /> Dther Remedies. Lender shall ha�e a[l ❑�her righ�ks and remedies prvvided in this Assignmen� ❑r �he Na�e or by
<br /> �aw.
<br />� Elecfion o�Remedies. Efection by Lender�o pursue any remedy shall nat ex��ude pursuit�f any❑ther remedy, and
<br />,
<br />; an slectian�o make e�pendi�ures �r ta take activn t❑ per#�rm an ohiiga�ivn of Granfior under fihis Assignmenfi, after
<br /> Grantor's fai�ure�v perfarm, sha[I not affect Lender's righ�to declare a default and exercise its remedies.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses, lf Lender ins�i�u�es any sui��r a�tion tv en�orce any ❑�the terms o�this Assignment,
<br /> Lender sha�[ be enfii�led �a recv�er such sum as �he cour� may adjudge reasonable as a�torn�ys` �e�s at trial and
<br /> upon any appea�. Whether �r na� any caurt ac�ian is in�ol�ed, and to the exfien� not prahibited hy law, all
<br />� reasanala€e �xpenses Lender incurs tha� in Lender's apinion are necessary a� any �ime for the prat�ction ❑� its
<br /> interes�or�he enfor�ement of i�s rights shall beGome a part o�fihe Indeb�edness payable vn demand and shall hear
<br /> inte�-es�a��he Nofie rate from�he date o�the expendi�ure un�il repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> w€�hou� limi�a�ian, hawe�er subjec�t❑ any limi�s unde� applicabje law, Lender's a��orneys' fees and Lender`s lega�
<br /> expenses, whe�her or nv� �here is a Eawsuit, in�luding attorneys' �ees and expenses fvr �ankruptcy praceedings
<br /> {including efforts to madify❑r�acate any automatic s�ay❑r in�un��ian}, appeals, and any an��cipated pos#-judgmen�
<br />� collecti�n ser�iGes, the cost�f searching records, obtaining ti�le reparfis �inGluding foreclosure reports}, sur�ey�rs'
<br /> i reports, and appraisal fees, tit[e insurance, and f�es �or the Trustee, �❑ �he ex�tent permi��ed by applicahle law.
<br />� Gran�vr als❑will pay any cour�c�sts, in addition tv a�i ather sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> MISCELLANE�US PRDV15f�NS. The�ollvwing misce�laneous pro�isians are a par�v�this Assignment:
<br /> Amendments. This Assignmen�, t�ge�her wifih any Related Documents, Gonstitu�es the en�ire understanding and
<br />� agre�ment ❑f the parties as �a �he mat��rs set forth in this Assignmen�. Na aZtera�ion of or amendment ta fihis
<br /> Assignment shall he e�fe�ti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed 1ay �he par�y �r par�ies sough� �o be charged or
<br />� bound by the altera�ian❑r amendmen�.
<br />. Cap�ivn HeadEngs. Cap�ian headings in�his Assignmen�are far con�enience purposes only and are nofi to be used
<br /> to interpret�r de�fine�he pro�isions�fi this Assignmen�.
<br />,
<br />, GoWerning Law. This Assignment wi�[ be g�rrerned by federal lavtir appticable �v Lender and. �o �he ex�ent no�
<br /> preempted hy�ederal law,the [aws af the 5ta�e of Nebraska wi�hout rega�d#o i�s �onfli�ts v��aw prv�isivns. This
<br /> Assignment has been accept�d hy Lender in the Sta�e of Nebraska.
<br /> Chv�ce a#Venue. l�fihere is a lawsui�, Grantor agrees upon Lender's request�❑ submifi ta the jurisdiction ❑�the
<br /> courts of Hall �ounty, 5tate❑f Nebraska.
<br /> Merger. There shall be no merger ❑f the in�erest or estate crea�ed 1ay this assignmen� wi�h any vfiher interesfi or
<br /> es�kate in�h� Property at any time he[d by ❑�-�ar the benefi� af Lender in any capaci�y, wi�hou�t�he written consent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> lnterpre�ation. {�} �n a�� �ases where there is mare than one Borrvwer or Gran�vr, then all wvrds used in �his
<br />� Assignment in th�singular sha[I be deemed to ha�e been used in the plura� where the cantext and cons�ruc�ion s❑
<br /> require. �2} I�more than vne person signs this Assignmen�as "Gran�or," the abliga�ions of each Grantor are joinfi
<br />; and severa�. This means �ha� if Lender hrings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any one or more�of �he G�an�ars. lf �
<br /> Bar�-awer and Grantor are nv�the same person, Lend�r need not sue Borrower first, and tha�Borrower need nv�be
<br /> �oined in any lawsui�. �3} The names gi�en to paragraphs ar se��ions in th�s Ass;gnmen� are for c�nvenience
<br />: purpvses ❑nly.They are not to be used�o interpret or de�ine the pro�isions of�his Assignment.
<br /> No V1Caiver by Lender. Lender shafl nofi be deemed �o ha�� waived any righ�s under this Assignment unless such
<br /> wai�er is gi��n in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or amission an�he parfi of Lender in exercising any right
<br /> shall vperafe as a wai�er of such right or any ❑ther righ�. A wa��er by Lender of a pro�isian a�this Assignment
<br /> shall not pre�udice or consti�kute a waiWer of Lender's righ� othe�wise to demand s�rict compliance with tha�
<br /> pro�ision or any other pro�ision o�this Assignment. No prior wai�er by Lender, nor any course of dealing between
<br />' Lend�r and Gran�ar, shall cons�kitute a wai�er a�any v� Lender's righ�s or❑�any v�F Gran�or's ob�igations as�❑ any
<br /> future transactions. Whenever �he cansen� ❑f Lender is required under �his Assignment, th� gran�ing ❑f such
<br />