2� 1 �� 1 ���
<br /> Prop�rty Conditian, Alteratifln5 and Insp�ctxan, Trustor will keep the Prop�rty in go�d condition and
<br /> mak� all repairs �hat are reasonably necessary. Tru�tor sha.�i nat commit or allaw any waste, impairment, or
<br /> deteriorat�on of�he Prap�zrty. Trustor agrees that th� natur� af the ac�upan�y and use will not substantially
<br /> change wi�haut Benefic�ary's priar written consent. Trustor wxll nat permit any change �n any license,
<br /> restrictiv� �o��nant or easement withou� Benefic�ary's priar written �ansent. Trus�or will no�ify Bene�crary
<br /> of a.�� d�mands, proceedings, cxaims, and actians aga�.ns�Trustor, and of any �oss or damage t�the Properfiy.
<br /> Senefi�iary or Beneficiary's agents may, at Bene�ciary"s aption, en�er�he Pr�perty at any reasonable time for
<br /> the purpose af inspecting the Property. �enefic�ary sha.�I give Trustor notice at the time af or before an
<br /> inspection specifying a r�asonab�e purpase for the xnspec�ion. Any inspecti�n af the Praperty shal�b�entirely
<br /> for B�nefi��ary's benefi�and Trustor w�X� in no way rely an Beneficiary's inspec�ian.
<br /> Autharity ta Perform. �f Trustor fails ta perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in thxs Security
<br /> Instrumen�, B�neficiary may, without notice, perform or cause them to be performed. Trus�or appoints
<br /> Beneficiary as at�arney in fact ta sign Trustor's name or pay any amaunt necessary far performance.
<br /> Beneficiary's rrght to perfarm for Trustor sha1� nat create an obligati�n tfl perform, and Ben�ficiary's fai�ure
<br /> to perform wi�l not preclude Benefi�iary from exercising any of S�n�ficiary's ��h�r rights under the law �r
<br /> this S�curity Instrum�nt.
<br /> Leaseholds; �ondaminxums; P�anned Un�t I]eve�oprnents. Trustar agrees to comply with the pr�vasians af
<br /> any Yease if this Securx�y Znstrument is an a �easeha�d. �f�he Property includes a unit in a candominium or a
<br /> pianned unit d��e�opment, Trustor wiil perfarm a11 of Trustor's duti�s under �he �o�enants, by-lavvs, or
<br /> regulations of t�e candominium nr planned un�t de�elopm�nt.
<br /> Condemnat�on. Trustor wi�l giv� B�n�ficiary pr�xnp� notice of any pend�ng or thr�aten�d actian, by private
<br /> ar public entities to purchase �r tak� any or a1� of the Property through condemnatian, eminent domain, or
<br /> any other means. Trus�or authorizes Ben�fxciary to in�ervene in Trustor's name in any of th� aba�e described
<br /> actians ar claims. Trustor assigns to BeneficYa.ry the proceeds of any award ar cla�m far damages canne�t�d
<br /> wxth a condemnation or other taking of a�.l or any part of the Prap�rty. 5uch proceeds shall be �onsidered
<br /> payments and wx1l be applied as provided �n this Secur�ty �nstrument. This assignment of proce�ds is subjec�
<br /> ��the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trus�, s��urity agreement or ather Iien document.
<br /> Insurance. Trustor shal� keep Property insured agaYnst loss by fire, flood, theft and other hazards and risks
<br /> reasonably associated w�th�he Proper�y due to its type and locatian. Thi� insurance sha1l be ma�ntained in the
<br /> amounts and f�r the periads �hat Ben�fic�ary requires. What �en�fY�iary requir�s pursuant ta the preceding
<br /> two sentences can change during the term of the 5ecured Debt. Th� insurance carr�er prouiding the insurance
<br /> shall b� chasen by Trustor subject to B�neficiary's appro�al, which shall n�t b� unreasonabiy withheld. If
<br /> Trustor fa�ls to maan�a�n th� caverage d�scrxb�d abave, Beneficiary may, at Bene�c�ary's o�tion, o�tain
<br /> coverage to pratec�Bene�ciary�s rights �n the Prap�rty according�o the terms af thi� Secur�ty Ins�rument.
<br /> A�� insurance pol�cies and renewals shaix be acceptable to Ben�ficiary and shal� inciude a standard "mortgage
<br /> clause" and, where applicable, "lass paye� cXause." Trustflr shall rmmediately notify Seneficiary of
<br /> cancellatYon or termina��on of the i.nsurance. Beneficiary sha11 hav� �he rxght to hold �he palicies and
<br /> renewal.s. �f B�neficiary requires, Trustor shalX �mmedia�ely give to Senefic�ary all r�ceYpts of pa.�d premiums
<br /> and renewal notices. Upon loss, Trustar sha�1 gY�e imm�diate natice �o �he insurance carrier and Benefic�ary.
<br /> Beneficiary may make pra�f of loss if not made�mm�dia�ely�y Trustor.
<br /> Unless otherwise agreed in writing, a.II insuran�e pro�eeds shall be appli�d �o the restaration ar repair of the
<br /> Property pr ta the Secured Debt, whether or no� then due, at Benefi�iary's option. Any applica�ian of
<br /> proc�eds ta pr�ncipal sha.Il no� extend ar postpone the due date of th� s�heduled payment nor change the
<br /> amount of any paymen�. Any e�ccess wi11 be paid to the Trustar, if the Property Ys acquired by Beneficiary,
<br /> Trustflr's right to any insurance palicxe� and proc�eds resuiting fram damage to the Property before �he
<br /> acquzs�tian sha.��pass to Beneficiary to the extent of the Se�ured I3eb�immediately before the acquisition.
<br /> F�nancxal Reports and AdditionaY Documents. Trustor wi�I provide ta Beneficiary upon request, any
<br /> f�nancial sta�ement or xnformat�on Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary. Trustor agrees to sign,
<br /> delxver, and file any add�t�onal documen�s or certificatzons that Beneficiary may cansider necessary�o perfect,
<br /> continue, and preserve Trustor's obiigations under this S��urYty �ns�rumen� and �en�f�ciary's lien status an
<br /> the Praper�y.
<br /> 6. �W' Y �F TITL�. Trustor warrants �hat Trustar is ar wxll �� �awfully sexzed af the estate conveyed
<br /> by this Securzty rns�rument and has the right tn irre�ocably grant, canvey, and sell the Property ta Trust�e, in
<br /> trust, w�th paw�r af sale. Trustor a�.so warrants that the Property is unencumbered, e�ccept far �ncum�rances
<br /> of record.
<br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. Ben�ficiary may, a� its option, declare the entrre balan�e of the Secured D�bt to b�
<br /> immedrat�ly due and payable upon�he crea�ion of, or contract far the crea�ran of, a transfer or sale of aII or
<br /> any part �f�he Property. Th�s r�ght zs subj ect ta the restr�ction� imposed by federal law t 1� C.F.R. 59�}, as
<br /> applxcab�e.
<br /> 5e�urity lnstrument-Open-�nd-Cvnsumer-N� �CP-R�DT-NE 71�1�01 1
<br /> VMPO gankers SystemsT�" VMP-C465[NE} (��p'7}.pp
<br /> Wafters Kluwer Fir�ancial Ser�i�e$C�1994,20�� Page 3 of 5
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