2� 1 �� 1 ���
<br /> The propert� is located in ...Hall . ................................... at ........................... . ..
<br /> r r r r.r r.r r•. +r• ••r r r r.
<br /> (Gaunty}
<br /> ..15 3,5,,Al 1�n,,Ave............................, ..Grand,I s 1 and.................., Nebraska ..6,8 8 0 3,....�.....
<br /> ..... . ..... ... ..... .......... ..... ..... . . . ..
<br /> (Address} (C ity} (ZZP C ode}
<br /> Toge�.ier wxth al� rights, easem�nts, appurtenances, royalties, mxnera� rights, o�I and gas rights, a�I water and
<br /> riparian r�ghts, ditch�s, and water stvck and all �xisting and future �mpro�ements, structures, frxtures, and
<br /> repla�ements�hat may now, or at any time in the future, b�part of the re�. estate described abo�e �a11 r�ferr�d
<br /> to as "Propearfiy").
<br /> 3. MAXIMUM �BLIGATI�N LIMIT. The ��ta1 principal amaunt se�ur�d by this Securxty �nstrument at any
<br /> ane time sha11 nat exce�d $ 5 5�,o o�..o.o....................... ......... . This I�mitatxon of amount daes not
<br /> ...
<br /> �nclude interest and other fees and charg�s �a��dly made pursuant tn this Security Instrument. Also, this
<br /> l�m�tation does n�t apply to ad�ances made under the terms of �his Securx�y Ins�rument to pro�e�t
<br /> Beneficiary's secur�ty and to perform any of the covenan�s cantaxned xn this Security �ns�rument.
<br /> 4. �EC[JRED DE�T ANI]FUTURE ADVANCES, The�erm "5ecured Debt" is d�fined as fo��ows:
<br /> A.Debt incurred under the terms of a11 pr�missary nate�s}, con�ract�s}, guaranty�i�s} or other ev�den�� of
<br /> d��t des�ribed be�ow and a�.� their ex�ensions, renewals, mod�f�cat�ans ar subs�itutions. (Yor� must�
<br /> s�ecifccaZly identify t�he deb��s} se�ured and you sho�cld incZude the firtal maturity da�e�f such deb��s}.�
<br /> Na�e I]ated. March �7 �016 In The Amaunt 4 f $5 5, ��Q.0 0
<br /> Ac�ruing At A Varia�le Rate �W'ith A Maturi� Dat� Qf Mar�h Olr ���1
<br /> Said Loan In The Name�s} �f Tony E Siebe S�
<br /> Ancl Randa K S i ebe
<br /> B. A11 future advances from Seneficiary to Trustar or other future o]�liga�ions of Trus�ar to Seneficiary
<br /> �xnder any promYss�ry no�e, con�ract, �uaranty, or ather e�iden�� af debt executed by Trustor �n favor
<br /> of BenefiCiary after this Security Instrument whether or nat this Security Instrument is specifi�ally
<br /> refer�nced. �f mare than ane person signs �hxs Secur�ty �ns�rument, each Trustor agrees that �his
<br /> Security Instrument wil� secure a.�� future ad�ances and future obligatxans that are gi�en ta or incurred
<br /> by any ane or mare Trustor, or any ane or mare Trustor and others. All future advances and other
<br /> futur� o�ligations ar� s�cur�d by thxs 5�curity �ns�rumen� ev�n though all or part may n�t yet be
<br /> ad�anced. A�� future advances and oth�r future abl�gat�ons are Se�ured as if made on the dat� af�his
<br /> Securi�y Instrument. No�hing in this Security Instr�ument sha�l constitute a caxnmitment to make
<br /> additiana� or future laans or ad�ances in any amount. Any such commitmen� must be agreed to rn a
<br /> sep arate writYng.
<br /> C.A11 other abligations Trustar ow�s to Beneficiary, whrch may Iater arise, to the exten�not prohibited by
<br /> 1aw, including, but n�t �imited to, Iiabilities far a�erdrafts relat�ng to any deposit account agre�ment
<br /> be�ween Trustor and Ben�fi�iary.
<br /> I].Al� add��iona�. sums advanced and exp�nses incurred by Senef�ciary for �nsur�ng, preserving ar
<br /> otherwise prot��tYng the Property and its �alu� and any a�her sums ad�anced and exp�nses in�urred by
<br /> Beneficiary under the terms of this Secur�ty �nstrument.
<br /> rn�he event that Benefxciary fa.ils to provide any r�quired n�tzce of the right of rescissian, B�n�ficiary waives
<br /> any subs�qu�nt s�curxty�nter�s�xn�he Trustar's principal dwellrng that is�reated by�his Security Instrumen�.
<br /> 5. I3EEI3 �F TRU'ST C(]VENANTS. Trustor agre�s that the cavenants in this s�ction ar� material ❑bligations
<br /> under �he 5ecured D�bt and this Security Instrument. Zf Trustor breaches any cavenant in this section,
<br /> Beneficiary may refuse to make add�t�anaX e��ensians of credit and reduce the cred�t iYmYt. By not ex�rci�ing
<br /> either remedy on Trus�or's breach, Benef�c�ary do�s not waive Benefi�iary's right to later c�nsider the event a
<br /> breach if it happens again.
<br /> Payments. Trustor agrees that aII payments u.nder the S�cur�d D��t will be paid when ciue and in accordance
<br /> vvith�he terms of the Secured Debt and this Security Ynstrument.
<br /> Pr�or Security Interests. With regard t� any other martgage, deed of trust, secur�ty agreement or other �ien
<br /> dacument tha� created a pr�or secur�ty inter�st �r encum�rance on the Property, Trust�r agrees to mak� aII
<br /> payments when du� and to perform ar comply with a�� �ovenants. Trustar also agre�s not t� allow any
<br /> modification or ex�ension of, nor ta request any futur� advances under any note ar agreemen� secured by �h�
<br /> Iien dacumen�withaut Benefxciary's priar written approval.
<br /> Claims Against Title. Trustor will pay aii taxes �includ�ng any tax ass�ss�d to this Deed of Trust},
<br /> assessmen�s, �iens, encumbrances, lease paymen�s, graund rents, util�ties, and other charges relat�ng to the
<br /> Property when due. Benefic�ar�y may requ�re Trustor to pro�ide �n Benefic�ary cop�es ❑f all notx�es that such
<br /> amaunts are du� and the receipts evidencing Trustor's payment. Trustar will defend title ta the Property
<br /> agai.nst any claims that wou�d impair the xien af thxs Securi�y �nstrument. Trustor agrees to assign to
<br /> Beneficiary, as requested by BeneficYary, any rights, claims or defenses Trustor may ha�e against parties wha
<br /> supply labor or materials�o maintain or impro�e�he Property.
<br /> Security lnstrum�nt-npen-End-Consumer-NE �CP-RE�T-NE 712I�D11
<br /> VMP�Bankers 5ystemsT^^ VMP-C4�5fNE] t1 1�7y.Q�
<br /> Walters K1Uwer Fir�ancial 5er�ices fl1994,2Q1 1 Page 2 of�
<br />