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<br /> DEED �F TRL�ST
<br /> ���7�7tlnued� Page 7
<br /> modifications ��, consalida#ian� af and substitutivns fQr the Cr�dit Agreement or Related Documents and any
<br /> amaun�s �xpended or ad�anced �y Lende� t� dis�harge Trustor's obligatians o� expens�s incurr�d by Trus�ee vr
<br /> Lender to enforce Trustor's obligations under �his ❑eed of Trus�, together wi�h interest on such amvunts as
<br /> prc�Wid�t� in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> L�nder. The word "Lender" means Exchange Bank, its suc��ssors and ass�gns. The words "�u�c�ssars ar
<br /> assigns" mean any person vr campany t�at a�qu�res any in�erest in�he Credi�Agreement.
<br /> P�rsonal Prop�rty, The ►�vords "Personal Praperty" mean all equipment, fiixtur�s, and other arti�les af p�rsanal
<br /> praperty na�rv v� her�after own�d �y Trustor, �nd now ar hereaf�er att�ched or affixed �v the R�al Praperty;
<br /> together with a!! ac��ssivns, parts, and additivns to, all repiacemen�s of, and a�� su#astitu�ions for, any of sueh
<br /> prvper�y; and together with all proceeds �including without l+mit�tion a11 insurance prv�eeds and refunds of
<br /> premiumsj fram any sal�or Qthe�dispositian a�the P�aperty.
<br /> Prvperty. The ward "Property" m�ans ca�lecti�ely the Reai Property ar�d the Persana! P�operty.
<br /> Real Praper�y. The words "Real Property" m�an the real property, 'snterests and rights, as �urther descrih�d in�his
<br /> Deed o#Trus�.
<br /> Reiat�d DvC�fYl�ntS. The wards "Related DoGuments" mean all pramissory no�e�, credit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, en�ironmental ag�e�ments, guaranties, secur�ty ag�eements, martgages, deeds o� trustr S�CIJff�y
<br /> deeds, c�llatera� mortgag�s, and al! other ins�ruments, agr��ments and documen�s, whe�her now or hereafter
<br /> eacist�ng, executed in connectian with the Indeb�edness.
<br /> Rents. The v►rvrd "Rents" means all �resent and �uture rents, re�enues, �ncvme, issues, royal��es, prvfits, and
<br /> o�her bene�i�s deri�ed from the Property.
<br /> Trust�e. The ward "Trustee" means �acchange �ank, whose addr�ss is PQ Bax 397, Kea�ney, NE �884$ and any
<br /> substitute❑r�uccess�r trustees.
<br /> Trustor. Th�word "Trustar" m��ns We�ley M Encinger.
<br /> TRusTOR:
<br /> x
<br /> Wesley M Encin er
<br /> STATE�F � j
<br /> �
<br /> �5S
<br /> CUUNTY�7F }
<br /> C3n thEs day before me, th� undersi�ned N�tary Publi�, persanally appeared Wesley M Encinger, to mE known to be �h�
<br /> indi�iduai desc�i�aed in and wha �xecuted the f�eed a�Trust, and a�knowl�dged that he �r she signed the Deed o�Trust
<br /> as his❑r her�ree and�oluntary a�t and deed, fvr�he uses and pur�ases�herein mentianed.
<br /> Civen under my hand and vfficial seal this _ � �- day o#� ` , �� �
<br /> By � ��---
<br /> Printed Nam�: ��'� � ' ��" .T
<br /> Notary Public in and for the Stat of ��
<br /> -' �����������A _ �, Residing at ` .�`
<br /> � RY 5����af y#�b��s� .
<br /> ���' �C�R� A'����RS My commissiQn expires � �''`
<br /> � � � � ��
<br /> ....a:-~--� �ly��mm.�xp.►����r�4,�Of�
<br /> tTo be used only wh�n�bligations ha�e �een paid in#ull3
<br /> To: , Truste�
<br /> The undersigned is the legal owner and hvlder a�a!I lndebtedness secur�d by this �eed �f Trust. A(I sums secured by
<br /> this Deed o#Trust ha�e been�u!{y paid and satisfied. You are here�y dire�ted, upon payment tv you a�any sums owing
<br /> to yau un�fer �he terms of this Deed af Trust or pursuant ta any applicahle s�atute, to cancel �he Credit Agreement
<br /> secured by this De�d o# Trust �which is deli�ered t❑ you tog��her with this Deed �f Trus�f, and �v recon��y, withaut
<br /> warranty, to the parties designated by the t�rms v�this ❑eed of Trus�, �he estat� now held by you under this Deed of
<br /> Trust. P�ease ma+l the recon�eyanGe and f�e�a�ed Docum�nts ta:
<br /> Date: geneficiary:
<br /> �y:
<br /> l�s:
<br /> LaserPra, Ver. 15.�.2Q.Q3fi �apr. D+H U5A Garpora�ion 199�, ��16. All Rights Reser�ed. - NE
<br /> L:1�F�1LPL1G01.FC TR-'f 5594 PR-1 S1
<br />