2� 1 �� 1577
<br /> sufficient amount to pay any 1a�e cha�ge due, the payment may be app��ed to�he delinquent payment and
<br /> �h� late charge. !f more than one periadic Payment is outs�anding, Lender may apply any paymen�
<br /> recei�ed f�om Borrower �a the repayment of the �'eriodi� Paymen�s if, and �o the extent that, each
<br /> paymen� can b� paid in ful[. To the ext�nt tha� any excess exists after the payment �s applied �o �he fu11
<br /> paymenfi of on� or more Periad�c Paymen�s, su�h excess may be applied to any late charges due.
<br /> Valuntary prepayments sha�l be applied f�rst �o any prepayment charges and �hen as described in the
<br /> N a�e,
<br /> Any application flf payments, insurance proceeds, ar Mis�ellaneous F�raceeds to principa� due under
<br /> �he Note shall no�ex�end or postpone the due date, or chan�e the amount, of�he Per�od��Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escro►n► �tems. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Peri�dic Payments are due
<br /> under the Note, un�i� �he hfote is paid in fu�l, a sum �the "Funds"} ta pro�ide for paymen� af amounts due
<br /> for: �a}taxes and assessmen�s and other i#ems which can at�ain p�ior��y o�er�his Securi�y lns�rumen�as a
<br /> lien or encum�ran�e an �he P�operty; �b} leasehold payments ar ground renfs on the Pr�per�y, if any; and
<br /> �c} premiums for any and alf insuran�e required by Lender under Sec�ion 5. Th�se items a�e called
<br /> "Escra�rv i�ems," At arigina�ion or a� any �ime during th� term of �he Loan, Lender may require tha�
<br /> Gammunity Association aues, Fees, and Assessments, if any, �e escrvwed �y Borrower, and such dues,
<br /> fees and assessments sha11 be an Escrow It�m. Borrower shall promp�ly furnish ta Lender all no�ices of
<br /> amounts to be paid under �his Section. Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds fo� Escrflw l�ems un�ess
<br /> Lender wa��es Borrower's obligation to pay th� Funds for any or all Escrow I�ems. Lender may wai�e
<br /> Barrower's obligaf�on fo pay�� Lender Funds fo�any ar a1i Escraw ltems at any time. Any such wai�e�may
<br /> �nly be �n writing. In the event of such wa��er, Bor�vwe� sha�� pay di��c�iy, when and where payable, th�
<br /> amounts due for any Escrv`rv Items fo�wh�ch paymen�af Funds has �een waived by L�nd�r and, if Lender
<br /> requir�s, shal( furnish to Lender rece�pts e�idencing such payment wi�h�n such t�me pe�iad as L�nder may
<br /> requ�re. Borr�wer's o�ligation to make such paymen�s and t� pra��de receipts shal� fo� all purposes be
<br /> deemed to be a ca�enant and agreemen� ��n�ained �n �his Secur�ty �ns�rument, as �he phrase "co�enan�
<br /> and agreement" is used in S�ction 9. If Borrower is �bliga�ed t� pay Escrow items direc�ly, pursuan�to a
<br /> wai�er, and Borrow�r fails to pay�he amoun�due far an Escraw ltem, Lender may exercise its �ights under
<br /> Sect�on 9 and pay such amount and Barrower shall then be obliga�ed under Sec�ivn � tv repay to Lender
<br /> any such amount. Lender may re��ke �he wa���� as to any or a�� Esc��w l�ems at any t�me by a no�ice
<br /> gi�en in accvrdance v���h Sec�ion �4 and, upon such revocation, Borr�we� shall pay to Lende� al� Funds,
<br /> and �n su�h amounts, fiha�are#hen required under�h�s Section 3.
<br /> Lender may, a� any��me, c�lle�t and hold Funds �n an amount �a} sufficient�fl permit Lender#o apply
<br /> the Funds a�the tim� specified under RESPA, and �b} not#o exceed �he maximum amount a lender can
<br /> require under RESPA. Lender shall es�imate �he amount of Funds due on the basis of cur�ent data and
<br /> reasona�l� estimates of expendi�ures vf futur� Escrow ltems or otherwise in accardance wi�h Appficable
<br /> Law.
<br /> The Funds sha�l be he�d in an institutian whose d�pasits are insured by a fed�ral agen�y,
<br /> instrumental�ty, �r enf�fiy �including Lender, if Lend�� is an ins�itu#ion whose deposits are s� insured} vr in
<br /> any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay �he Escrow I�ems no �a#�r than the
<br /> �ime spe�ified under RESPA. Lender sha{f not charge Borrower far holding and applying �he Funds,
<br /> annua�fy analyzing the es�row accflunt, or �er�fyin� �he Escrow ftems, un�ess Lender pays Borrawer
<br /> in�erest an the Funds and Appficable Law permi�s Lender to make such a cha�g�. lJnless an agreement is
<br /> mad� in writing or Appl��ab�e Law requires �nterest to be paid on the Funds, Lender sha�f not be r�quired
<br /> to pay Bo�rawer any in�eres� or earnEngs on �he Funds. B��rower and L�nd�r can agr�e in writing,
<br /> however, �hat�n�eres�shalf be paid on th� Fund�, Lender shall g�ve ta Barrower, withou�charge, an annual
<br /> accoun�ing af th� Funds as requir�d �y RESP�.
<br /> 1f �here �s a surplus of Funds held ir� ���raw, as defined und�r RESPA, Lende� shall account ta
<br /> � 3 p ❑ D � � s 4 0 8 � � M c M o R T o v T �
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