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2� 1 �� 1577 <br /> to �he in�e�ests granted �y B�rrower �n this �ecurity lns�rument, bu�, if nec�ssary ta �vmply w��h law or <br /> custvm, MERS tas nominee for Lend�r and Lender's successars and assigns} has �he right: to exer��se <br /> any or al1 of�hose inter�s�s, incfuding, �ut no#limited ��, the right tv foreclose and sel��h� Proper�y; and to <br /> fa�e any ac��on required of Lender incfuding, but not limifed to, releasing and canceling �h�s Security <br /> Instrument, <br /> B�RRDWER ��VENANTS �ha� Borrower is lawfuify seised af the es�a�e hereby con�eyed and has <br /> fh� righ� to grant and conWey �he Proper�y and tf�at the Praperty is unencumbered, excepf �or <br /> encumb�ances of record. Borrower warrants and will defend gene�ally �he ti�le �o the Pro�erty against a�l <br /> cfa�ms and demands, subject to any�ncumbrances of rec�rd. <br /> TH15 SECURITY INSTRUMENT corr�b�nes un�form co�enan�s fvr na�ional use and non-uni�vrm <br /> covenants with limited �a�iations by jurisdic#ion �o consti�u�e a un�farm securi�y in���umen� co�ering real <br /> proper�y. <br /> UNIF�RM ��VENANTS. Borrower and Lender cv��nanf and ag�ee as fvlfaws: <br /> '�. Payment of Pr�nc�pal, Interest, Escraw Items, Prepayment �harges, and Late Charges. <br /> Borrawer sha�� pay when due the p�incipal of, and inte�est on, the debt e�idenced by the Note and any <br /> prepayment charges and la�e charges due under the Note. Borrower shal� alsa pay funds for Escrow ltems <br /> pursuant to 5ectivn 3. Paymen�s due under the Nate and th�s Se�uri�y lns�rument shall be made in U.S. <br /> curren�y. Howe�er, if any ch�ck or o�her instrument recei�ed by Lender as paymen�und�r the No�e or this <br /> Se�urity lnstrumen�is refurned�o Lende�unpaid, Lender may requ�re that any or all subsequent payments <br /> du� unde� the No�e and this Se�ur��y Instrumen� be made �n �ne or more �f �he following forms, as <br /> select�d by Lender: �a} �ash; �b} man�y order; �c} ��r���ed check, bank check, �rea�urer's �he�k or <br /> cashier's cheGk, pro�ided any such che�k is drawn upon an �ns��tu�ion whose depos�ts a�e insured by a <br /> fede�al agency, �nstrumen�a�i�y, or ent�ty; or�d} Elec�ran�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are d�emed re�eived by Lender when received at fihe laca��on designa�ed in th� N�te ar at <br /> such othe� Ioca��on as may be des�gnated �y Lender �n a�co�dance with �h� no�ice pr��i�i�ns in Section <br /> �4. Lender may return any payment ❑r par��al payment if th� paymen� o� partial payments are �nsuffic�en� <br /> to bring the Loan curren�. Lend�r may accep�any paymen�a�par�ial paymen�insufficient to br�ng�he Loan <br /> current, wi�hou�wai�er of any rights her�under or prejud�ce to its r�gh�s �o �efuse such paymen� or partia� <br /> payments in the future, but Lender�s nat obl�gated �o apply such paymen�s a�the time such paymen�s are <br /> accep�ed. lf each Per�odic �'aymen� is app�ied as of its schedufed due dafie, �hen Lender need no� pay <br /> in�erest an unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unap�lied funds unt�l Bnrrower ma�es paymen� to <br /> bring �he Loan curren�. if E3arrower does nv� da so with�n a reasvnabie period of time, Lender shali either <br /> apply such fund� or r�turn th�m �fl Ba��ower. !f not applied earlie�, such funds will be app�ied to th� <br /> outstanding principa! ba�ance under �he Note immedia�ely p��ar �a foreclosu��. No offset or c�aim which <br /> Bor�ower might have n�w or �n �he future a�ainst Lender shall relie�e Borrawer from making payments <br /> due under fhe Note and fihis S�curi�y Insfirument or per�orm�ng the cv�enants and agreements secur�d �y <br /> th�s S��ur�ty Insfrument. <br /> �. Application �f Payments or Proc�e�ls. Except as atherwise describ�d in this Sec��an �, al! <br /> payments accepted and applied by Lender shal! be app�ied in the foll�w�ng orde� af prior�ty: �a} in�erest <br /> due under#he Note; ��} pr�n�ipal due under the N�te; �c} amoun�s due under Sectian 3. Such paymen�s <br /> sha�l �e applied to each Periadic Paymen� in the order in which it became due. Any remaining amaunts <br /> shall be app�ied f�rst to 1at� charges, second t� any a�her amaunts due under this S�curity �nstrument, and <br /> fhen�o reduc�the principal balance of the Nate. <br /> lf L�nder re��i��s a payrr�en� from Borrower for a de�inquent Per�odic Paym�nt which includ�s a <br /> � <br /> � 3 ❑ ❑ � 2 � 5 4 O 8 � � M C M o R T o o r � <br /> NEBRAS�CA--Single Family—UNEF�RM INSTRUMENT MERS <br /> Accenture Mvrtgage Cadence❑oc�me�t Center a Page 4 of'15 <br /> 3773 D�114 <br />