2� 1 �� 1541
<br /> �E��+ �� �'����'
<br /> �.o�� �o: �C�'l�9�4�C�9�5 ���t�������� ���e �
<br /> preempfied by f�d�ra� lau►r, �h� laws o��h� �tat� o�Nebraska►1►fi���aufi regard�a i�s canfl�cts vf�aw prouisivns. This
<br /> Qeed o�T'rus�has b�en a�c�pted hy Lender i��tI�e Sta�e a�Ne�ras�ca.
<br /> Ghoi�e of Venue. l� there �s a iawsuit, Trus�or ag�ees upon Lender's request ta submi� to �:he jurisdiction a� the
<br /> cour�s o� HALL County, State o�f Nebrasf�a.
<br /> Jo�n� and �everal Li�b�li�:y, Al� ok�li�atEQns o-� Trus�:or under �his Deed af Trus�: shafl be joint and se�eral, and all
<br /> referenc�s to Trus�tor shall m�an each and e�ery Trus��r. This means tha-� eacl� Trustor signing b�lavtir is
<br /> responsible for��I o�li�atians in�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Na INai►rer�y Lender. Lender shall na� be deemed ta haWe wai��d any righ�s under this ❑eed a�Trust unless such
<br /> wai��r is given in writing and s�gned by Lender. No delay or omission t�n the part of Lender in exercising any righ�
<br /> shafl opera�e as a waiver��such righ� �r any other right. �! wai�er by Lender af a pro�ision o�t��is Deed of Trust
<br /> shall not prejudi�e or Gonstitute a wai�er af Lender`s right o�l��rwise to demand s�ri�t compliance wifih tha�t
<br /> pro�isian a� any o�her pravision �f thi� Deed o� Trus�. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any course �-� dea�ing
<br /> between Lender and Trustor, shall cons-�itute a vvai�er o� any o� Lender's rights or a� any o�Trustor's obliga�ions
<br /> as �a any fu�ur� transac�:�ons. 1111henever �he consent o� Lender is required under th�s Deed a�Trust, �he grantEng
<br /> o� such consent by L�nder in any instance shal! n�� canstitu-�e coi��inuing consent �o subsequent instances where
<br /> such consent is req��i�ed and in a[I cases such consent may b�granted or wi�h}�eld in�he so[e discretion of Lender.
<br /> Severabif�-�y. I� a court of campetent�urisdiction finds any pro�isi�n of fi}�is ��ed �f Trust to be ill�gal, inW�lid, or
<br /> unen�arceable as to any p�rson or circumsfiance, tl�at finding shall no�; malce the o�fending pravEsion illegal, inva�id,
<br /> or unen�orceaE�le as ta any oth�r pers�n ar circums�ance. lf �feasil�[e, fihs o�fending prouision shafl I�e con�ider�d
<br /> modified s� that it becomes I�gal, Walid and enfar�eable. If �he �ffendin� pro�ision cannat be s� mfldif��d, if shall
<br /> be conside�ed deie�t�d from this Deed a�F �-rust. fJnles� o�}�erwise requir�d by law, the illegality, in�ralidity, ar
<br /> l.in�n��fC2a�lI1��I �� a1`1�1 pC�V151Dn D'��:h15 Deed nf Trus� sha[I n�t affec�-the legal��y, �alid��y or enfor�eabi[ity of any
<br /> ather pro�isi�n o����is D��d of Trust.
<br /> �uC�ESSD�'S ai�d �ssigns. 5ubj�ct to any limi-�ations st�ted in �h15 ❑eed o�f T�us� on tran��fer of Trustor`s in�eres�,
<br /> this Deed �f T�ust sha�! be b�nding upon and inure �lo the benefit o� the par�€es, their �uccessors and assigns, i-f
<br /> ownership of the Proper�y becom�s �es�ed En a persor� o�h�r than Trusfor, L�nder, wEthou� no�ice �:a Trustor, may
<br /> deal wi�h Trustor's su�cessors with reference �o�his beed �-�Trust and�:he tndeb�edn�ss by way a��orbearance or
<br /> ex�ension wi�hout re�easing Trus�ar f�-om the oi�ligations o�this Deed of Trus�or [ia�iiity under-fil-�� Indebtedness�
<br /> T�me is o����e Esser�ce. Time is of�he essenGe in the per�ormance af�his ❑eed of T�us�fi.
<br /> V11ai►rer o� Hames�e�� Exempfiion, Tru��ar hereby releases and wai�es alI rights and benefi�s Qf �he hom�stead
<br /> exemption �aws ❑��he 5ta�e�f Nebrasica as to a11 Ind�bt�dness secured by�:his Deed of Tr��st.
<br /> �EFiIV�TN(3NS. The �ollav�ring capi-�a[ized words and �erms shall ha�� the �o1[�w�ng meanings when used in this aeed o�
<br /> Trus�:. Un�ess speGifi�aily s�a-�ed �o th� cantrary, a[1 references �a d�11�r amounts shail mean amoun�s in 1aw�ful money
<br /> af the Un�ted States of l-�meri�a. Words and tcrms uscd in the singul�r shall include the �lural, and �1�e plural shall
<br /> include the singular, as th� context rnay �equ�re, VIlords and terms no� o�herwise def�n�d in t�ris D�ed a� T�ust shall
<br /> have the meanings at�ributed to such t�rms �n the Uni-�orm �ammercia� Code:
<br /> �3ene�riciar•�r. The word "Ben�fici�ry" means Fi�e �'ain�:s Banlc, and i�s su�cess�rs and assigns.
<br /> Barrower. The v�ord "Borrawer" m�ans REX RiEDY anc� Di�4NE RIEDY and inc[udes all co-signers and co-mal�ers
<br /> signing th� Na�e and all their successors and as�igns.
<br /> Qeed ❑� �'rus�, �Whe words "aeed of Trust" mean �his ❑eed of Trus� among Trustar, Lend�r, and Trusfiee, and
<br /> includes wi�hou�: l�mitatian all assignment and securi�y inter�s� pro�isEans rela�ing �o the Personal �roper�y and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> De�au��. The word "Default" means-�he Defaul�s�t-farth in�his a�ed of Trus�in�he s�ction�i�led "Defau��".
<br /> EnWironmen�a� LavRrs. The wQrds "En�ir�nmen�al Laws" mean any and a[l state, �federa� and local statut�s,
<br /> regulations and ordinances r�la�ing �o �he pro�e�tion af l�uman hea[�h or �he enWironmen-t, including witf�out
<br /> limi�a�ion th� Compr�hensi�e En�ir�nmen�a� �i�spons�, Compensation, and L�ahility I�ct of �984, �s amended, 4�
<br /> U,S.�. Sec�ian 9601, e� s�q, t"CER�LA"}, the Superfund Amendm�nts and Reautho�i�ation Ac� o� �986, Pub. L,
<br /> No, 9g�499 {"SARA"�, the Ha�ard�us Mater�als Transportal�ion Act, 49 LJ.S.C, Sect�on 18��r et seq., �he Resaurc�
<br /> Conser�a�ion and Reco�rery Ac�, 4� LJ.S.C. Sec�ion 5901, e� seq., �r other applicable sta�e or �ederal faws, rules,
<br /> or regu[atians adopted pursuant th�r��o,
<br /> Ev�n�l a�Defau�t. The words "E�rent o� aefault" mean any a�the ��ents af default se�:iorth in�his Deec� a�Trus�in
<br /> the e�en�s of defaul�s�ctian of ti�is Deed of Tr-us�.
<br /> Existing Indeb�edness. The words "Existing Indebtedness" mean the i�7de�tedness d�scribed in �1h� Exis�ling Liens
<br /> pro�isian af�}�is I�eed o�Trust.
<br /> Guaran�}�. The word "G uaranty" means the guaranty fr�m guaran�or, �ndorser, surety, or accammodation par�y�:o
<br /> Lender, including wi�hau� limitat�on a guaranty o�all or par-�o-f the No�e.
<br /> F-taz�rdaus Su�stances. The w�rds "Hazardous Suhs�an�es" m�an mat�rials -�hat� I�ecause of �heir quantity,
<br /> concen�ratian or pl�ysical, chemical or inf�cfiEaus charac�eris�cics, may �ause ar pase a presen-� or po�enl:ial hazard
<br />