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<br /> paragraph ❑f�his Deed af T�us�t.
<br /> A.�fivrneys' F�es►• �xpenses. l� Lender institutes any suit ar acti�n fio enforce any �f th� terms af this C�eed of
<br /> Trust, Lend�r shall be entitled �a re�o�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whe�h�r or nflt any caurt actiai� is in��lved, and to the �xtent na-t prohibzted by faw, all
<br /> reasonab�e exp�nses Lender incurs that En Lender's opinian are necessary at any time for the proteCtion of i�s
<br /> interes� or the enforcement of its rights shall b�come a par�of the Indebt�dness payabfe on demand and shall bear
<br /> interest a�the Note rate frorn the da�e af the expend�ture untii repaid. Expenses ca�rered by�his paragraph inc�ude,
<br /> wi�hout limi-l-a-fi�on, howe�er subjec�to any limi�s under app[i�ab�e law, Lender's atto�neys' �ees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whetl�er or nat �h�re �s a lawsui-�, including at�orneys' �ees and expens�s far ban�cruptcy praceedings
<br /> tinc�udir�g eff�r�s to modi�y or�aca�e any au�kamatic s�ray or injunc�ion}, appeals, and any anticipa�:ed pas�-judgmenfi
<br /> callec�iQn ser�ices, the cost nf searching recards, a�taining title r�ports �inc�uding foreG[osur� reports}, surveyors'
<br /> repor�s, and appraisal tees, �i�[e insurance, and fees far fihe Trus�ee, to the �x�en�r permit��d by applicab[e iaw.
<br /> Trus�or also will pay any cour�casts, in additi�n to a[1 ❑ther sums pravided by I�w.
<br /> Righ�� o�T�ustee. Trus�ee sha!! haWe al! o�the righ�s and duties ❑f Lender as se�for�h in�his se�tion.
<br /> P�VIIERS l�l�[� �BLIGATI�N� DF TRUSTEE. The �o€lawing pro�isiai-�s relating �o the p�wers and ohfigations of Trustee
<br /> are part af this Deed of Trus�;
<br /> Powers of Trusfiee. In addif�an fio all powers ���Trustee arising as a rnatter of Iaw, Trustee shaff ha�� ���e power�a
<br /> i:ake �he fol�owing a�tions with respec�to the Praper�� upan �he writt�n requesfi o� Lender and Trustor. �a� �oin in
<br /> pre�aaring and filing a map or p[a� of the Real Proper�:y, including �he dedEca�ion o� streets or ��her rigl�ts ta �he
<br /> pub�ic; {b� jain �n gr�nting any easement or creating any �estriction on the R�al Praper�y; an� {c} �oin in any
<br /> subardina�ion or❑�:he�agreement affectin�this Deed o�Trust ar the in�erest af Lender under this Deed af T�ust.
<br /> Trus�e�. Trustee shal! mee� alf quali�ications required for Trustee under appli�ab[e Iav�r. In additio« to the rights
<br /> and r�medies set forfih abo�e, with resp�c� to alI or any pa�t of the Property, the Trus�ee shali ha�e �he righ� fio
<br /> -�areclas� by na�ice and sale, and Lender shall hav� -�h� righ� to fareclase by ju�icial foreclasure, in �ither case in
<br /> accordance with and fio the�ul�extent pro�ided by app�icab�e law.
<br /> 5uccessor Trus�ee. Lender, a� Lender"s aption, may from�ime to time app�int a successor Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> appoin�ed under -�his Deed �� Trus� by an instrument execu�ed and acicnowledged by Lender anci recarded in the
<br /> office of the recorder of HALL �auntyf Sta�e o� Nebraslca. The ins�rumen� shall contain, in addition to all o�her
<br /> ma��ers required by sta�e law, the names o� �the origEnal Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, -�he book and page �or
<br /> c�mpu-�er system r��F�renc�� wher� this Deed o� Trusfi is recorded, and th� name and address o� the successor
<br /> t�ustee, and the instrum�n�shall be execu�ed an�i ackn�wledged by al!the b�neficia�ies under�this Deed of Trus�:�r
<br /> their successors sn interest. The succ�ssor trus�ee, �i�hout �on�eyance of the Prapert}�, shall su�ceed to all fihe
<br /> title, power, and duties �on�ferred up�n�he Trustee in this Deed of Trus� and by applicable law, This procedure i�r
<br /> substitution af Trus#ee �hall govern�Q�h��xclusion af all a�he�pravisEons for substitu�ion.
<br /> N�TICES. Any na�Ece required to be gi�en under this I�eed of Trus�, including Withou� limitatian any notice o� de�aul�:
<br /> and any na�i�e �f safe shal� be giv�n in writing, and shall be effeGtE�e vuhen ac�ually deliWered, when a�tua�ly re�ei�ed
<br /> l�y tele�Facsimile {unless atl�erwis� requir�d by law7, when depos�ted �vith a na�ianally recogni�ed ��ernight couri�r, or, if
<br /> matIed, when deposited in the Uni�ed S�ates mail, as first ciass, certi�ried o� r�gis�ered ma�[ postag� prepaid, direct�d �o
<br /> �he addr�sses sf�own near �he �eginning of this Deed o�Trust. A1� copies of notices of ��reclosure �from th� holder of
<br /> any iien which has priori�y aWer �his Deed a�Trus� shall be sent �o Len�er`s address, as shown near �he beginn�ng a�
<br /> this Qeed of Trus�. Any party may change its addr�ss for notices und�r �his Deed of Trus� �y gi�ing formal wr�t�en
<br /> no�ice �o th� a�her par�ies, speci�ying that �he purpase ❑f the no�ice is t� chan�e the party's address. For nofiice
<br /> purpases, Trustor agrees to keep Lender in�f�rmed a� aIl �imes �f Trust�r's current address. Unless oth�rwise pro�ided
<br /> or r�quired by faw, �f-�here is more �han one Trus�or, any notice gi�en by Lender�o any Trus�or �s deemed tQ be nofii�e
<br /> �iven to ai1 Trus�ors.
<br /> IVIISCELLAi�EDUS P'RaVfS��]NS. The�ollowing miscellan�ous pr��isi�ns ar�a part���his ❑eed �f Trust:
<br /> amendmen�s. This Deed af Trust, �ogether with any Rela�ed Documents, constitutes the en�ire und�rs�anding and
<br /> agreemen� of th� par�ies as to �:h� ma�ters set forth in this aeed of 7rus�. N� al�era�iQn of or amendmen� ta this
<br /> Deed of Trus� shall be efifecti�e un�ess gi�en in wrifiing and signed b� the pa��y or par�ies sau�ht fio be �harged ar
<br /> i�ound by�he alterati�n ar amendment.
<br /> Annuai �eports. �� th� Property is used for purpases other than Trustor's residence, Trustor shall �urnish �o
<br /> Lende�, upan reques�, a Gert�fi�� stat�ment o�f net operating in�ame recei�ed �rom �he Property during Trustor's
<br /> pr��ious �iscaf year in suCh form an� deta�l as Lender sha[1 r�quire. "N�t opera�Eng incame" sha�l mean a[1 �ash
<br /> receip-�s�rom�he Pr�per�y iess all cash�xpendifiures made �n conne��ian with-�he operatian of�he Prop�rty.
<br /> �ap�ivn Headings. �ap�tion headings in this Deed of Trust are �or can�enien�e purposes only and ar� not to be
<br /> used �o inter�aret ar define the pro�isions of thi� Deed af Trust.
<br /> �llerger. There shall be na merger of the in�erest or estate created by�his Deed �f Trust wifil� any�fiher in�erest or
<br /> estate in the Property at any time held by or for the benefi�of L�nder in any capaci�y, withaut the w�i�ten consent
<br /> nf Lender.
<br /> Governing Law. This Qeed af T�•ust wiI� be governed by federaY law applicable �to Lender and, ta tl�e exfient nvt
<br />