2� 1 �� 1519
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No; 'I�'I�94�'17 {Cantinued} Page 3
<br /> in�erests in �he Property are not jeopardized. Lender may r�quire Trustor tv pas� ad�qua�e securi�y a� a surety
<br /> banal, reasonably satisfactary t❑ Lender, to pro�ec�Lender's interest.
<br /> Du�y #o Pro#ect. Trustor agrees �neither �o abandon ar lea�e unattended the Property. Trus�ar shall do all ❑ther
<br /> a��s, in add�tion to thvse acts set fvrth abo�e in this sectivn, which from the character and use vf the Prope��y are
<br /> reasonably necessary to p�vte�t and preser�e the Property.
<br /> DUE �N SALE- C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, a� Lender's op�ion, declare imme��ately due and payable all sums
<br /> se�ured by this ❑eed a�Trust upon�he sale or transfer, withou� Lender's priar written �ansent, ��all or any part vf�he
<br /> Real Property, vr any interest in �he Real Prvperty. A "sale ❑r transfer" means the con�eyance vf Reai Property vr any
<br /> righ�, t�tle or interes� in the Reai Property; whether legal, beneficial or equ�table; whether valuntary vr in�oluntary;
<br /> whether by outrigh� sale, deed, installment sale con�ract, iand �ontract, contract fvr deed, �easehvld interest wi�h a
<br /> �erm greater than �hree {3} years, lease-apt�an confiract, or by sale, assignmen�, ar�ransfer ❑f any beneficial interesfi in
<br /> ar to any land trust halding t�tie to the Reai Property, or by any other me�hvd ❑f con�eyancs o� an in�erest in the Reai
<br /> Prflper�y. Hawever, this ❑p�ion shall nvt be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prahibited by tederal law ❑r by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TAKES AND LEENS. The following provisians relating tv the taxes and fiens ❑n fihe Property are part of �his ❑eed o�
<br /> Trust;
<br /> Paymen�, Trustar shall pay when due �and in all e�ents prior tn def�nquen�y} all�axes, special �axes, assessmen�s,
<br /> �harges �including water and sewer�, �ines and impositic�ns levied agafnst or on account o��he Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims for work done on ❑r fo� ser�ices rendered or mate�ia� furnished to the �roperty. Trustar
<br /> shall maintain�he P�-oper#y �ree ofi all liens having priority o�er❑r equal to the interest vf Lender under this ❑eed ❑f
<br /> Trust, except far fihe lien vf �axes and assessments not due and excep� as v�herwise pro�ided in �his Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> � Right�o Contest. Trust�r may withho�d payment❑�any tax, assessmen�, vr claim in cvnne�tion with a �vvd fai�h
<br /> dispute a�er the obligation to pay, s❑ long as Lender's interest in the Property Es not jeopardized. If a lien arises or
<br /> is fi�ed as a result of nvnpaymen�, Trustor shall wi�hin fifteen �15� days after the �ien arises ar, if a lien is filed,
<br /> within �ifteen ��5} days after Trustor has no�tce ❑� fihe fiifing, secure the discharge af�h� lien, ❑r if requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a suffi�ient corporate surety bvnd vr other security sa�isfactory t❑ Lender in an
<br /> amoun� sufficient t❑ discharge�he lien p�us any casts and attorneys' fees, vr ❑ther cha�ges that could accrue as a
<br /> resul�flf a �ore�lc�sur� or sale under the lien. In any contest, Trustor shal� defend itself and Lender and shaff satisfy
<br /> any adverse judgment be�ore enfar�ement agains�the Property. Trustor shall name Lende�r as an additianal obligee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in�he contest proceedings,
<br /> E�iden�e o�Payment. Trustor sha�� upon demand furnish to Lender sa�is�actory e�idence o� paymen� af the �axes
<br /> ❑r assessments and shall authorize the apprvpriate go�ernmen�al ❑fficial to deli�er ta Lender a� any time a written
<br /> statemen�of the taxes and assessmenfis agains#the Prope�ty.
<br /> Nvtice of Construc�ion. Trustor shall notify Lender at least�fifteen {�5y days bef�re any work is commenced, any
<br /> serWi�es are furnished, or any ma�erials are supplied t❑ �he Praper�y, if any mechan�c's fien, ma�erialmen's lien, ❑r
<br /> vther iien could be asserted �n accoun� of the wvrkr 5L1'VICeS� ❑r materials. Trus�or wiil upvn request vf Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfac�ory t❑ Lender tha� Trust�r can and will pay the cost of such
<br /> ;mpro�ements.
<br /> PRUPERTY ❑AMAGE iNSURANCE. The following provisians relating to insuring the Prvperty are a part of this Deed ofi
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Nlaintenance o� lnsurance. Trustor shall pro�ure and main�a�n policies af ti�-e insurance with s�andard extended
<br /> c��erage endorsements ❑n a fair �alue basis �or the fiull insurai�le �alue co�ering all lmprv�emen�s vn the Real
<br /> Prap�rty in an amount suffi�i�nt t❑ a��id appli�a�ivn ❑f any cainsuran�e c�ause, and with a sfandard mvrtgagee
<br /> clause in �a�or of Lender. Trustor sha�l alsa procure and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in such
<br /> ca�erage amaunts as Lender may reques� with Trustee and Lender being named as additiona! insureds in such
<br /> liabi�ity insurance policies. Additionally, Trust�r shal� ma�ntain su�h o�her insurance, including but not limited to
<br /> hazard, business €nterrupfiion, and bviler insurance, as Lender may reasonably require. Policies shall be written in
<br /> � �orm, amvunts, cv�e�ages and basis reasonahly acceptable to Lender and issued 1�y a �vmpany or cvmpanies
<br /> reasanably acceptable ta Lender. Trustor, upvn request of Lender, will deli�er �a Lender �ram time �❑ time the
<br /> policies or certificates of insurance in �orm sa�is�actary�o Lender, inc�uding stipulations that cv�erages wilf nvt be
<br /> cancelled or d�minished without afi least ten �1�} days prior writ�en natice �o Lender. Each insurance policy alsa
<br /> shall include an endorsement prv�iding tha�coverage in fa�or❑f Lende�-will not be fmpaired in any way by any a�t,
<br /> omission ❑r defaulfi ��Trustor or any vther person. Should the Real Proper�y be fvca�ed in an area designated by
<br /> the Adminis�rator of�he Federal Emergency Management Agency as a special flvod hazard area, Trustor agrees �o
<br /> ❑btain and maintain Federal Ffood lnsuran�e, i� a�ailable, for the full unpaid principal balance ❑f �he Ioan and any
<br /> prio� liens vn �he property securing �he �aan, up �❑ the max�mum poli�y f3mi�s set under the National Flovd
<br /> lnsuranGe Pragram, or as �therwise required by Lender, and ta maintain such insuran�e for the term of�he Ivan.
<br /> Applica�ion of Prviceeds. Trus�vr shall promptly nvtify Lender of any ioss vr damage to the Proper�y. Lender may
<br /> make proof o� �oss if Trusfior fiails to d❑ so within fiiftee,n �15} days �� the casual�y. Whether or nat Lender's
<br /> securi�y is impa�red, Lender may, at Lender's elec�ivn, recei�e and retain �the pro�eeds o� any �nsurance and apply
<br /> the praceeds tv the reduction of �he Indebtedness, payment �f any lien af�ecting �he Pr�perty, or the restara�ivn
<br />