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2� 1 �� 14�5 <br /> DEED �F TRIUST <br /> Loan No: 'I�'I 293��� ��ontinueC�} Page 9 <br /> the addresses shawn near the b�ginning a#�his De�d of Trust. A1� copies of not�ces o� �oreclosure frvm the holder of <br /> any lien which has priority over thEs Deed af Trus� sha�i �e sent to Lender's addr�ss, as shown near the beg�nning af <br /> �h�s aeed a� Trust. Any par�y may change ��s address tor notices under this �eed vf Trust by gi�ing farmal written <br /> noti�e to the o�her pa�rties, specifying that �he purpose of the r�vtice is �o change the party`s address. Fvr notice <br /> purposes, Trustnr agrees to k�ep L�nder in�Fvrmed a� ali times of Trustar's current add�ress. Un�ess vtherwise pra��ded <br /> ar required by lawr i�there is mo�e than ❑ne Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is deemed t� be notice <br /> gi�en to a��Trustvrs. <br /> M�SCELLANEDUS PR�V�SI�NS, Th��oliawing miscelianevus prv�isians are a part❑�this Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendments. ThEs Deed of Trust, �ogether wi�h any Rela�ed Documents� consti#utes the entire unders�anding and <br /> agreement af the parties as to the matters set�vrth in this Deed fl�Trust. Nv alteratfon of or amendment ta this <br /> Deed vf Trust shall be e#�ecti�e un[ess given in writing and signed by fihe party ar parties sough�to be charged or <br /> baund by the alterati�n❑r amendmen�. <br /> Annual Reports. ff the Prnperty is used far purposes vth�r than Trustar's residence, Trustor shafl furnish ta <br /> Lender, upon reques�, a certi#ied s�at�ment of net operating incvme recei�ed from th� Proper�y dur�ng Trus�or's <br /> pre�ious fiscal year in such �arm and deta�! as Lender shall require. "Net opera�ing income" sha!! mean aEf cash <br /> receipts�rom the Proper�y[ess all cash expendi�ures made�n ronnectivn with the ape�-ation❑f the Property. <br /> Cap��on Headings. Caption headings in this Deed af Trus� are fvr con�enience purpvses an�y and are not tv be <br /> used to interpret or define the p�ovisions nf fihis Deed of Trust. <br /> Merger. There shali be no merger o�the interes�❑r estate created by this Deed �f Trust with any other interest or <br /> �state in the Property at any time he�d by or tar the benefit v�f Lender in any capacity� wi�hout the writ�en consent <br /> �f L�nder. <br /> Gaverning Law. This Deed of Trust will be go�erned by fe�lera� law applicabie tv Lender and, to fihe extent nvt <br /> presmpfed by federal iawr#he laws vf the State v�Nebraska�rvithout regard tv its confiicts v#law prav�sions. This <br /> Deed of Trust has been a�cepted by Lender�n the S�ate o#Nebraska. <br /> Choi�e of Venue. if there is a fawsui�� Trustar agre�s upon Lender's reques� to submit ta the �urisdiction of the <br /> cau�ts of Hall County, State❑f Nebraska. <br /> Joint and 5eve�at Liabi�ity. A[[ obligations of Bvrrow�r and Trustor under this Deed ❑f Trust shal� be �oint and <br /> se�eral� and all references�v Trustar sha[[ mean each and e��ry Trustor, and afl �efierences to 6orrawer shall mean <br /> each and e�ery Barr�we�. This means that each Trus�vr signing befaw �s respvnsib[e for a[[o�ligations in this Deed <br /> vf Trus�. <br /> No 1Na��er by Lender. Lender shall not be deem�d t❑ ha�e wai�ed any righ�s under this Deed ��Trust unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. No delay ar omissi�n on�he pa�t vf Lender in exerc�sing any right <br /> shall operat� as a wai�er af su�h right or any other righ�. A wai�er by Lender of a pro�ision vf this Deed of Trus� <br /> shall not prejudice or canstitute a wai�er of Lender's righ�t ��herwise to demand strict compiiance with �ha� <br /> pro�isian ar any vther pro�is�on af �his Deed v�F Trust. No prior wai�er by Lender, nor any course of deaEing <br /> between Lende� and Trus�or� shalE constitute a wai�er of any af Lender's righ�s o� o� any o�T�ustvr's abligativns <br /> as to any futu�e �ransac�ians. Whenever�he �vnsen� ❑f Lender is required under this Deed o�Trust, the grantin� <br /> of such cvnsent by Len�er in any instance sha�� nat canstitut� c�ntinuing cansent tv subsequent instan�es wher� <br /> such consent is requi�-ed and in al[ cases such consen�may be granted or withheid in the sole discretion vf Lender. <br /> Se�erability. �� a cvurt of cvmpetent jurisd�ction finds any pr•o�ision vf thEs De�d of Trust tv be iflegal, in�alid, vr <br /> unen�arceable as to any persan ❑r Gircumstance, that findEng shall not make the affending pro�ision illegaf, inva�id, <br /> ar unenforceable as to any other persvn ar circumstance. if feasibl�� the ❑�fending pro�isian shal� be �vns�dered <br /> mad�#ied s❑ �ha# it becomes legal� vaEid and enforceable. If the offend�ng prv�isivn �annvt be sv madified, �t shal[ <br /> be considered deieted f�-om this i]eed a� Trust. Unless otherv►r�se required by �aw, the ii�egali�Cy, in�alidity, or <br /> unenfarceabili�y a� any provisivn of this De�� vf Trust shal� nvt affect the fegafEtyf validity ar enforceabi�Efiy of any <br /> ather pro�isivn of this Deed ❑�Trus�. <br /> Successors and Assrtgns. 5ubject�o any iimita�ivns stated in this Deed of Trust on trans��r vf Trustor's in�erest, <br /> this Deed af Trust shalf b� bindin� upan and inure to �he bene#it of fihe parties, the�r successors and assigns. If <br /> awnership o��the Praperty becames �ested in a persvn ather than Trusto�. Lender� wi�hout notice �❑Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustvr`s su�cessars wEth referen�e�o this Deed ❑f Trust and the lndebtedness by way❑f tvr��arance vr <br /> extensivn without releasing Trustvr from the vbligatEnns of this Deed vf Trust or liabili�y under�he [ndebtedness. <br /> Time is of�he Essence. T�me �s nfi#he essence in the performance o�this Qeed of Trust. <br /> Vtilai�er of Homestead Exemption. Trustor hereby re[eas�s and wai��s al� righ�s an� bene#�ts of the homestead <br /> exempt�on�aws v�the State vf Nebraska as to a�! lndeb�edne�s secured by this Deed o�Trust. <br /> DEFINITIQNS. The follawing �apital�z�d words and terms shall have the tollvwEng meanings ►rvhen used in this Deed of <br /> Trus�. Un�ess specif�cally stated to the contrary, a[! references tv da[�ar amounts sha[E mean amounts in �awfuf money <br /> of the United 5tates of America. Words and terms used in the singular shall �nclude the plural, and the p[ural shall <br /> include the sEngular, as �he cantexfi may �equire. Words and t�rms nofi ❑therwise defined in this ❑eed v� Trust shail <br /> ha�e the meanings attributed tv such terms in the Uni�orm Camme�cial Code: <br />
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