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2� 1 �� 14�5 <br /> DEE:D �F TRUST <br /> Laan No: 1 U'I 293�9� �4�ont�nu�d� Page 'i� <br /> genefi�iary. The word "gene�icia�y" means Five Points Bank, and its success�rs and assigns. <br /> 6orrower. The ward "Bo��ower" means JUAN MATEO N1C�LA5 M�NTEJD and includes all cv-signers and <br /> co-makers signing the No�e and a!��heir successvrs and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The words "�eed v� Trust" mean this ❑eed vf Trust among Trus�or, Lend�r, and Trustee, and <br /> �nc�udes without iimitation al! assignment and security int�r�s�r pro�isions relating t� the Persanal Proper�y and <br /> R�n�s. <br /> Default. The word "aefau�t" means the De�ault set farth in this Deed v�Trust in the sectian titled "De#ault". <br /> Environmental Laws. The wvrds "En�iranmen�al Laws" mean any and a1i state, f�dera� and [aca� sta�u�es, <br /> regulations and ordinanc�s re�a��ng �a the pratection of human heal�h or #he en�irvnmen�, inc�uding withaut <br /> limita�ion the Comprehensive Environmenta[ Response, Compensa�ion, and Liabi[ity Act of �98�, as am�nd�d, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Se��ion 96��, �t s�q. �"CERCLA"}, th� Superfund Amendmen�s and Reauthorization Act n# �986, Pub. L. <br /> Na. 99-499 �"SARA"�, fihe Haza�d�us Materials Transpor�atian Act. 4� U.S.C. Secfiian '�8��. et seq.�the Resou�ce <br /> Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.�. Sec��ion 69�'1� et seq., vr❑ther app�Ecabie sta�e or f�deral laws, ru�es, <br /> ❑r regu�atE�ns adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> E�en#of Default. The wards "E�en�vf❑efaul�" mean any o��he e��nts❑�de�aui�s���For�h in this Deed of Trust in <br /> the eWents o�d�fault sectian flf thEs ❑eed v�f Tru$�. <br /> Existing �ndebtedness. The words "Existing lndebtedness" mean the indebtedness described in the Exisfiing Liens <br /> pro�isivn���his aeed o�Trus�. <br /> Guaran#y. The wvrd "Gua�anty" means the guaranty frvm guarantar, endorser, surety, or accammada�ion par�y ta <br /> Lender, including without limi�ation a guaran�y o�a[I or part v�the Note. <br /> Haaardous Substances. The words "Hazardous 5ubstances" mean ma�eria[s that, because �f their quanti�y, <br /> cancentration or physica[, chemica! or infectivus characteristics, may cause ❑r pose a p�esen� or pa�en�ial haza�d <br /> to human health ❑r�he en�ironment when impr�per�y used, treated, sfiored, disposed o�F, genera�ed, manu�actured, <br /> transp�rted or athe�-wise handl�d. The w�rds "Hazardous Substances" are used in �heir �ery broadest sense and <br /> include withou� limitatian any and aIl hazardous vr toxic substanGes, materials or waste as defined by or [isted <br /> under the En�Eranmenta[ Laws. The�erm "Ha�ardous Substances" alsv includes, withaut[im�tation, pe�roleum and <br /> pe�roieum by-prvducts or any fraction the�-eof and asbestos. <br /> Impro�emen#s. The wo�d "impra�emen�s" m�ans a�l existing and future impr���ments, buildings, structures, <br /> m�bile homes affixed on �he Real Property, faci[itEes, addi�ivns, �eplacemen�s and ather cons�ru�ti�n on the Real <br /> Prvperty. <br /> Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means aEi principal, in�eres�, and ather amaun�s, casts and expenses <br /> payable under the Note or Related Dacuments, �age�her with al[ renewals ❑f, extensions o�, mod�#ica�ians of, <br /> consolidatians o�and suhstitutions �or the Note o� Re�ated Dacuments and any amoun�s expended or ad�anced by <br /> Lender �o d�scharge Trust�r's abligativns ar expenses incurred by Trustee vr L�nder �a en#arce Trustor's <br /> obEigations under th�s ❑eed of Trust, toge�her w�th in�eres� on such amoun�s as pro�ided in this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Sp�ci�ically, withou� limitatEan, [ndebtedness includes �he future ad�ances set �orth �n the Fu�ture Ad�ancss <br /> pra�isE�n o��his Deed��Trust, together with all in#erest therean. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Pvints �ank, its successars and assigns. <br /> Note. The word "Note" m�ans the p�-amissvey nate dated March 1�. 2Q��, in the or�gEnal principa! amount <br /> of $9�,'i 47.�� #rom Borrower to Lender, tage�her wi�h all renewais of, extensions of, m�difications of, <br /> refinancings❑#, cvnsvfidat�vns of, and subs�itu�i�ns�ar the pramissory nate or agreement. <br /> Persanat Prvperty. The words "PersonaE Prapertyrr mean al! equipmen�, fixtures, and other articles o# persnnai <br /> prop�rty now or he�eafter awned by Trustor, and now or hereafter attaGhed or affi�ed tv the Real Praper�y; <br /> tog�ther with aIl a��essions� pa�ts, and addi�ians �o, all repla�ements a�. and af� substi�utions for, any ❑� such <br /> property; and together wi�h a[[ praceeds {inc[uding with�ut limi�a��on all insurance proceeds and refunds a# <br /> pr�miums� t�om any sa�e or other dispvsi�ian❑f�he Praperty. <br /> Property. The word "Pr�perty" means collectiv�[y the Reai Property and�he Personal Pr�pe�fiy. <br /> Real Praper#y. The wvrds "Real Praperty" mean th� rea� property, interes�s and rights, as #ur�her des�ribed in th�s <br /> De�d o�Trust. <br /> Related Dvcumen#s. The words "Related Ducuments" mean aI[ pramissory nntes, credit agre�ments, loan <br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreements, guarantEes� security agreements� m�rtgages� deeds ❑# trus�, security <br /> deeds, col�a�era[ mortgages, and ai! ather instruments, agreements and doGuments, whether now or hereafter <br /> existing, executed in c�nnection with the Indebtedness. <br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means all present �nd fu�ure ren�s, re�enues, income, issues, rvya�ties, prv�its, and <br /> other benefits deri�ed�rom th� Property. <br /> Trustee. The �rvord "Trustee" m�ans Fi�e PoEr�ts Bank, whos� address is P.� Bvx �5�7, Grand Island, NE <br /> 688�2-15�7 and any subs�itute nr suc�essnr trustees. <br />