2� 1 �� 14�4
<br /> A�SI�iV�ENT �F REN�'�
<br /> ���nti n�ed� Page 4
<br /> pro�ided or requir�d by law, if th�re is more than one Grantvr, any no#ice gi�en by Lender to any Grantor is
<br /> d�emed t❑ he notice gi�en t�all Grantors.
<br /> Rawers of Attarney. The variaus agen�ies and powers of attorn�y con�eyed an Lender under this Assignment are
<br /> granted for purposes of security and may not be re�ake� by Grantor un�il such time as the same are renounced by
<br /> Lender.
<br /> 5er►erabi�ity. If a cvurk vf competent�urisdiction finds any prv�ision of this Assignment to be il[egal, in�alid, vr
<br /> unenforceable as to any person or circumstance,that finding shall n��make the ofFending pravisian il�egal, in�alid,
<br /> or unenforceable as to any other pe�san or�ircumstanGe. If feasEb�e, the vffending pro�isian shall be oons�dered
<br /> modified so�hat it becomes legal, �atid and enforceable. lf the offend�ng pro��sian canno� be so modified, it shall
<br /> be cvnsidered del�ted �rom this Assignment. Unless otherwise r�quired by law, the illegali�y, �n��lidity, or
<br /> unenforcea�ili�y of any pro��sion of this A�signment shall nat affect the fegal��y, �ai�dity ar en�ar�eabiiity of any
<br /> a�her pra�ision o#th is Assignment.
<br /> 5uccessors and Assigns. Subjec�ta any�imitations stat�d in�his Assignment�n transfer of G�antar's interes�,this
<br /> Assignment shall be hinding upon and inure to the bene�� �f the par�ies, �hei� success�rs and assigns. If
<br /> awnership af the Praperty�ecomes v�sted in a persan other than Grantor, Lender,without no�ice to Grantor, may
<br /> deal with �rantar's succ�ssars with referen�e tv this Assignment and the lndebtedness by way af forbearance ar
<br /> extension withau��eleasing Grantor fram#he obligativns a�this Assignment or liabili#y under the Indebt�dness.
<br /> Tira�e is of the Essence. Time is v#the essence in the pertarmance of this Assignmen�.
<br /> 1Nai�e Jury. A�I parties ta thi� Assignment her�hy wai�e the right tv any�ury#rial in any action, praceeding, or
<br /> co�nterclaim brought by any party agains�any o�her pa�-ty.
<br /> V�ai�e�- of Homestead Exemption. Gran�o� he�eby releases and wai�es a[I rights and benefits nf the homestead
<br /> exemp�ian laws of�he State of Neb�aska as�o aIl Indebtedness secured by th�s Assignment.
<br /> DEF�NITl�NS. The fvffowin� capitali�ed wo�ds and terms shaif have the following mean�ngs when used in this
<br /> Assignment. Unless specifically stated to the contrary, all references ta dol�ar amounts shafl mean amounts in lawful
<br /> money ❑f the United 5tates v�Ame�ica. Wnrds and terms used in the singu�ar sha�l inc�ude the plural, and the plural
<br /> shall include the singular, as�he context may require. Vllords and terms no#otherwise defned in this Assignment shall
<br /> have the meanings attrihu�ed to such te�ms in the Llni�orm Commercial Code:
<br /> Assignmen�. The ward "Assignment" means this ASSfGNMENT�F RENTS, as this ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS may
<br /> be amended a�mvdifred from time t❑tim�, together with all exhibits and schedules attached to this ASSIGNMENT
<br /> �F REN�S�rom time to time.
<br /> Borrower. The wa rd "g�rrowe r" m�ans Todd E Latta and Janet L La�ta.
<br /> Defau�t. The wvrd "Defau[t"means th� Defaul�set forth in th�s Assignment in the section titled "Default".
<br /> �ven#of Default. The words "E�ent❑f ❑efault" mean any v�#he e�ents ❑f default se��orth in this Assignment in
<br /> th�default seetion af this Assignment.
<br /> Gran�or. The ward "��antor"means Tadd E Latta and Janet L Latta.
<br /> Guaranty. The rrvord "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guarantor, endorser, surety, ❑r accvmmodation party�o
<br /> Lender, including v►iithvut limitatian a guaranty of all ar part of the Note.
<br /> lndebtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means a�l prin�ipa�, interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under the Nate or Related Documents, �ogether with al� renewals �f, extensions of, modifications vf,
<br /> cnnsolidatians o�and substitutions far the No�e or F��lated ❑ocuments and any amvunts expended ar advanced �y
<br /> Lender�a discharge Grantor's ob[igations �r expenses incurred �y Lender t� enforce Grantvr's abligations under
<br /> �hss Assignment, together with sn�erest an such amoun�s as provided in this Assignment. Spe�iiically, without
<br /> limitation, lndebtedness includes the �utu�e ad�ances se#forth in the Future Advances prv�ision, together with ail
<br /> interes� �herean and alf am�unts that may be indi�ec�ly secured by the Cross-Co�lateraliza�ion pro�isian of this
<br /> Assignment.
<br /> Lender. The uvord "Lender"means First Nationat 6ank of�maha,Ets successars and assigns.
<br /> Note. The ward "Note" means any and all o�Barro►nrsr's liabilities, ❑bligativrts and debts�v Lender, naw existing
<br /> or hereinafter in�urred or�reat�d, including, without limitation, all loans, advances, interest, costs dehts, o�erdraft
<br /> indebtedness, credit card indebte�ness, lease ob�igativns, liabiliti�s and obligativns under in�erest rate prote�tion
<br /> ag�-eements or�oreign currency ex�hange agreements or commodity pri�e protection agreements,vthe�vbligations,
<br /> and liabilities of Borrowe�- tvgether with all modifications, increases, rene►nrals, and extensions of the
<br /> aforementioned. Additionally, hereby inGarporated as if �ully set f�rth herein are �he �erms and conditions of any
<br /> promissory nate, agreement or c�the� document executed hy Borrawer andlor Lender indica��ng �hFs �ecuri#y
<br /> instrument or the p�o��t�y descr�bed he��tn shal� be �onsidered "Co��ateral" s�cursng such promiss�ry note,
<br /> agreement, or ather instrumen�, o�-any simi�a��eference.
<br /> Property. The w�rd "Prvperty" m�ans alf o� �ran�or's right, tit�e and interest in and to alf �he Pr�per�y as
<br /> described in�he"Assignment"section of this Assignm�nt.
<br /> Related Documen�s. The words "ReFated ❑ocumen�s" mean alf prom�ssory notes, credit agreements, laan
<br /> agreemen�s, en�ironmental agreements, guaranties, se�urity agreements, mortgages, deeds af �rust, securify
<br /> deeds, collat�ral mortgages, and all other ins�ruments, agreemen�s and documents, whether now vr hereafter
<br /> existing, ex�cuted in canne��ion wi�h the Inde�tedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means afl of �rantar`s present and future rights, �i�le and in�erest in, ta and under any
<br /> and all presen� and future �eases, including, without fimitation, al� rents, re�enue, inGvme, issues, royalties,
<br /> bvnuses, accvunts recei�ahle, cash ar security depasits, ad�ance rentals, profits and proceeds �rom th� Property,
<br /> and other paymen�s and hen�f��s deri�ed or t❑ be derived from such leases❑f eWery k�nd and nature, whether due
<br /> now or[a�e�, inGluding wifhout limitation Grantor's right to enfar�e such leases and to receiWe and �allec�payment
<br /> and pro�eeds thereunder.
<br /> D�C!lIUIENT IS EiCECUTED�hl 14AA�CH '1�,�0'I 6.
<br /> G i�ANTQ R:
<br /> x
<br /> Tvdd E Lat
<br /> x �� ,
<br /> �
<br /> J et L Latta
<br />