2� 1 �� 14�4
<br /> ASS1�N�ENT t]F RENT�
<br /> ��ontinu�d} Page 3
<br /> dies a�- k�ecames incompe�ent, or revokes ar dispu�es �he �alid�ty af, ar liabifity under, any Guaranty of �he
<br /> lndebtedness.
<br /> Ad�erse Change. A ma�erial ad�erse Ghange o�curs in Grantor's financia! �andit�on, or Lender be�ie�es the
<br /> prospec�af payment or perfom�ance of the[ndeb�edness is impaired.
<br /> lnsecurity. Lender in good faith bs[ie�es itself insecure.
<br /> RfGHTS AN�RE1�EDIES aN �EFAULT. Upon the o�currence�f any Event vf C�efault and at any time thereafter, Len�er
<br /> may exercise any one or mare o�the following rights and remedies, in addition to any other righ�s❑r rernedies pro�ided
<br /> by law:
<br /> Accelerate lndebtedn�s�. Lender sha!! haWe the right �t its op��an tv dec�are�he entire lndeb�edn�ss immedi�tely
<br /> du�and paya�le,including any prepayment penafty that�rantor would be reguired�o pay.
<br /> Collect Rents. Lender sha�l ha�e the right, with�ut notic� tv �rantvr, to take possessian of the Proper�y and
<br /> collecf the Ren�s, including amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net praceeds, aver and aba�e Lender's
<br /> CD5�5, agains� the lndeb�edness. ln furth�rance of this right, Lender shall haWe atl the rights pr�vided for in the
<br /> L�n�er's R�ght to Receive and Gollect Rents �ection, above. �f the R�nts are collected by Lender, then �ran�or
<br /> irre��cab�y designates Lender as Grantar's at�orney�3n-�act to endarse instruments recei�ed in payment thereof in
<br /> th� name of Grantvr and tv nega�iate the same and cn[�ec�#he proceeds. Payments by tenants or oth�r us�rs to
<br /> Lender in response t� Lender's demand sha�[ satisfy the ohligati�ns �vr which the payments are made, whether or
<br /> nat any prope�-grounds �ar the dsmand existed. Lender may exercise its rights under this subparagraph eith��-in
<br /> person, by agen�,ar through a receiWer.
<br /> �ther Remedies. Lender shal! have all other rights and remedies prov�ded in �his Assignmen� o�-the Nvte or by
<br /> law.
<br /> Electian af Remedies. Election by Lender#❑ pursue any remedy shall nv�exclude pursuit vf any❑ther remedy,and
<br /> an ele�tion tv make expenditures v�to take action to perfarm an ob��gation af�ran�or under�his Assignment,af�er
<br /> �rantvr's�ailure ta perF�rm,shall nat affect Lender's right to de�(are a default and exerGEse its remedies.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expens�s. If Lend�r institutes any�uif ar actian to enfarce any of the terms of�his Assignment,
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to recover su�h sum as the court may ad�udge�asQnab�e as attorneys'fees at trial and
<br /> upan any appeal. Whether ar not any cou rt acti on is i nva��ed, and to the extent no� prohi bi#ed l�y I aw, al I
<br /> reasonable expens�s Lender �n�urs that in Lender's opinivn are necessary at any time for �he prvtection of its
<br /> interest ar the enfo�cemen�of i�s r�ghts sh�ll be�ome a part v��he]ndehtedness payable an demand and shall bear
<br /> i nterest a�the Note rate from the da�e vf the expenditure u n�i i�epaid. Expenses co��red by th i s paragraph i nGf ude,
<br /> without�imstation, #�owe�er subye�#to any limi�s under applfcab�e law, Lende�'s attorneys'�ees and Lende�'s legai
<br /> expenses, whether or not there �s a lawsui�, inc�uding attorneys` fees and �xpenses far bankruptey praceedings
<br /> �including�fforts ta mvdify or�acate any au�omat�c stay ar in�unct�on}, appeals,and any anticipated post judgment
<br /> COIIBG`�IOn 5B!'V10E5,�he cost of�earching records, obtaining tit(e reports �including foreciosure repor�s}, surv�yars'
<br /> reports, and appraisa� ��es, title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, to the e�fent permitfed by app�icab�e I�w.
<br /> Gran�or also wi�l pay any court costs, in additian to all other sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> ELECTR�NIC CDPIES. �ender may copy, ele��r�nical�y ar o�herwi�e, and thereafter destroy, �he a�iginals of this
<br /> Agreement and�vr R�fat�d Docum�nts in the regular course of L�nder's business. All SUCh capies pr�duced fram an
<br /> elec�r�nic farm or by any o�her�elia�le means �i.e., photographic image or�acsimile}shall in al� resp�cts be Gonsidered
<br /> equi�alent tv an original, and Borrower hereby waives any rights or ob�e�tions�v the use of such copies.
<br /> M15CELLANE�US PR�VfS1�N5. Th�fnllowing misce�lanevus pravisions are a pa�of#his Assignment:
<br /> Amendmen�s. This Assignment, tagether wifh any Related DoGumen�s, cons�itutes the entire understanding and
<br /> a�reement af the parties as #❑ the matters sef forth in this Assignmen#_ No a�teratian of or amendment ta #his
<br /> Assignment sha[i be effecti�e unless giWen in writing and signed by the party or partie� sough� to he charged a�
<br /> bvund hy th�aite�atian ar amendment.
<br /> Cap�ion H�adings. �aption headings in�his Ass�gnmen�are€vr con�enienc�purposes anly and are not to be used
<br /> �a in#erpret or define�he prv�isians of this Assignment.
<br /> �a�erning Law. This Assignment will be gaverned by fed�ral law appli�able to Lender and, t� �he exten'� not
<br /> preempted by federal law,the laws a�the State of Nebraska wi�haut regard to its conf�Ects a�law prvvisions. This
<br /> Assignment has been accepted by Lender�n�he 5�a��of IV�braska.
<br /> Ghv��e af Venue. If there �s a�awsuit, Grantar agrees upon Lende�'s �et�uest to submtt tv the�urisdsction o�the
<br /> �vu rts of Ha�!Cou n�y,Sta�e a�Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and 5ev�ral Liabili#y. All vbl�gations v� Grantor under this Assignmen� shalf be jvint and se�era[, and a[1
<br /> references �v Grantar sha[[ mean each and e�ery �rantor. This means �ha� each Grant�� signing belov+r is
<br /> res�onsible�vr afl o�ligativns in th�s Assignment.
<br /> Me�ger. There shall be na merger Qf the interest ❑r estate created by this assignment vvith any vther interest or
<br /> estate in the Pr�per�y a�any�ime held by or�vr the benefit o�Lender in any capacity, without the written consen�
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> 3nterpretatian. �'1} �n al1 �ases where there is m�re than ane Borrower ar Grantor, then all words used in this
<br /> Assignment in the singular shall be deemed tv have been used in the plural where th���n�ext and constructian so
<br /> require. �2} If mor�than ane persvn signs this Assignmen�as"Gran�or,"the vbfiga�ions�f each Grant�r are jaint
<br /> and sev�ral. This means �hat if Lender brings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any ane ❑r more v�the �rant�rs. If
<br /> Borrower and Grantor are na��he same persan, Lender need no�su�Barrawer first, and that Borrawer need nQt be
<br /> �oined in any lawsuit. �3} The names gi�en to paragraphs or sections in this Assignment are for con�enience
<br /> purposes anly.They are nat�o be used ta interpret or define the pro�isions af this Assignmen�.
<br /> Nv Wai�er by Lender, Lende�-sha11 not b�deemed tv hawe waived any rights under this Assignment unless such
<br /> wai�er is �i�en in writing and signed by Lender. Na delay or omissivn an�he part❑f Lender in exereising any right
<br /> shall operate as a wai�er of such right or any athsr right. A wai�er hy Lender o�a pro�ision of this Assignment
<br /> shall nvt prejudice or �ons#�tute a wai�er ❑f Lender's right otherw�se �o demand strict �omplian�e with �ha#
<br /> prv�isian or any other pra�ision o�F this Assignmenf. No prior vuai�er by Lender, nor any cvurse❑f dealing between
<br /> Lender and Grantvr, shal[cvns�itute a wai�er of any o�Lender's rights or of any o��rantor's vbliga�ivns as to any
<br /> �uture ��-ansacti�ns. Vllhanever �he consent of Lender is required under this Assignment, �he granting of such
<br /> cvnsent by Lender in any instance shall no� constitute cantinuing �vnsent ta subsequent instances where such
<br /> cvnsent is required and in aIl cases such Gonsent may be grant�d or wi�hheld in�he so�e discretion ❑f Lend�r.
<br /> Notices. Any notice required to be gi�en under this Assignment shall be gi�en in wri�3ng, and shall be effec#ive
<br /> when actually de�ivered, when actua�ly reGei�ed by telefacsimi�e tunless �therwise requ��ed by law}, when
<br /> deposited with a nationally recogni�ed o�ernight�vurier,or, i�mailed,when depvsited in th�United 5�a�es maif, as
<br /> firs� class, cer�ified ar registered mail postage pr�paid, dire��ed to the addresses shvwn near the beginning of this
<br /> Assignment. Any party may�hange its address far n�#ices under this Assignment!ay gi�ing formal written nofiice
<br /> �o the other parties, specifying �ha# the pu�-pos� of th� natice is to change �he par�y's address. Far noti�e
<br /> purposes, Grantor agrees tv keep Lende� in�a�-me�! at al� tfines of Grantvr's �urrent address. Uniess atherwise
<br />