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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> � z� �' � �rn � z <br /> �� o � �ov � cn <br /> �� rn �� � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �o � � � � <br /> cr� r� <br /> oa o � .�.� rn <br /> p� � � � <br /> � � Z <br /> � <br /> �JIIHEN RE��RDED MAIL TQ: <br /> Exchange Bank <br /> Gt-Allen Drive Branch <br /> 'I 2�4 AIlen Dr <br /> P� Box 5793 <br /> Grand ls�and, NE G88D� F�R REC�RDER'S USE�NLY <br /> DE�D �F TRU�T <br /> TH[S DEED �F TRUST is dated February 'I 9, 2Q'[�, amang Grand Ri�er Properties LL�; a <br /> Nebraska Limited Liability �ampany �"Trust�r"�: Ex�hange Bank, whose address is GI - Alien <br /> Dr��e Branch. 'I��4 A��en Dr, P� Bnx 5733. �rand �sland, NE 685�2 �referred to be[ow <br /> sometimes as "Lender" and somet�mes as "Beneficiary"}; and Exchange Bank, ►►vhose address is <br /> PDB 7��, Gibban, NE 6884❑ �refer�ed to �elow as rrTrustee"�. <br /> CDNVEYANCE AN� GRANT. Fnr Wa�uahle �vnsidera#ion, Trustor con�eys tv Trustee in t�ust. 1N1TH P�WER QF SALE. <br /> for �he henefi� v# Lender as Bene#iciary, all of Trustor's right, title, and interest in and �o the �rollowing described rea� <br /> prvperty, tage�her with all existing or subs��uently erected �r affixed bui�dings, impr��ements and #ix�ures; a�{ <br /> easements, rights �� way, and appurtenances; a!I water, water �ights and ditch �igh�s �including s�ock �n utili�ies with <br /> di�ch �r �rrigation rights�; and a�� othsr rights, royalties, and prvfits relating tv the real prop�rty, in�luding without <br /> limitation all minerals, oil, gas, geathermal and similar ma�ters, �the "Real Property�'� [acated in Ha�1 Gaunty. <br /> State of Nebraska: <br /> 5ee Exhibit "A", which is atta�hed to this aeed of Trust and made a part of th�s Deed of <br /> Trust as if ful�y set farth herein. <br /> The Rea[ Property or �ts address is cnmmt�nly known as ��� E Bismark F�d, Grand lsland, N E <br /> �88�'I. <br /> CRDSS-G4LLATERALI�AT��N. �n addition to the Note, this Deed of Trust secures afl obligations, deb�s and liabilities, <br /> plus interest thereon, o�Trusfior to L�nder, ar any �ne or more of them, as well as a�l claims by Lender against Trus�or <br /> or any ane a� mor� ��them, wheth�r now existing o� hereaf�er ar�sing, whether re�ated or unrelated to the purpose of <br /> �he Note, whe�her �aiuntary or otherwise, whether due or not due, direc� or indire�t, de�termined or und�t�rmined, <br /> absolute or cantingent, liquidated ar unliquidated, whether Trusfior may be liable indi�idua�€y or jointly with o�hers, <br /> whether obliga�ed as guarantor, surety, accommadation party or otherwise, and whether re���ery upon such amounts <br /> may b�or hereafter may become barred by any statute of limitations, and whether the obligation to repay su�h amounts <br /> may be or hereafter may becom�atherwise un�n�orc�able. <br /> FUTURE AI]VANCES. In additian ta the Note, th�s Deed of Trust secures all future ad�ances made hy Lende�to Trustor <br /> wheth�r or nat th� ad�ances are made pursuant to a commitment. 5pe�ifica�ly, without limitation, this Deed ❑f Trust <br /> se�ures, in additian �o the amounts speci�ied in the N�te, all future amounts Lender in its discretion may loan to <br /> Trustor, togeth�r with all interest thereon. <br /> Trustor present�y assigns to Lender �afso known as Ben��iciary in �his D�ed vf Trust� a�l of Trustor's right, title, and <br /> interest in and fifl all present and futur� leases of �h� Prvp�rty and all Rents from the Proper�y. [n addi�ion, Trustor <br /> grants to Lender a uniform Commer�iaf Cade securi�y interest in the Personal Praperty and Rents. <br /> TH15 DEED �F TRUST, 1NCLUDING THE ASSlGNMENT �F R�NTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY. 1S G�VEN T� SECURE �A� PAYMENT �F THE 1NDEBTE�NESS AND (B� PERF�RMAN�E �F <br /> ANY AND ALL DBL1GATi�NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED D�CUMENTS, AND TH15 DEED �F TRUST. THlS <br /> DEED�F TRUST 1S G�VEN AND A��EPTEa C)N THE F�LLa1NING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERFQRMANCE. Except as oth�rwise pro�id�d in this De�d o�r Trus�, Trustor shafl pay to Lender all <br /> amounts secured by this ❑eed o� Trust as they become due, and shall strict�y and in a tim��y manner perform aff o� <br /> Trustor's abligatians under the Note, this Deed o�Trust, and the R��ated Docum�nts. <br /> Pfl55ESS1�N AND MAtNTENANCE �F THE PRaPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustor`s possession and us� of the <br /> Property shall be gQ�erned by th��ollowing pra�isions: <br /> Passessivn and Use. L1nti( the occurrenc� o� an E�ent v� Default, Trustor may ��y r�main in passession and <br /> c�ntrvl of�he Proper�y; �Z� us�, apera�e vr manage the Property; and t3y callect�he Rents fram the Proper�y. <br /> Duty #o Maintain. Trustor shall main�ain the Proper�y in tenantable cond�tivn and pr�mpt�y perf�rm a11 repairs, <br /> replacements, and main�enance necessary ta preser�e its�alue. <br /> Complian�e With En�ironmental Laws. Trustor represents and warran�s to Lender tha�: 41� During the periad of <br /> Trustor's ownership of the Property, there has been na use, gene�ation, manufacture, storage, treatment, disposal, <br /> release or threatened release of any Hazardous Suhstance by any persvn on, under, about or �rom the Property; <br /> �2� Trustor has no knowledge o�, �� reason �v be�ie�e tha��here has been, exc�pt as pre�i�usly disclosed to and <br /> acknaw�edged by Lender in writing, �a� any hreach ar �ivlation of any En�ironm�n�al Laws, 4by any use, <br /> generatian, manufacture, s�orage, treatment, disposal, release ar threatened release of any Ha�ardvus Substance <br /> an, under, about or ��om �he Property by any prior owners or occupants of the Proper�y, ❑r �c� any actual or <br /> threatened litiga�ion or claims af any kind by any person relating to such matters; and �3� Except as pre���usiy <br /> disclosed ta and a�knawledged by Lende�in writing, �a3 neither Trustor nor any tenant, con�ractor, agent or oth�r <br />