2� 1 �� 13� 1
<br /> �a} Any�uch agreements will n�t affect�he amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortga�e
<br /> Insurance,ar any ather tern�s af the Loan.Such agreements will nv�in�rease the am�unt
<br /> B�rrower will owe for M�rtgage Insurance,and they wil�not entitle Borrower to any refund,
<br /> {b� An�such agreements will nnt affect the rights Bvrrflvver has-if an.�-with r�spect ta the
<br /> Mortgage Insuran�e under the Hvmetiwners Protection Act of 19�8�r any other law.These rights
<br /> ma�include the right t�receive certain dis���sures,to request and obtain can�ella�i�n af the
<br /> Mortgage Insura�.ce,t��.ave the Mortgag�Insuran�e terminated au�omati�a��y,ant�lar to re�eive
<br /> a refund of any Mortgag�Insurance premiums that were unearne�i at the time vf such
<br /> �ancellation�r termina#ion.
<br /> �I'I. Assignmentvf Il�isc�IlaneousProceeds;ForFeiture.Al�Miscel�aneous ProGeeds are hereby assigaed to
<br /> and sha11 be paid�to Lender.
<br /> If the Praperty is damaged,such Misc�llaneous Proc�eds sha11 be applied ta r�storation or repair of the
<br /> Property, �f the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. During
<br /> such repa�r an.d restoration period,Lender sha11 have the righ�to ho�d such Miscellaneaus Proceeds until
<br /> Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the�vark has been completed to Lender's
<br /> sa�isfactian,provided that such inspection shal�be undertaken promptly. Lender may pa�for the repairs aad
<br /> res�ora�ivn�n a s�ng�e disb��s�men.t vr in a series vf�rogr�ss pa�rr�ents as the u�ork�s cor�p�e��d, U�less an
<br /> agreement is made in writing ar App�icable Law r�quires�nterest to be paid on such Misce�laneous Proceeds,
<br /> Lender shal�not be required to pay Borro�ver any interest or�amings on sueh M�scellaneous proceeds. If the
<br /> restoratior�or repa�r�s not economica��y�eas�b�e or I�ender's securit�wa��d b��es�ened,the Misce��aneous
<br /> Proce�ds sha11 be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt,whether or not then due,with the
<br /> excess,if any,paid to Borro�ver. Such Miscellan��u�Proceeds shall be appl�ed in the order provided for in
<br /> Section 2.
<br /> In the event of a tata�taking,destruction,vr�vss in�ralue of the Proper�y,the 1Vliscel�aneous Proceeds sha11
<br /> b�ap��ied to the sums secur�d b�th�s Secu��ty Instrument,�rhether or not then due,w���the e��ess, �f an�,
<br /> p�.id to Borro�ver.
<br /> In the event of a partial taking,destruction,or lass in value of the Property in�vhich the fair market value of
<br /> the Property immedia�ely before the partia�ta.king,destruction,or 1�ss in value is equal to ar greater than the
<br /> am�unt of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before�he partial taking,destruction,or
<br /> los�in value,unless Borra�er and I.render othe�vise agre�in wr��ing�th�sum�secure�by�his Security
<br /> Instrument sha11 b�redueed by the amount af the Mi�ce�Ianeous Praceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> fraction: (a}the tota�amount of the sums se�ured immediat�ly before the partial taking,destruction�or loss
<br /> i��ralue dxvide�b�(b1�he fair market va�ue of the Property xmmed�ate��before the par�tia�tal���g,
<br /> destruct�on,or loss in�alue.Any balance sha11 be paid ta Borrot�ver.
<br /> In the e�ent of a par�ial taking,destruction,or lass in value of�he Prope�-�y in which the fau m�rket value of
<br /> the Property immediate�y befor�th�partial taking,destruction,or loss in value is less than the amflunt of the
<br /> sums secured immediately before the partial taking,destruction,or loss in value,unless Borrower and
<br /> Lender o�h���se agFee xn�r�t�ng,the N�iscel�ane�us Proceec�s sha�l be a��a��ed�o the sums secured by t�.�s
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument whether or n�t the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,ar if,aftex notice by Lender to Borrovver tha�t the�pposing Party
<br /> (as defined in the next sentence}offers to rnake an award to settle a c�aim for damages,Banower fails to
<br /> respond to Lender within 3�days a#�er the date the notice is gi�en,L�nder is authorized�o co�lect and apply
<br /> the Miscellaneous Proceeds�ith�r to restoratian or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaefFreddie Mac L1NIF4F�M INSTRUMENT iNITH MERS Form 3�28 1f41
<br /> V�fP� VMp&A4�lE�{�3Q2).U�
<br /> Wolters Kl�,awer Fi�ancial Services p�g��4 af�7
<br /> q�33519642�3 4233 3Z$ 1�I7
<br />