2� 1 �� 1143
<br /> Instrument, (b}there is a legal proc�eding that might signif car�t�y affect Lender's interest in the
<br /> Propert�andlor rights ur�der this Security Instrument�such as a pro�eeding in bankruptcy,probate,
<br /> for condemnation or forfeiture,for enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over th�s Secur�ty
<br /> Instrument or to enforCe laws ar regulation�},or(c�Borrower has abar�daned t�ie Proper�y,then
<br /> Lender may do and pay far whatever is reasonable or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in th�
<br /> Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including protecting andlar assessing the�a�ue
<br /> af the Property, and securing andlor repairing the Praperty.L�nder's actions can include,but are not
<br /> Iimit�d to: �a}paying any sums s�cured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument;(b}
<br /> appearing in caur�; ar�d�c}paying rea.sonable attorneys'fees to protect�ts interest in the Property andl
<br /> or rights under this Security Instrument, in�luding its secured pasition in a l�ar�kruptcy proceeding.
<br /> Securing the Property in�ludes,but is not limited to, enterir�g th�Pr�perty to ma1�e repa�rs,change
<br /> locks,repla�e or baard up doors and windows,drain water fram p�pes,eliminate build�ng�r other
<br /> code violations or dangerous conditions, and ha�e utilities turned on or off.Althaugh Lender may take
<br /> action under this S�ctian 9,Lender d�es n�t ha�e to da so and is n�t under any duty or o�ligat�on to
<br /> do so.It is agr��d that Lend�r incurs n.�liability for not ta�king any or all actions author�zed under this
<br /> Section 9.
<br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of Barrower
<br /> secured by this Secur�ty Instrument. These amaunts shall bear�nterest at the Nate rate from the date of
<br /> disburs�ment and shail be payable,with such interest,upon not�ce from Lender ta Borrower requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> If this Security Instrument is on a leaseho�d,Borrower sha�l comply with a��the pro�isions�f the
<br /> ��ase.If Barrawer acqu�res fee title to the Property,the leaseho�d and the fee title shall not merge
<br /> unless Lender agrees to the merger in vWriting.
<br /> �I�. Ass ig n me nt of�I isce f la n�o us P roc�eds; Fo rfe itu r�. All Miscelianeous Proceeds are
<br /> hereby ass�gned to and shal�be paid to Lender.
<br /> If the Property is damaged,su�h Mis�eilaneaus Praceeds shail be applied to restorati�n or repair af
<br /> the Property, if t1�e restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is nvt lessened.
<br /> During such repair and restorat�on period,Lender shall have the right to hald such Miscellan�ous
<br /> Proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Prop�rty to ensure the vv�rk has been
<br /> completed to Lender's sat�sfaction,provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly.Lender
<br /> may pay for the repairs and restoration in a singl�disburs�ment�r i.n a s�ries�f pragress payments as
<br /> the w�rk is comp�eted.Unless an agre�ment is made in writ�ng�r Applicable Law requires int�rest to
<br /> be paid on such Miscellar�eous Proceeds,Lender sha�l not be required ta pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> � earnings on such Miscella.r�e�us Proceeds.If the restoration ar repa�r is not economicai�y feasibie or
<br /> Lender's security w�uld be Iessened,the Misce�laneous Proceeds shal�be applied ta the sums secured
<br /> by this Se�urity Instrument,whether�r not then due,with th�excess, if any,paid to B�rrower. Such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be app�i�d in the order pro�ided for in Secti�n 2.
<br /> In the�vent of a total ta.king,destruction,�r I�ss in�alue of the Property,the Miscellaneous Praceeds
<br /> shall be applied to the sums secured hy this Security Instrum�nt,whether or not then due,with the
<br /> e�cess, if ariy3 paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event of a par�ial ta,king,destruction,ar loss in�alue�f th�Property in which the fair market
<br /> �alue of the Property im.mediateiy before the partial taking,[��5�'L1Ct1(]Il,or loss in�aiue is equal to
<br /> or greater than the arnount of the sums secured hy this Security Instrument immed�at�ly before the
<br /> partial taking,destruct�on,�r loss in�alue,unless Borr�wer and Lender otherwis�agree in writing,
<br /> 23�39fi28D
<br /> FHA i]eed of Trust-NE 9130I2014(rev 2115)
<br /> Bankers Systems"�'VMP� D8I2�15
<br /> IMalters Kluwer Financial Servioes 2�9fi4��815.3❑34d6-N2��51�19N Page S of 15
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