2� 1 �� 113�
<br /> Payxnent�f Pr�ncipal and Interes�; Uther Chargesti Borrow�r shall promp�ly pay when du�the princ�pal of a.nd
<br /> interest an�he�lebt atived under the�on�rac�and late charges�r any other fees and charg�s due un�ier�he�on�ract.
<br /> Applicable Lavv. As used in this Security Instrumen�, �he term "Applicable Law" sha�l mear� all con�rall�ng
<br /> applica�le federal, s�a�e and local s�a.�u.�es, regulations, ardinances and administra��ve ru�es and �rders �tha�have
<br /> the effect gf laur}as well as all app�icable f nal,non-appea�abl��ud���a�op�nions. .
<br /> Charges; Liense Borrower sha�� pay aI� taxes, assessmen�s, charges, f nes and impas�tions attributabl� tc� the
<br /> Praperty which�ay a��ain priority over this Security�nstrum�n�, and leaseh�ld payments or graund rents, �f any.
<br /> At the reques�af Lender,Borr�wer shall pramp�ly furn�sh ta Lender receipts�ev�dencing�he payments.
<br /> B�rrovver sha�l promp��y��scharge any lien v�hich has pri�r�ty�ver�hzs Security�nstrument unless Borrower: �a}
<br /> agree� in wr�ting �o the paymen� �f the ab�igat�on s�cured �y th� �ien in a manner acceptable �o Lender; �b}
<br /> contes�s �n go�d fai�h. �he Iien by, or defends aga�nst enf�r��menti of the �ien in, l�gal pr�ceed��.gs vvhich �n the
<br /> Lender's opinion operate �o prevent the enfarcernent of�he I�en; or �c� se�u.res fr�m �he ha�de� of the lien an
<br /> agre�ment sa�isfac�ary to Lender sul�ord�nat�ng the li�n to �his 5ecuri�y Instru.ment. �f L�nder determines�ha�any
<br /> par�af�he Froperty is subj ect t� a lien v�hich may a�a�n prior�ty a�er �h�s Secur�ty Instrument, Lender may give
<br /> Borrow�r a n��ice identifying�he lien. Barrow�r shall �a�isfy �he lien or tak��ne or more �f the activr�s set for�h
<br /> above within 1�day�of th�giving of notice.
<br /> Hazard or Froperty Insurance,Bo�-ro�er shal�keep �he impravements no�v e�is�ing�r hereafter erec�ed on the
<br /> Pro�erty insured aga�nst loss by f re, hazards included ur�thin t�e term"extended caverage" and any other hazards,
<br /> zncXudi.ng flonds or flaoding, for v�rhich Lender requires insurance. This insura.r�ce sha�l be main�a�ned in t�ie
<br /> am�unts and for�he periods that Lender re�uires. T'he�.nsurar�c�ca.rr�er providing�he insurance sha��be chos�n by
<br /> Borrower subjec� t� Lender's appro�al whiCh sha�� na� be un�easonably wi,�h.he�d. �f Barrov�er fails �ti mai�tain
<br /> coverage described ab�ve, Lender may, at Lender's op��on, v��ain cover�.ge t� pro�ect Lende�'s rights xn the
<br /> Proper�y in accordance v►ri�h sectian��t�ed Protec�ian of Lend�r's Righ�s�n�he Prope�-ty.
<br /> AI1 insurance po��c�es and renevvals sha�l be accep�able to Lender and shall include a �tandard m.or�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have �he right ta hald�he policies and renevva�s. ]Cf Lender r�quires, B�rr�u�er sha�l�r�mpt�y g��re�a
<br /> Lender a1I rece�pts of paid premiums and rene�al no��ces. �n�he event�f�o�s, Bar�ro�ver shall give pro�np�notice
<br /> �a�he insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make praof of Xoss�f no�made pram�tly by B�rro�ver.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borro�er v�her-vvise agree in writ�ng, �nsurance pracee�s shall be applied �o restorat�an or
<br /> repair of the Praper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sole discreti�n, the restora��on or repair is economica��y feas�ble
<br /> and Lender's security is n4� �essened. If, in Lender's sflle �iscre�ion, the res�oratian ar r�pair is n�� ec�nom�ca��y
<br /> feasible or Lender's se�ur�fiy wauld be�essened,the in�u.rance proceeds shall be appl�ed to the sum�secured b�fihis
<br /> 5 e curity �nstrument, �vhether �r n�� then due, wi�h any e�c ess p aid to �orrav�rer, If B orrower abandfln� �he
<br /> Property, or does nflt ansu�er within the num�er of days prescribed by Applicable LaW as se�for�h in a no�ice from
<br /> Lender�fl Borro�rer�hat the insurance carrier has offered to �et�le a claim, then Lender may cal�ect�he �nsurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �a repa�r or re�t�re �he Praperty or�o pay sums secured by�h�s Security
<br /> Instrurnen�,whe�her ar n�t�hen due.The period of time for B�rrower�a answer as set fflrth in the no�ice wi�I�egin
<br /> �vhen�he na��ce is given.
<br /> Unless Lend�r and Borrawer o�he�-vvise agre� iz�.wr��ing, any applica�xon of praceeds to principa�sha11 no�e�tend
<br /> ar pastpone�the due date of the paymen�s due u.nder the �ontr�.��❑r change�he amoun��f�he paymen�s. �f under
<br /> �he sec�ion�itled Accelerat��n; Remedies, the Property is acc�u�red by Lender, Borrower's r�gh��� any insurance
<br /> polic�es and proceeds resulting fram damage �� the Propearty priar t� the acqu�s�tion sha�� pass �� Lender to the
<br /> ex�en�af�he sums secured by this 5ecu.rity�nstrumen�.irnmedia��l�r priar�o�he acquisi�ion.
<br /> Preser�at�vn, 1Vlaintenance and Pr�te�t�an af �h� Property; Borrowe�'s Loan A.pp�ication; LeasQh��ds.
<br /> B�rrower sha�l nvt des�roy, damage or impair�he Property, all�vv�he Pr�per�y�� deteriorate, or commit u�aste �n
<br /> the Prnperty. Bflrro�ver sha�l be in defau�t if any forfei�ure ac���n ar pro�eeding,whe�her�civil or crzmrna�,is begun
<br /> �hat in Lender's gflad fa�th judgmen� could resu�t in farfei�ure �f the Proper�y or athe��xrise ma�erially �m�azx the
<br /> lien created by this Security Ins�rument flr Lender's �ecur�ty interest. Bo�-�-o�ver may �ure such a defau�t and
<br /> reins�ate, as pr�vided in sec�ion tit�ed I3orr�v�ver's Right to R�insta�e, by causing�he ac�ian or proceeding�� be
<br /> dismissed wi�h a ru�ing that,�n Lender's good fa��h de�errnina��an,precludes f�rfei�ure of the Borrower`s in�er�st in
<br /> �he Pr�per�y or �ther material impairmen� of�he Iie� crea�ed by �his 5ecuri�y Ins�rument or L�nder's sec�rity
<br /> znteres�.Barro�ver shall al��be in default if Borrovver,dur�ng�h�l�an application process,gave materially fa�se or
<br /> inaccura�e �nformatian or sta.tements ta Lender �or fa�led to provide L�nder u�ith any rnaterial informa�ian} in
<br /> connect�on�ith�he loan evidenced by �he �ontract. If�his S�curity�ns�rument is on a leaseh��d, Barro�ver 5haI1
<br /> comply with a1��he pr�visions of�he lease. If Borrower acquir�s fee title to�e Proper�y,the�easehfl�d and th�fee
<br /> titl�sha�l na�mer�e unless Lender agrees to the merger in wri�ing.
<br /> Prot�c�itin of L�nder's �ghts in the Property. If Borro�ver fails �o perform the c�venan�s and agr�en�.ents
<br /> con�ained in this S�curity�nstrumen�, or�here is a 1ega1 proceeding that may signif can���affec�Lender's righ�s�n
<br /> the Property �such as a praceeding in banl�ruptcy, probate, for condemna�iar� or forfei�ure or t� enf�rce �avvs or
<br /> regulations}, �hen Lender may dfl and pay far �rhatever �s necessary �o protect the value �f the Property and
<br /> Lender's rights�n the Property. Lender's ac�ions may�nclude pay�ng any sum�se�ured by a�ien vvh�ch has priority
<br /> �ver this Securi�y�nstrument, appearing in caurt,paying reasonable a��orneys'fees and entering on the Property�o
<br /> mak�repairs.A�thflugh L�nder may take ac�ian under t�is sect�on,Lender daes no�have t�do so.
<br /> Any amounts disburse� by Lender under this sec�ion �ha�1 bec�me addition�� deb� af Barrower secured by �h�s
<br /> 5ecurity �nstrument. IJnless Barrower and Lender agree ta ��her t�rms af paymen�, these amounts sha1l bear
<br /> C�2444-2�15 Comptian�e Systems,In�.8C54-11374-2415.11.3.1498
<br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Security Instrument DL2�36 Page 2 af 5 www.cvmp€iancesystems.�vm
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