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<br /> WARRANTIES. �ran�or, �or i�s�if, i�s heirs, pers�nal representa�ives, success�rs, and assigns, represen�s, •
<br /> �varrants, co��nants and agrees wi�h Lender, �ts su�c�ssors a�td assig�s, as f���ows:
<br /> Performan�e af �bliga��ons, Gran��r promises �o perfot-�n alI terms, c�ndit�ons, and co�enants of this `�
<br /> Se�uri�y Ins�rumen�and Re�a�ed Docu�nen�s in accordance wi�h�he�errr�s con�axned�h�rein.
<br /> DefenSe and Title�o Prnper�y, A��he���e of e�ecut�on and delivery of�his instrumen�, Gran�or is�a�vfully
<br /> se�sed ❑f the estate here�y con��yed and has the exclusive right to m�r�gage, grant, con�ey and asszgn �he
<br /> Praperty. Grant�r cavenan�s�hat the Property is unencumbered and free of aII Iiens,excep�far encumbrance�
<br /> of re�ord acceptab�e �o Lender. Further, �rantor ca��nan�s tha� �rantor will warrant and defend genera�iy
<br /> the title ta the Property against any and a�i claims and demands wha�soever, subject to �he easements,
<br /> res�ric�i�ns, or other encumbrances flf record accep��ble tfl Lender, as may be �isted in the schedule of
<br /> exceptions to co�erage �n any abs�rac� af �itie or �i��e insurance po�icy insuring Lender's interes� in the
<br /> Property.
<br /> �onditi�n of Prope�-ty. Gran�or promises a� aIl �im�s to p�eser�e and to maintain the Proper�y and ��ery
<br /> part there�f in good repair, working order, and c�ndi��o� and will frQm time to �im�, make alI n�edful and -
<br /> pr�per r�pa�rs so that�h�va�ue of the Proper�y shall no�in any way be impaired.
<br /> Remo�al of any Parf of#he Proper�y. GrantQr promis�s not �o remo�e any par� of the Prop�rty from its
<br /> presen�loca�ion, excep�for replacemen�,mainter�ance and re�oca�ion in the ordinary course�f business.
<br /> Alterations tfl th� Praperty, �ran�or prarr�ises to abs�a�� fro�n the cammission of any vvaste on or in
<br /> connectian with the Properry. Fur�her, Gran�or sh�l�make no�nat�riai�ltera�ians, additzons ar improvemen�s
<br /> of any type v�hatsoeW�r to �he Proper�y, regard�ess �f v�h��h�r such al�erat�ons, add�tians ar �pro�emen�s
<br /> wauld increase the value o�'�h� Prop�rry, n�r perr�-�i� anyone �a do so exce�� f�r tenant improvemen�s arid
<br /> �ompl�tion of��erns pursuar�� ta approved plans and s���i�ca�ia�s, wi�hou� L�n�er`s pri�r wri�ten c�nsen�,
<br /> v�h��h consen� rnay be wi��etd by L�nd�r zn �ts s�l� d�scre�ion. Gran�or wi�l �amp�y r�v�ith a�l lav�rs and
<br /> regu�a��ons of a�� pubi�c au�h�rities hav�ng,�urisdic�ifl� o��r th�Pr�perty including, wi�hout lim�tation, those
<br /> relating �� the use, accupancy and rnain�er�ance thereof and sha�i up�� request prflmp�ly submit to L�nd�r
<br /> evidence of such c�mp�iance.
<br /> . Due on Sale- Lender's Cansen�. �ran�or sha��n��se�l, fur�her�ncumber or o�her�rise d�spose of, excep�as
<br /> h�re�n provided, any or aIl of i�s interest in any p�r� of or a�� flf�he Pr�perry without firs� obtaining �he
<br /> writ�en consent of Len�er. �f any encumbranc�, lien, trans�er flr sa�e �r agre�m�nt for these is �reated,
<br /> L�nder may declare�mmedia�el�due and payab�e,�he en�ire balan�e of th� �ndebte�ness.
<br /> Insurance. Gran�or promises to keep the Properry insured against such risks and in such form as may wi�hin
<br /> th� s��e discre�ian �f Lender be accep�ab�e, causing Lend�r �� be named as l�ss pa�ee ar �f requested by
<br /> Lender, as mflr�gagee. The insurance company sha�l be chflsen by Gz•antor subj ect �a Lender's appro�al,
<br /> which shall n�� be unreasanably w��hhe��. All �nsuranc� poli�i�s mus� provide tha� Lender wi 11 get a
<br /> minimum of 10 days n�tice priar�o cancella�ion. A�Lend�r's discr�tion, Grantor may b�required to produce
<br /> � receip�s�f paid p�-em�ums and ren�wal policies. If Gran��r fa�Is to�b�ain the required��verage, Lender-may
<br /> do sn at�rantar's expense. Grantor hereby directs each and ev�ry insurer of the Properfiy to make payment of
<br /> Ioss to Lender with�he pr�ce�ds to b� applied, only a�Lend�r's op�ian, �Q �he r�pair and replacement af the
<br /> damage or Ioss or to be app��ed�o the�ndebt��ness wi�h�he surplus, if any,to be paid by L�nder to�ran�or.
<br /> Payment of Taxes and �ther Applica��e �harg�s. �r�r��ar pr�mises �a pay and ta discharae liens,
<br /> encumbran�es,taxes, assessm�nts, leas�payments and��y o�her charges relating to the Praper�y when �evied
<br /> or assessed aga�ns��ran�ar or the�Prop�rry.
<br /> En�ironmental Laws and I�a2ardou� or Tox�e M�ferials. �ra�tor and e�ery tenant ha�e been, are
<br /> pr�sentiy and shall �ontinue �o be �n strict �ompl�ance v�i�h any applicable local, s�a�e and federai
<br /> en�ironmental �aws and regu�a�ions. Fur�her, nei�her Grantor nor any tenant sha�l manufac�ure, s�ore, handl�,
<br /> discharge or dispase of hazardous or �axic n�a��rials as �ay b� defined �y any stat� or federal Iaw an �he
<br /> Pr�perty, except �o the exfen� the existence of su�h �mat�rials has be�n pr�sen��y disclosed in �nrri�ing �o
<br /> Lender. �ran�or will imme��ately n��ify Lend�r in wvri��ng of�.ny asser�ion ar claim made by any par�y as�o
<br /> the passible �ioiation af appli�able sta�e and federal env��-�nmentai �aws including th� ���a�ian of any
<br /> hazard�us or�oxic ma�erials on�r ab�u�the Property. �ran�or zndem.�i�es and hfllds Lender harm�ess from,
<br /> wi�hout limitati�n, any �iabi�i�y or e�pense of wha�s����r n��ur� i�curred dir���ly or indirect�y �u� of or in
<br /> canne��ion with: �a�any environmental �aws aff�cting ail or any par�of�h�Pr��erty ar Granta�-; �b}�he pas�,
<br /> presen� or future existen�e of any hazardous n�ateriais �n, on, under, a�ou�, or emanating from or pass�ng
<br /> through the Praperty �r any part thereof or any proper-ry a�j ac�n� thereto; �c� any past, present ar fu�ure
<br /> hazardous acti�ity a� or in conne��ion wi�h �h� Pr�perty �r ar�� par� th�reof; and �d� the noncompliance by
<br /> Grantor�r�rantor's fa�lure to comp�y ful�y and�i�ely with�nvironmen�al Iav�s.
<br /> Financial Ynforma�ion. �rantor agr�e�to supply.Len�er su���nancial and��h�r inf�rma�ion concern�ng i�s
<br /> affairs and �he s�atus af any of i�s asse�s as Lender, �rorr� time to time, may reas�nably request. Grantar
<br /> fur�her agr�es tfl permit Lender tfl �erify ac�ounts �.s v�el� as �o ��spec�, c�py and to examine �he books,
<br /> re�ords and f Ies af Grantflr.
<br /> Lender'�Right to Enter. Lender ar Lender's agents shalI have�he right and a�c�ss�o inspect the Property a�
<br /> aI� reasonable �imes in order to attend �o Lender's in�eres�s and ensure compliance �vi�h the terms of this
<br /> Seeurity �nstrum�nt, �f fhe Pr�per�y, or any par� �hereof, shall require inspection, repair or maintenance
<br /> which Grantor has failed �Q prov�de, Lender, af�er reasonabie no�ice, may enter upon fhe Praperty to effec�
<br /> �2�4�4-?0 i 5 Compliance Systcrtts,Inc.G8�9-2F38-24]S.]k,3,I025
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