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<br /> Honne Federal Sa��ngs& Loan Assocxat�on of Hame�ed�rai Sa�ings& L�an A�so�iation of
<br /> Grand ISIand Grand �sland
<br /> 221 S�u�h Locust Street 221 Sauth Lo�us�S�rQe�
<br /> �RAND I�LAND, NE�SSflI GRAN13 ISLAND, N�65�41
<br /> �Space Above This L�ne For Re�ordin�Data}
<br /> This C�MMERG[AL REAL ESTAT�DEED DF TRUST�"5ecurity �ns�rument"} is made on February 25,ZU16
<br /> by fihe grantor�s� R�YAL GUARD T�WNE H�USE, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liabili�y �ompa�.y, w�ose
<br /> address is 124 P�NDER4SA DRIVE, GRAND �SLAND, Nebraska 688�3 �"Gran��r"}. The trus�ee �s Arend
<br /> R. Baack,A�t�rney whase address is�'.C3. Box 79�,Grand �siand,Nebras�a 6$8�2("Trustee"}.The benef Giary
<br /> is HamQ Federal Sa�ings & Loan Assac�a���n of Grand Is�and whose address is 221 Sou�h Lacust S�ree�,
<br /> Grand �SIand,Nebraska�884�. �"Lender"},which�s organi2ed and exist�ng utader th� laws of the Uni�ed S�a�es�f
<br /> America. Grar�tor in consideration of l�ans �xtended by Lender up to a max�mum p�-incipal amoun� of Twen�y-
<br /> n�ne Thousand E�gh� Hundred F�f�y-four and �2110� Dollars �U.S. $Z9,854.�2� �"Maximum Princ�pal
<br /> �nd�btedness"}, and for other �aluable �onsid�ra��on, �he receip� of which is acknovWledged, irre�ocab�y gratatsy
<br /> con�eys and assibns �o Trustee, in �rust, with pawer of sale, the fo��owina descrxbed proper�y lacated in �he
<br /> CC�i]NTY of HALL, Sta�e of Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 659 Faidley Place,GRAND I�LAND,N�braska 688U3
<br /> Legal D�s�r�p�ion: Lot Four �4}, BLo��C)ne �1}, �o�on�aZ Estates �ecand Subdi�isian �o �h� City of Grand
<br /> Island,Ha�l Coun�y,Nebraska
<br /> Tage�her wi�h aIl �asements, appwrtenances abu�ting str��ts and alle�s, improvements, build�r�gs, fix�ures,
<br /> �enements, hereditaments, equipm�n�, rents, incame, profi�s and royal�ies, persana� ga�ds �f wha�e��r d�scripti�n
<br /> and al� other righ�s and pri��leges including ail min�rals, oil, gas, vvater �whether groundwa�er, subterran�an or
<br /> otherwise}, water righ�s �wheth�r ripar�an, appropria�� �r o�herw�s�, and whether ar n�t appur�enan��o the aba�e-
<br /> described rea� praperty�, we�lsy vve�l permits, d�tches, ditch rights, reser��irs, reservozr ribhts, reser��ir s���s,
<br /> s�orage ri�h�s, dams and wa�er st�ck that may n�w, or at any time in �h� future, be Ioca�ed on andlor used in
<br /> connec�ion �vith th� ab��e-des�ribed real proper�y, payment awards, amoun�s recei�ed from em.ir�ent d�ma�n,
<br /> arn.ounts rece Fved from any and all insuran�e pay�m�nts,and�imber vrrh��h may naw or later be I�cated, situa�edy nr
<br /> affixed�n and used in connection therewith�here�nafter cal�ed the "Proper�y"}.
<br /> RELATED D�C'tJMENTS. The word� "Re�a�ed I]ocumen�s" mean ali promissory notes, secur�ty agre�rnents,
<br /> prior mortga��s, prior deeds of �rust, prior deeds to se�ure debt, business loan agreements, construc�ion �oan
<br /> agreements, res�lutions, auaran�ies, environmen�al a�re�ments, subordina�ion a�reements, assignmen�s of leases
<br /> and ren�s and any other documents or aareemen�s executed ln C�nri�C�lDn Wlth fihl5 Indebtedn�ss and 5ecurity
<br /> �nstrum�nt,whether navv or her�after existing, in��uding a�.y m�difications, extensians,subs�itu�ions or renewals of
<br /> any �f th� fare�o�n�. The Rela�ed Documen�s are hereby made a par� af this Security Instrumen� by referen�e
<br /> thereto,with the same f�rce and effec�as if fu�Iy se�f�rth h�rein.
<br /> INDEBTEDIWESS. This Securify Instrumen�secures the przn�ipa�an��un�shown abaWe as may be��idenced by a
<br /> pr�missory nate ar no�es of e�en, prior or �ubsequen� date hereto, including future ad�ances and every ather
<br /> �ndebtedness af any and e�ery kind now or h�reaf�er owing from R�YAL GUARD TUWNE H�USE, LLC �o
<br /> Home Federa� Sav�ngs & Laan Association of Grand IS�and, hovvsoever createc� or aris�nb, v�he�her primary,
<br /> sec�ndary or continben�, together v�i�h ariy �nteres�or charges prav�ded in or arising ou� of such indeb�edness, as
<br /> weli as the agreem��ts and cavenants of th�s SeGur�fi,� �nstrument and all Rela�ed Dacu�ments �h�re�naf��r ai�
<br /> ref�rred to as the"Ind�btedness"�.
<br /> Fi]TURE ADVANCES. To�he extent permitted b�Iaw, this Security Instrument will secure future ad�anCes as if
<br /> such adWan�es were made on�he dat�of this Securr�y �ns�rument regardiess Qf the fact tha�firam t�me to time th�re
<br /> may be na balance due under the nate and regard�ess of whe�her L�nder i s ob i igated�o make such future ad�vances.
<br /> CR�S� C�LLATERAL�ZAT��N. I� is �he expressed �nten� of �ran�ar �o cross co�Iatera�ize ali of its
<br /> Indebtedness and abligations to Lender, hawsae�er arising and wh�nsae�er incurred, except any �biiga�i�n
<br /> �xisting or arising agains�the principal dwel�ing of any Gran��r.
<br /> �20d4-2015 Campliance S��stems,[nc.dSF9-2�'38-20I5.I 1.3.3�25
<br /> Cammer�ia!Real Estate Sccurity Instrument-DL4a0T Pa��1 of 5 www.com�liancesyst�ms.com
<br />