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2� 1 �� 1 �25 <br /> vEEv oF -r�usT <br /> Laan No: 'I�1233�86 �Continued� Page 2 <br /> Bnrrawer wh�ther or nvt the ad�ances are made pursuant ta a cammi�ment. Speci�Ecal�y, wi�hout limi�atian, this ❑eed <br /> of Trust se�ures, €n addition t� the amounts speci#ied in �he No#e, aII future amounts L�nder in its discretian may �oan <br /> �o Bvrrower,tvgether with a�i in�erest therean. <br /> Trustor presen�ly assigns to Lender �also known as Beneticiary in this �]eed vf Trust} a[f o� Trus�vr's right, title, and <br /> interes� in and t� all present and �uture E�ases of the Property and all Rents #rom the Property. ln addition, Trustor <br /> �ran�s�o Lender a Uni#orm Commercial Cade security in�eres�in the Persona! Prope�rty and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED �F TRIJST, 1NCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT DF RENTS AND THE SECURiTY INTEREST [N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, IS GIVEN T� SECURE {A� PAYIVIENT �F THE �NDEBTEDNESS AND {B} PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL nBLIGATI0N5 UNDER THE N(]TE, THE RELATED D�CUMENTS, AND THIS DEED DF TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED OF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE F�LLDINING TERMS: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATI�NS AND 1NARRANTIES. Trustor wa��ants �hat: {a} #hEs Deed of Trust is executed at <br /> Borrvwer's request and not at the request of Lender; �h� Trustor has th� #ul! pawer, right, and authority to enter in#o <br /> this �eed �fi Trust and t❑ hypothecate �he Property; �c} �he pro�isions vf this Deed ❑f Trust da n�t canflict wi�h, or <br /> resu�t in a de�au[t under any agreemen��r ather instrum�nt binding upon Trustor and da no� result in a violatian ❑f any <br /> latinr, regulafiion, court decree nr arder appiicable to Trustor; {d� Trustor has es�tab�ish�d adequate means �� ❑btainEng <br /> fram Borrower ❑n a cantinuing basis in�Forma�ion about Borr�wer`s �inancial conditian; and �e� Lender has made no <br /> representatEon to T�-ustar abvut 6orrawer tinc�uding wi�hou�limi#ation the credi�worthiness of Borrawer}. <br /> TRUST�R'S WAiVERS. Trustor wai�es a[[ ri�hts vr def�nses arising by�eason af any "one act�on" �r "anti-deticiency" <br /> law, or any ather iaw which may pre�en� L�nder from bringing any a�tian agains� Trustor� including a c�aEm for <br /> deficiency to �h� �xtent Lender is otherwise entitied to a claim far d�ficiency, be�ore o� after Lender`s comm�ncement <br /> ❑�-comple�ion af any�oreclasure action, either judi�ially❑r by exercise❑�a pawer a�sa�e. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as otherwise p�o�ided in this �eed of Trust, Bor�awer shall pay �o Lender all <br /> lndebtedness secured by this D�ed af Trust as it becomes due, and Barrower and Trustor shail perform all the�r <br /> r�spective o��igations under fihe Note,this aeed of Trust, and the Rela�ed Documen�ts. <br /> P�SSESSIDN AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRQPERTY. Barrower and Trustor agree that Borrvwer's and Trustor's <br /> possession and use of#he Proper�y shall be ga�erned by�h���!lowing pro��sians: <br /> Poss�ssivrt and Use. Un�i[ the occurrence v� an E�ent af ❑efault, Trus�ar may ��} remain in possessivn and <br /> con�roi o�F the Proper�y; ��} use, vperate or manage the Property; and �3} cailect the Rents trom the Proper�y. <br /> ❑uty to Mainta'rn. Trustar shall maintain the Property in tenantable conditEon and promp�ly perfarm all repairs, <br /> replacements, and main�enance necessary to preser�e its�alue. <br /> Compliance Vlri�h En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustor represents and warran�s to Lender that: {1� During the perivd ❑f <br /> Trustvr's �wnersh�p flfi the Property� there has been no use� genera�ion. manu#acture, storage, treatmen�, dispvsal, <br /> refeas� or threatened re[ease of any Hazardous Substance by any persan on, under, abaut or from the Pr�perty; <br /> �2� Trus�ar has no know[ed�e vf, ar �-eason ta be[ieve �hat�h�re has been, except as pr��ious�y disciased to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in wri�ting, {a� any breach or vEofation o� any En�ironmentai Laws, tby any use, <br /> generatian, manufac�ure, storage, treatmen�, dispasa[, re[ease ar threatened release of any Hazardnus Substance <br /> an, under, abou� vr from the Prop�rty by any priar own�rs or vccupants ❑f the Property, ar �c} any a��ual or <br /> threatened litigativn ar claims �� any kind by any person re�afi�ng t❑ such mat�ters; and �3} Except as pre�ious[y <br /> disc[osed to and acknvwledged by L�nder in writing, tay ne�fiher Trustor n�r any tenant, �ontracta�, agent❑r ather <br /> au�horized user vf the Property shal[ use, generate� manufacture, s#ore, treat, dispose at or reiease any Hazardous <br /> Substanc�on, under, abvu�or�r�m the Prop�rty; and {b} any such acti�ity shall be cvnducted in comp[iance with <br /> all applicabfe federal, state, and local iaws, regu�atians and ordinances, incfuding without [imitati�n a�l <br /> En�ironmentaE Laws. T�us�or au�hori�es L�nd�r and its agents to enter upan the P�oper�y t� make such <br /> inspec�ivns and t�sts, at Trus�tor`s �xpense, as Lend�r may deem appropriate to d�termine camp[iance o� the <br /> Praperty wi#h th�s sectian af the Deed flf Trust. Any inspec�ions or tests made by Lender shall be �or Lender's <br /> purposes only and shal� not be cvnstrued to create any respvnsE�ifEty vr iiability on the par#vf Lender to Trusto�or <br /> to any other person. The repres�nfiatians and warranties contained herein are based nn Trus�vr's due diligence En <br /> in�estigat�ng the Property far Ha�ardous Substan�es. Trustor hereby �1} r�i�ases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lender �For indemni�y ❑r contribu�ion in the ��ent Trustar becames iia�ie for �leanup vr �fihe� cos�s under <br /> any such iaws; and {�y agrees�o indemnEfy, defend, and hald harm�ess Lender against any and aii ciaims, �osses, <br /> tiabiEEties, damag�s, penalt�es, and expenses which Lender may directly nr indirec�ly sustain ❑r suffer resuiting fram <br /> a breach af this se�tion of the ❑eed v� Trust vr as a consequ�nce af any use. generation� manu�a�ture� starage, <br /> disposal, reEease or thr�a#ened release accu���ng prior�o Trustor's nwnership or interest in#he Pr�perty� whe�her or <br /> nafi the same was o�- should ha�e been known tv Trus�or. The prv�isians of 'this section af �he ❑eed o� Trus�, <br /> inc�uding�he obfigation to indemn�fy and de�end, sha�l sur�i�e�he payment o�the Indebfiedness and the sat�s#ac�ion <br /> and recon�eyance �f the iien of�this aeed v�Trus�and sha[[ no�be affected by Lender's acquis�tion of any interest <br /> in the Property, whether by foreclosure or vtherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Wasts. Trustor shall not cause, canduct ❑r perm�� any nuEsance nor cammit, permit, ar su���r any <br /> stripping af or waste on or to the Praper�y vr any por�ion of th� P�operty. VIlithout limiting the generality of the <br /> taregoing, Trus�or will no� �-emo�e, or grant to any ❑ther party�he �r�ght to remo�e, any timber, minerals �inc�ud�ng <br /> oil and gas}, coalr clay� scoria, sai[, gra�el ar rock prvducts without Lender's prior written consen�. <br />