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2� 1 ���952 <br /> reducing �h� principa� owed under the No�e or by mak�ng a direc� payment to B�rrower. If a refund reduces <br /> prznc�pal,�he reduc�r�n w�ll be�trea�ed as a p�.r��al prepayment without any�repaymen�charge under the No�e. <br /> Not�ces. Any nfl�ice �o Borrower provided far i� �hrs Se�uri�y �nstrument sha�� be gxven by delivering i� ar b� <br /> ma�ling i�by f�rs�class ma��unless Applicab�e Law requ�es use of another me�hod. The no���e shal�be d�rec�ed t� <br /> the Property Address or any other address Borrower d�s�gnates by notice �o Lender. Barrov�er agre�s to pro�xde <br /> Lender vv��h��rrower's most �urr�nt ma��ing address, as zt may chang� from��me-t�-time. Any noti�e tfl Lender <br /> sha��be g�v�n by f rs#c�ass mazX to Lender's address s�a�ed h�rein or any other address Lender des�gnates by no��ce <br /> to B�rrflwer. Any notxce provided for in thxs Security�nstrument sha�l be deem.ed ta have b�en gz��n to Borravver <br /> ar L.en�er v�hen g�ven as prov�ded xn�h�s parabraph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Se�erabi�i�y.Th�s�e�urxty�nstrument shall be go�erned�y fed�ral Iaw a.nd the Iavws of th�sta�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n �h� �vent that any provision or clause a��hzs Securzty �nstrume�.t nr the Note conflxc�s W�th <br /> App��cable Law,such conflict sha��not affect other provzsxfl�.s of th�s Seeur��y�nstrum.�n��r�he Note vwhich�an b� <br /> gi�en effect vvi�hout the canfl��t�ng pr�visiam. Ta this �nd the pro�isions of this Secur�ty Instrument and the Note <br /> a�r�de�lar�d�o be se�erable, <br /> Borrawer'S�op�.Borrower shall be giveri�ne�opy of thzs Security Ins�rument. <br /> Transfer af the Property or a Benef�c�al Interest�n Bflrrtiw�r. �f all or ar�y part�f�he Pr�perty or any interest <br /> �n �� is sald or �ransferred �or if a benef cial �nteres� zn B�rrower is sold or transferred and B�rrower �s �ot a <br /> na�ural pers�n} unX�ss th� Note shov�s tha� Borrow�r's l�an is assumable, Lender may, a� zts opt�on, requzre <br /> immedia�e payment i� fu�I af a�� sums s�cured by this Security �nstrum�n�. H�wever, this optian sha�I n�t be <br /> exercised by Lender�f exercise is prohzb�t�d by f�deral �av�as �f the da�e �f th�s Secur��y Instrumen�. If the Note <br /> shows tha�Borr�wer's�aan is assun�ab�e,Borrov�er mus�ob�azn Lender's wr�tten perm�ssion for an assump��on and <br /> follow any ather requ�r�ments of Lender related�o an assump�zon. If Borrower do�s not da so,Lender ma�require <br /> immedia�e paymen�in full of aII sums secured by�his Securzty�ns�rumen�. <br /> If Lender exercises this opt�on, Lender sha�I gi�e �arro�ver r�o�ice af acce�eratzan. The notice sha�I �rovide a <br /> per��d �f not less �han the m�nimum number af days established by App�zcab�� Law fram �he date the �a��ce �s <br /> delivered or m.ail�d withrn v�h�ch Borrower mus� pay aIl s�xns secured by th�s Securi� Instrum�nt. �f Bflrrower <br /> fa��s ta pay �hese sunas pr�or to th� exp�ration of this period, Lender may �.n.�oke any remedi�s permitted b�this <br /> Secur�ty�nstrum�nt�vz�hout fur�her nflt�ce or demand�n B�rrower. <br /> Borr�w�r's ��ght to Re�nstate. Zf Barrower meets certai.n �or�diti�ns, Borrov�er sha�l have �he right �� have <br /> enforcement flf thxs Securr�y Zns�rument discont�nued a� any�xme pr�ar�to the ear�ier of: �a� 5 da�s �ar such ather <br /> peri�d as Applicable Lav�may specify for reinstateme�.�)before sale of the Property pursuant��any pow�r�f sale <br /> conta�.ned in �his Se�uri�y �ns�rum�n�; flr �b) entry of a judbm�n� enfarc�ng �his S�cur�ty ��strumen�. Those <br /> condr��flns are tha� Borrov�er: �a} pays Ler�der aX1 sums wh�ch �h�n would l�e due under� 5ecurity �nstrumen� <br /> and the Note as if no acce�era���n had occurred; �b} cures an� d�fault af any other cavenan�s or agreena.ents; �c} <br /> pays a��expenses�ncurred in enforcxng thrs Security�ns�rumen�, �ncluding,bu�not limited�o,reasonable�.ttorneys' <br /> fees to �he exten�pern���ted by�aw; and�d��akes such action as Lender may reasonably r�qu�re to assur�tha��he <br /> li�n�f�his S�cur�ty Ins�rument, Lender's r�gh�s in the Property and Borrower's ob�igation�o pay the sums se�ured <br /> by�h�s Security �ns�rurnen� sha�I con�inue unchanged. Upnn re�.ns�at�ment by Barrower7 this S�curi�y Instrumen� <br /> and the obliga���ns seGured hereby sha1� rema�ta. fu�Iy effectzve as �f no acce�eration had accurred. Howev�r, this <br /> r�ght�o reins�a��shal�no�apply�n the case af acce�erati�n un.der the sect�on��t�ed Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Beneficial Interest in Borrower. <br /> Sale of Note Change of Laan Servicer. The Note or a par�ial rnter�st �n the N��� �together wz�h th�s S��urz�y <br /> �nstz-umen��may be sold one or more ti.mes w�thout prior n��zce ta B�rrower. A sale ma�resul�in a change �n the <br /> en�x�y �known as the "Loan Serv�cer"� �ha� callects per�odi� paym�n�s du� under �he Na�e and th�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen�.There a�s�may be one or n�ore c�aanges of the Laan S�r��cer unre�a�ed to a sa�e�f the Nate. �f�h�re�s <br /> a�hange�f�he Loan�ervicer,Borro�ver vvx�l be giveza v�ritten r�o�xce of th� change in accordan�e vvi�h th� sect��n <br /> ��t�ed�a�i�es and Ap�iicab�e Lavv. The notice w��� s�ate the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the <br /> address to which pa�ments should be made. Th� �.ot�ce w�I� a�s� con�a�.n. any ��her �nformatian requ�red by <br /> Applicab�e La�. <br /> Hazardous �ubs�anc�s.Borrower sha�l not cause or permit�he presence, use, d�spo�al, storage, or r��ease�f any <br /> �azardous Substances fln ar in the Proper�y.Barrower shall no�do,nor al�ow anyone e�se�o do,anythxng affe�ting <br /> �he Pr�pez-�y that xs in vio�atz�n of any Envi.rozixn�n�a� Law. The preceding twa sen�ences sha�l not apply t� th� <br /> presen�e,use, or starage on�he Property of s�nall quan�zties af I�azardous Substances�hat a.r�generai��recognr2ed <br /> to be appropriate to no�-naa�residen��a�uses and to ma�.n.t�nance of th.e Proper�y. <br /> Borro�er sha�l prompt�y give Lender written notzce af any i.nves�igatzan,cia�m., demand, Ia�suit or other acti�n by <br /> any governmental or r�gulat�ry ag�ncy or pri�ate paz-�y invo� �he Property and any Hazardous Substan�e or <br /> En��roxam.ental Law �f which B�rrower has a.ctua� kno�vledg�. �f Borrovver learns, or is notified by any <br /> govern.�n�n�al ar regu�a�flry authority,�hat a�y remova�or other rem�dia��on of any Hazardous Subs�a�.ce affect�ng <br /> the Proper�y is ne�essary, Borrow�r shall prompt�y �a�e a�1 n�cessary remed�a� actions in ac��rdance w��h <br /> En�r�ranmenta�Law. <br /> As used zn�his paragraph, "Hazardous Substa�.cesT' are those subs�ances defned as�axi� or hazardous s�bstan�es <br /> by Envir�nmental Law and �he fo��owing subs�ances: gaso�ine, ��erosene, other flammable or �oxzc ��tro�eurn <br /> prnduc�s, toxic pesticrdes and herb��ides, vola��le so�vents, materia�s can�a�n�ng asb�stos or forrr�aidehyde, and <br /> rad��ac��ve mat�rials. As used�n�h�s paragraph, "��.��onmenta�Law"m�ans feder�.�lavvs and�a�vs af�h� s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska that re�a�e�o hea�th,safety or en��ronme�ztal pro�e�t�an. <br /> C�2004-24I5 Campliance Sys#ems,In�:.8C54-08�d-2015.11.3.109$ <br /> Consum�r Real Estat�-Se�ur�ty Fnstr�ment DL2036 �'a�e 4 vf d www,comp3iancesystems.c�m <br />
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