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2� 1 ���952 <br /> Any amoun�s d�shursed by Lender under �his sec�ion shall �ec�me additional debt af Borro�ver secured by this <br /> Security znstrumen�. Unless Borrower and Lender agree ta a�her tern�.s af paym�nt, these am�unts sha�1 bear <br /> interest from�he da�e of d�sbu.rsem�n�a��h�N�te rate�.nd sha�l be payable,�vi�h i.n�eres�,�p�n��tice fr�m Lender <br /> t�Borrower request�ng paymen�. <br /> Mortgage InSurance. If Lender requ�red mvrtgage insuranc� as a condit�on af making �he �oan secured by th�s <br /> 5ecur�fiy�nstrum�nt,B�rr��er sha�l pay�he premiums required�o ma�r��ain�he mor�gage insurance in effe��,Zf,far <br /> any reasan, the mortgage insuranc� co�rerage requ�red by Lender lapses or ceases�o b� in effect, B�rrow�r sha�1 <br /> pay �he premiums required �a obtain cov�rage subs�an�xal�y equi�alen� to �he mar�gage insurance previous�y �n <br /> effe��, a� a cos� substantiaX�y equ�valen� to the cost to Bo�rov`rer of�he mor�gage insurance pre�zously in effect, <br /> from an a�terna�e mor�gage�nsur�r approved by Lender. If substan�ially equi�alen�mor�gage insurance coverage is <br /> no� a�ai�ab�e, Borro��r shail pay t� Lender each month a �um equal ta one�twe�fth �f �he yearly m�r�gage <br /> xnsurance pr�mium being pa�d by Barrov�er v�hen the insuranc� co�erage lapsed or ceased�a�be in effec�. Lender <br /> w��� accept, use and re�a�n�hese payments as a Xoss res�rve in��eu of mor�gage �nsurance. Loss reser�e paymen�� <br /> may no �nn�er be requ�r�d, at �the aptian nf Lend�r, �f mortgage insuran�e co��rage �Yn �he amoun� and for�he <br /> period that Lender requzres}pro�ided by an insurer approved by Lender again b�cames ava��ab�e and is ob�ained. <br /> Borrower shal�pay th� prem�ums required�o main�ain martgage insurance zn effect, or to provide a lass reserve, <br /> until �he requiremen� far��age insuranc� ends �n accordance wi�h any written agreement b��een B�rro�ver <br /> and Lender or Applica�Ie Law. <br /> Inspect��n. Lender or �ts agent may make reasona��e �ntries upon and �.z�sp��tions of�he Proper�y. L�nder sha�l <br /> give Borrower notice at the�ime of or prior to an�.x�spec�ion specifying r�asonable cause for the inspec��on. <br /> �andemnati�n. The proc�eds of any av�ard or cla�m for damag�s, direct or consequen��al, in�onnecti�n with any <br /> condemna��on o�-a�her tak�ng of an�par�af�he Proper�y, or for can�eyance in ��eu of condemna�ion, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid t�Lender. <br /> Zn �he event of a�ota1 taking of the Fraper�y, �he proceeds shall b� applied�o the sums secured by �hxs Security <br /> zns�rumen�, whe�her or n�� then due, v�ith any excess pa�d to Borrower. �n the even� �f a partial �aking of�he <br /> Pr�per�y in which�he fa�r market value of�he Properry immediately befare�he �ak�ng is equa�to or great�r�han <br /> �he amount af th� sums se�ured by �his Se�urx�y �ns�rume�t immedia��ly before the �aking, unless B�rr�wer and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in wr���ng,the sums by�his Security�nstrument sha11 be reduced by�he amoun�of <br /> �he proceeds mu���plied by the follo�ing frac��on: �a��he�o�a�amount of�he sums se�ured imrr�e��a�el�before�he <br /> taking, divided by ��) the fair market valu� of�he Proper�y �mmediately before �he �aking. Any balan�e shal�be <br /> paid�a Borrflv�er, �n th� ev�n� of a par��al taki.n.g of�he Praperty �n which the fa�r market value of the Proper�y <br /> immedia�e�y �efore the taking is less than �he amoun� of�he sums secured �nlmedia�ely�efare �he �aking, un�ess <br /> Borrower and L.ender��he�-v�ise agree �n wri�ua��r un�ess Applicable Law otherwise pra��des, �he pr�ceeds sha�l <br /> be applied�o the sun�.s secured by�his 5e�uri�y�nstrumen�vvhether or not�he sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Properfiy�s abandoned by B�rrflwer, or if, after notice by Lender�o Borrower�hat�he condemn�r offers to <br /> mal�e an award or set�l�a claim for damages, Bflrro�r�r fa�ls to respond to Lender v��thin the mi.nimum nu.m�er of <br /> days es�a�blished by App�icable Law after�he da�e the no�i�e�s g�v�n,Lender is authflrized to c�lle��and app�y the <br /> proceeds, a� i�s ap�ian, either �o restoratian or repaz.r of�he Praperty ar ta �he sums secured by �hxs Secur�ty <br /> Znstrument,v�heth�r or not�hen due. <br /> Un�ess Le�der a.nd Borrower a�herwise agree in wri�ing, any app�ication of praceeds�o pr�ncipal shall na� ex�end <br /> or postpane the du�e da�e �f�he paym�n�s referred �o in �he sec�ion titled Payment af Princ�pal and Interest; <br /> Prepayment and Late Charges or change�he amoun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not Released; Forbearan�e By Lender Not a Wai�er. Ex�ension of �h� �im� for pay�n�nt �r <br /> modif ca���n of amort��a�ion of the sums secured by �h�s Security Ins#xument granted by Lender�o �arr�w�r or <br /> any successar in in�eres� of Borrov�er sha�� not operat� to rel�ase the �iab��ity of �h� �rrginal Borrovver or <br /> Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall nat be requ�red�o commence proceed�ngs aga�.ns�any successor in <br /> in�erest Qr refuse�a extend time for payment ar o�herv�ise mod�fy amort�zatx�n�f�h�sums secured by this 5�cur�ty <br /> �ns�rument by reason af any demand made by �he �rig�naT Borr�wer or Barrower's successors in �n�eres�. A.n►y <br /> forbearance by Lender �n�xerc�sing any righ�or remedy shall not be a waiver af or prec�ud�th� exer�ise af any <br /> right�r reme�y. � <br /> Suc�essars and Ass�gns B�und; Jo�nt and Severai Liabi�i�y; Accamm�dation S�gners. The c�v�nants and <br /> agreemen�s o�'t�.is Se�ur���ns�rument sha��bi.nd and he�.ef��he successors and assigns �f Lender�.nd Bor�ow�r, <br /> subj ec� �� �he pro�isi�ns of section tit�ed Transfer af the Property or a Benef�c�al Interest in B�rrov�er, <br /> Barrawer's c�venan�s and agreemen�s shall be join�and sewera�. Any person v�ho c�-signs this Secur�ty�nstrument <br /> but does n�t execu�e the Note �"Accommodat��n Signer"�: �a3 xs co-s�gning th�s Securi�y �nstr�men� on�y �o <br /> mor�gag�, gran� anc� convey tha�Accomm�da�ion Signer's �n��res� in�h� Property under the terms af�he Securxty <br /> zns�rument; �b} is no�persanaX��flb��gated to pay�he sums secured by�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�; and�c�agrees�ha� <br /> Lender and a�y other Borrower may agree ta ex��nd,madify,forbear ar make any a�cammodatians vt��th r�gar�ta <br /> the terms�f�his Securi�y�nstrument or the Note w��hou�that Accommoda�ion Signer's cansen�. <br /> Lvan Charge5. If the �oan secured by th�s Securi�y Instrument is subject �o a Iaw which s�ts maximum Iaan <br /> charges, and tha�la�is finally in�erpre�ed so�hat the interes�or o�her loan charges col�ected�r ta be�o1lec�ed in <br /> connection wi�h �he �oan exceed the perm�t�ed �im�ts, �h.en: �a} any such loan charge shall be reduc�d �by �he <br /> amaun�necessary to r�duce the charge to the permitted Iimits and�b} any sums alr�ady co1l�c�ed fram Borrower <br /> which exceeded perm�tted limi�s W��� be refunded ta I3tirr�w�r. Lender may �hoose �o m.ake th�s refund by <br /> C�2044-2415 Cam�iiance Systems,Inc.8C5�-08C5-2��98 <br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL2�3fa Page 3 of d www.campliar� <br />