2� 1 ���857
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender sha1�gi�e Bflrrower notic�of accelera�tion. The n�tice sha11 provide a
<br /> per�nd of n�t 1�ss than 30 days from the date the n�tice is gi�en in accordance With Section 14 with�n which Borrnvver
<br /> must pay a�l sums se�ured by this Security Ir�strument. If B�rrower fail��o pay these sums prior t�the expirat�on of
<br /> this perivd, Lender may invake any remedies permitted by thi�Securi�Ir�s�rument vvithou�further notice ar demand
<br /> on Borrower.
<br /> 1S. Borrower's Right t�Reinstate After Acceleration. If Barrower meets c�rtain c�ndi�ions, �orrawer shall
<br /> have the right to reinstatement�f a mnrtgage. Thase conditions are that Borr�wer: �a}pays Lend�r all sums which
<br /> then wnuld be due und�r this Se�urity Instrumen�and the Nate as�f no accel�ration had accurred;�b}cures any default
<br /> nf any other co�enants�r agreements;�c}pays alI expenses in�urred in enforcing this Secur�ty Instrument, including,
<br />� but not limited tn, reasonable a�tarneys' fees, pr�perty inspection and valuation fees, and other fees in�urred far the
<br /> purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Fraperty and rights under this Se�urity Ins�rument; and�d}takes such
<br /> action as Lender may reasonably requir�to a�sure that Lender's inter�st in the Property and rights under this Security
<br /> instrun�ent,and�orrower's obligat�on to pay the sum�secured by this Security Instrument, sha11 cont�nue unehanged.
<br /> However, Lender is nat required to reinstate if: �i} Lender has accepted reinstatement after the commencement of
<br /> fareclosure proceedings within twa yea�-s immediately preceding the �vmrn�ncement Qf a current foreclosure
<br /> prviceedirigs; {ii}reinstatement wi�l preclude forec�osure on d�fferent grounds in the future, or{iii�reinstatemen�will
<br /> ad�erseiy affect the pr�or�ty of the lien�reat�d by this SeCurity�nstrument. Lend�r may requir�thar Borrower pay
<br /> such reinstatem�n�sums and expens�s in�ne ar more of the following forn�s, as selected by Lender: �a} cash, �b�
<br />, rr�oney arder; �c�C�rtif�ed Check,bank checl�,tr�asurer's check or�ashier's ch�ck,provided any suc�chec�is drawn
<br />; upon an inst�tuti�n whose depas�ts are insured by a f�deral agency, instrumentalifiy or�ntity; or(d)Electronic Funds
<br /> Transfer, Upon reinstatement by B�rrower,this Security Instrument and�bligations secured hereby shall remain fully
<br /> ef��ctiv�as if r�o a�ce�era�io�had ocGurred.Hawever,this rig�it�o r�insta�e s�ia�l nat a�ply in the�as�of accelerat�on
<br />� under Section 17.
<br />� 19. Sa�e of Note; �hange of Loan S�r�icer;Nvtice of Grievance. The Nate or a partia�int�rest in the Na#e
<br /> �tag�t�er wit�th�is Securit�Inst�m�r�t}ca�he sald o���r rr�are tirr�es wi��hout priar natic�tv Borrowe�. A sale might
<br />�
<br /> result in a change in the�ntity�known as the "Loan 5�rvieer"}that col�e�ts Periodi�Payments due under the N�te
<br /> and thi� Security Inst�rument and�erf�rms�ther mortgage laan s�rvicir�g�bli�ations und�r the N�te, this Securi�ty
<br /> Inst�~ument, an�.A���icable Law. T`l�ere alsa might h�one or mvr��ha�nges o�t�e Lo�r�S�r�icer unr�lated�o a sal�
<br /> nf#he Na�e. If there is a c�ange af the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be gi�en written notice of th�change w�ich will
<br />! state the name and address of the new L�an Ser�i�er, the address t�which payments should be made and any other
<br /> inf�rmatian RESPA requires in cnnnectiQn with a n.otice of tra�nsfer of servici�g. If th��ote is sold and thereafter
<br />, the Loan is s�rviced by a Loan Ser�icer other than the pur�haser of the Nnte, the mortgage lnan ser�icing�b�igat��ns
<br />,
<br /> to Barrower will r�main with the Loan Ser�icer nr be transferred to a success�r Loan Servicer and are not assumed
<br /> by�h�N�t�purchaser unless otherwise�ro�ided by the Nate purcha�er.
<br /> 2�. Borrower Nnt Third-Party Benef ciary to Contract af Insurance.Mortgage Insurance r�irnhurses Lender
<br /> �or any entity tha�purchases the Note}for certain losses it may incur if L�orrovver does not repay�he Laan as agreed.
<br /> Barrower acl�nowl�dg�s and agre�s that the Borrower is nat a third par�bene�ciary�o the contract of insurance
<br />� b�tween the Secretary and Lender, nor is Borr�vver entitled ta �nforce any agre�ment hetween L�nd�r and the
<br /> Secretary, unless explicitly authorized to do so by Appl�cahle Law.
<br /> 21. Hazar�laus Substances.As used in this Sectian 21:�a}"Hazardous Substances"are thos�substances defi.r�ed
<br />' as tox�c or hazardous substances,pollutants, or wastes�y Environmen�al Law and the fo�lawing substan�es:gasolin�,
<br /> k�rosene, ath�r flan�rnable ar toxic petraleum products, toxic pestiCides and herbi�ides, valatile solvents, materials
<br /> cantaining asbestos or formaldehyd�,and radioa�tive materials;�b�"En�ironmental Law"means fed�rallaws and laws
<br /> �f the j urisdiCti�n where the Prop�rty is located that relate to health, saf�ty or environmental pr�tecti on; �c�
<br /> "Environmental �1�anup" includes any response action, remedial acti�n, or rern�val actian, as defined in
<br /> Environm�n�al Law; and �d} an "Environmental C�nditi�n" means a condition �hat can cause, con�ribute to, nr
<br /> atherwise trigger an Envi�o�mental Cleanup.
<br /> Borr�wer shal�no�t cause or permit the presen�e,use, disposal, starage,or release of any Hazardous 5ubstanc�s,
<br /> or threaten ta release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borr�wer shall not da, nor a�iativ anyone else
<br /> N EL7QTZ2.FHA D9i 14115 Page 1 U af �3 wwa�r.docrnag�c.cvm
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