2� 1 ���835
<br /> agreem�nts or contraets exce�t to the e�tent that Ind�vidual B�rrower sha�l ha�re any r�ght �r
<br /> interest therein and then onl�to the e�.tent of such r�ght or interest therein;
<br /> _, �� Fixtures. AlI �quipment nflv� owned, or the o�vn.ersh�p of Which is
<br /> hereafter acquired, by Indiv�dua� Borrower Wh��h is sa related to the Land and Impravements
<br /> form�ng part of the Property that xt is dee�m.ed fixtures or real property under the �av� of the
<br /> particuiar state in which the Equipment �s �ocated, inc�uding, without limitation, ail �ui�d�ng or
<br /> �onstructzo� mater�als �ntend�d for construction, reconstruct�on, alteratzon or repair of ar
<br /> instal�atian on the Pr�perty, C�nstruction equipment, appliances, mach�nery, p�ant equipment,
<br /> f ttings7 apparatuses, fi�tures and other rtems n�w or hereafter attach�d to, installed in �r used in
<br /> cnr�nection �vzth (temporar�ly or permanently} any of the Improvements �r the Land or the
<br /> activ�t�es conducted thereon, �ncluding, but n�t limited to, engines, dev�ces for the operat��n af
<br /> pumps, pipes, plumbing, c�eaning, cali and spr�nkler systems, fxre extingu�sh�ng appaxatuses and
<br /> equipment, heating, ventilatxng, �aundry, incinerat�ng, �lectr��al, a�r ��ndition�r�g and azr co���ng
<br /> equipment and systems, gas and e�ectr�c machinery, appurtenances and equ�pment, poliut�on
<br /> �ontra� equipment, se�urity systems, d�s�osals, d�shWas�ers, refrigerators �in��uding a��
<br /> refrigeration and freezing systems and equipment� anc� ranges, recreatianal equipment and
<br /> facilities o�a�� k�nds, and �water, gas, electrica�, storm and sariitary sewer facilit�es, utility lines
<br /> and equ�pment �whether awr�ed indi�idua��y or j ointly with others, and, if owned j aint�y, to th�
<br /> extent �f Individual Borr�vver's interest therein} and a�� ather utxlit�es Whether �r not situated in
<br /> easem.ents, alI water tanks, v�ater supply, Water power sites, fuei stations, �ue1 tanks, fue� suppiy,
<br /> and a�I other structures, t�gether vvith a�� accessions, appurtenances, add�t�ans, replacements,
<br /> betterments an� substitut�ons for any of the f�regoing and th� proceeds thereaf, xn each case to
<br /> the extent any of t�.e foregoing is so related to the Land and Impr�vements formir�g par� af the
<br /> Pr�perty that �s deemed fi�tures or rea� propert�under the �aw�f th�particular state in v�hich the
<br /> Equ�pment is �ocated �ca��ective�y, the "Fixtures"�. I�otwithstanding the foregoing, "Fixtures"
<br /> shal� not �nclude any property belang�ng ta tenants or occupants under L�ases or customers,
<br /> supp��ers, vendars ar other parties und�r any agre�ments or �antracts except ta the ext�nt that
<br /> Indzvidual Borrower shal� have any right ar int�rest there�n and then only to the extent of such
<br /> right ar interest therein;
<br /> �g� Pers�nal Pro e . All furniture, furnishings, objects of art, machinery7
<br /> �aods, tool s, supplies, appliances, general intangil�les, contract rights, accounts, accounts
<br /> receivab�e� franchises, lic�nses, cert�ficat�s and permits7 and a�l other personal propert� of any
<br /> kind or �haracter whats�e�er as defined in and subj ect to the provisxons �f the Uniform
<br /> �ommercxal �ode, Whether tangib�e ar intangible, other than Fixtures, wh�ch are now �r
<br /> hereafter �wned by Indiv�dual Borrower and which are located with�n �r ab�ut the Land and the
<br /> Impravements or used in c�nnectxon with the a�t�v�ties conducted therein, together with a��
<br /> a�cess�ries, replacements and substitutr�ns thereto or therefor and the praceeds th�reof
<br /> �callect��e�y, the "Personal Property"}, and the right, title and int�rest �f Indi�idua� Borrov�er
<br /> �n and t� any af the Personal Praperty �vhi�h may be subj ect to any se��.rit�r �nterests, as defined
<br /> �n the Uniform �ommercial �ade, as adopted and enacted by the sta.te or sta.tes where any of the
<br /> Property is �ocated (the "Uniform �ammerc�al �ode"�, superi�r �n ��en to the ��en af th�s
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument and aIl proceeds and�raducts of the above. Notwithstand�ng the foreg�ing,
<br /> Personal Pr�per�y sha�� not include any property beiong�ng to tenants or occupants under Leas�s
<br /> or custamers, supplier�, �endars or ather parties under any agreements or contra�ts exc�pt t� the
<br /> 3
<br /> ��ox�3�6�sz� 4�
<br />