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. 2� 1 ���835 <br /> N(��V THEREF�RE, in c�nsiderat�on af the mak�ng nf the Loar�by Lender and <br /> the��venants, agreements, r�presentations and warranties set forth in this Security Znstrument: <br /> ARTICLE 1 -- �RANTS �F SE�URITY <br /> Section 1.1 Prop�rt_y Mart�a�ed. Individual B�rr�v�rer does herehy <br /> irrevocab�y mortgag�, grant, bargain, sel�,pledge, assign, warrant, trar�sfer and�onvey to Trustee <br /> � and �ts successars and permitted assigns, IN TRUST �TITH P��ER �F SALE, for the �enef t <br /> of Lender, the fo1��w�ng property, rights, interests and estates now �wned, or hereafter acqu�red <br /> by Indi�idua� B�rrower�c�llect�vely, the "Property"}: <br /> �a� Land. The real property descr�bed in Exh�bit A attached hereto and made <br /> a part hereof(th� "Land"�; <br /> �b} Add�ti�na� Land. AI� add�t�ona� �ands, estates and de�eiopment ri�hts <br /> hereafter acquired by Indiv�dual Barrower for use in connection with the Land and the <br /> deve�opment of the Land and all additiar�al �ands and estates there�n which may, from t�me t� <br /> t�me, by supp�emental martgage �r other�vise, be expressly made subj ect to the lien of this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument; <br /> �c} Im r�vements. The l�ui�d�ngs, structures, f xtures, additians, <br /> enlargements, extensians, modif�ations, repairs, replacements and improvements now �r <br /> hereafter erect�d or located on the Land�c�I�ectively, the "Impr�vements"}; <br /> �d} Easements. Al1 easements, rights-of-Way or use, r�ghts, strips and gor�s of <br /> land, streets, ways, alle�s, passages, sev�er rights, Water, water courses, water rights and powers, <br /> air rights and development rights, and a�� estates, rights, t�tles, �nterests, privil�ges, �ibert�es, <br /> servitudes, tenements, hereditaments and appurtena.nces of any nature whats�ever, i� any way <br /> n�w or hereafter belonging, relating or perta�ning to the Land and the Improvements and the <br /> reversxon and rev�rsions and remainders, and a�� �and �y�ng in the bed of any street, road or <br /> avenue, opened or proposed, in front of or adj o�rung the Land, t� the center ��ne thereof and a�� <br /> the estates, rights, titles, �nterests, dov�rers and rights �f dower, curtesy and rights �f curtesy, <br /> property, possession, c�aim and demand whats�ev�r, both at �aw and in equity, of Individual <br /> Borro,wer of, in and to the Land and the Impravements and every part and parcel thereof, with <br /> the a�purtenances thereta; � <br /> (e} . Equ�pment. All "goods" and "equipment," as such terms are defined �n <br /> Artie�e 9 of the LJn�form ��mmercial �ode �as hereinafter def ned}, naw o�vn.ed �r hereafter <br /> acquired by Ind�vidual B�rrawer, Which�s used at or in connecti�n with the Improvem�nts or th� <br /> Land or is lo�ated thereon or there�n ��n�luding, but nat limited to, a�� machinery, equipment, <br /> furnishings, and e�ectron�� data-processing and other office equ�pment now owned or hereafter <br /> ac�uired b� Individua� Borrower and any and al� additions, subst�tutions and rep�acements �f any <br /> of the foregoing), t�gether with a�I attachments, components, parts, equipment and accessories <br /> installed th�re�n �r aff�xed thereto [co�lectively, the "Equipment"}. Notwithstand�ng the <br /> f�regaing, Equipment shall not inc�ude any property belong�ng to tenants or occupants under <br /> Leases �here�nafter def�ned} or custamers, suppliers, vend�rs or other parties under any <br /> 2 , , <br /> �NEVVY�R�3169827 4] <br />