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2� 1 ���7�4 <br /> security is not tessened. If the restarat�an or repair is n�t �conomically feasible ar Lender's security wauld be <br /> lessened,the insurance praceeds shall be applied first�o the reduction of any indeb�edness under a Second Nate and <br /> Sec�nd Secur�ty Instrurnent held hy the Secre�ary on the Proper�� and then ta the reduction of the inde�tedness <br /> under the Nate and�his Security Instrumen��as descri�ed in Paragraph 15}held by the Secretary on the Property and <br /> then t� the reduction of the indehtedness under the Note and this Security �nstrument. Any excess insur�.nce <br /> prac�eds o�er an amount reQuired to pay a�l outstanding indebtedness und�r the Note and this Security Instrumen� <br /> shall be paid to the entity legally entitled thereto. <br /> Tn�the e�ent af foreclosure of this Security Instrument or ather transfer of ti�le ta the Property tha� extinguishes the <br /> indebtedness,all right,title and interest�f Barrower in and to insurance policies in force shall pass�o the purchaser. <br /> 4. �c�upancy, Pre�er�ativn, Maintenance and Prote�tivn of the Proper�y; B�rrower"s Loan Application; <br /> Leasehalds. Barrawer shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's Principa� R���dence after the <br /> execution of this Security Instrument and Borro�er�or at �east one Barrower, if initially more�han one person are <br /> Borrawers} shall continue �a ❑ccupy the Pr�per�y as Borr��er's Principal Residence for the term of the Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> Borr�wer shall not commit waste �r des�roy, damage or s�bstantially change the Property or a�low the Proper�y to <br /> deter�orate, r�as�nable wear and t�ar excepted. Barrower shall also b� �r� default if B�rrt�we�-, during the laan <br /> application process, ga�e materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to pra�ide <br /> Lender w�th any material infarmation}in connection with the loan e�idenced by the�Iote, inc�uding,but no�limited <br /> ta, re�resentations concern�ng B4rrower's ���u�a�cy af the Pr4p�rt� as a Principal Residence. If this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument is on a leaseho�d,Borrower shall comply with the pro�isions of#he lease. If Borrawer acquires fee title to <br /> the Property,the leasehald and fee title sha11 not be merged un�ess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 5. C'harges to Borrawer and Pr��ection of Lender's Rights in the Praperty. Borrower shall pay a�1 <br /> go�ernmental or municipal charges, fines and impositivns�hat are nat included in Paragraph 2. Borrower shal� pay <br /> these obligatians on time directly to the�ntity which is�wed�he payment. If failure�o pay would ad�ersely affect <br /> Lender's interest in the Proper�y, upon Lender's request B�rrower shall pramptly furnish t� L�nder receipts <br /> e�idencing th�se payments. Borr�wer sha11 promptly discharge any lien which has priority a�er this Security <br /> In�trument in the manner pr��i�ed in Paragraph 14�C}. <br /> If Borrower fails �o make these payment� or pay the property charges required by Paragraph �, or fails to perform <br /> any ather ca�enants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may <br /> significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property �such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, for c�ndemnation or to <br /> enforce �aws or regulations},then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to protec�the�a1ue of the Property <br /> and Lender`s rights in �he Praperty, including payment of property taxes, haza�'d insurance and othe� items <br /> mentioned in Paragraph 2. <br /> To pratect Lender's �ecurity in the Proper#y, Lender shal l ad�ance and charge to �arrow�r ai 1 amounts due to the <br /> Secretary fflr the Mortgage Insurance Premiurn�"MIP"}as defined in the Loan Agreement as well as all sums d�e to <br /> the inan ser�icer for 5�I`V1Clt7g 2lCt1V1�1E5 �"Servicing Fee"} as defined in the Loan Agreemen�. Any amounts <br /> disbursed by Lender under this Faragraph shall become an additiona� deb�of Borrower as pro�ided for in the Loan <br /> Agreement and shall be secured by this Security�ns�rument. <br /> 6. �nspec�ion. Lender ar its agent rnay ent�r ❑n, inspect �r make appraisals �f the Property in a reasanable <br /> manner and at reasonable times pro�ided that Lender sha�l gi�e the Barrawer noti�e pr�ar to any inspection ar <br /> appraisal specifying a purpose for the inspection ar appraisal which mus� be related to Lender's interest iri the <br /> �ne Re�erse Mortgage,LLC Loan Uriginator:Tiffany Da�is <br /> Company-NMI�S#:ZD52-Loan Number:334988�5�3 Loan�riginator NMLS#:7532$l <br /> Nebraska-1Sr MERS Se�urrt,}�Instr'umerzt�fldjusta�ble) Page 3 of 1� C�Bay Docs,LLC []3I(]�12015 <br /> qo334�ssz5o� o��� o�s ���� <br />