2� 1 ���7�4
<br /> under the terms af this Security Instrumen�; and�c}the perfarmance of Borrower's eo�enants and agreements under
<br /> this Security Instrument and the Note and Laan Agreernent. The full debt, including all amounts described in (a},
<br /> �b}, and �c} abo�e, if not paid earli�r, is due and payable on No�ember U1, 2487. For this purpflse, Borrower
<br /> irrevacably grants and con�eys to Trustee, in trust, with p�w�r of sale, the following described property lo�ated in
<br /> Hall County,Nebraska,
<br /> See�egai description attached heret�and made a part hereof
<br /> which has the address of 2U1 E 13th S�,Wood Ri�er,NE 68883�"Property Address"�
<br /> T�GETHER WITH ali the impro�ements now or hereafter erected on the property, and ali easements, rights,
<br /> appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions sha�� also be
<br /> ca�ered by this Security�nstrument. All af the foregoing is referred tn in this Security Instrument as�he"Property."
<br /> BDRR�WER ��VENANTS that Barrower is lawfully seised of the estat� hereby �on�eyed and has the right to
<br /> �rant and con�ey�he Property and that the Property is unen�umbered, Borrower vvarrants and�ill d�fend g�nerall�
<br /> the tit�e to the Property against al�claims and demands,subject ta any encumbrances af record.
<br /> THIS SE�URITY INSTRUMENT cnmbines uniform cn�enants fnr national use and non-unifvrm co�enants vvith
<br /> limited variations by jur�sdictian to canstitute a unif�rm securi�}�instrur�ent co�ering re�l praper�y.
<br /> CT1�IF�RM CQVE�IAI�ITS. Borro�er an�Lender�o�enant and agree as follow�:
<br /> 1. Pay�nent of�'�in�ipal and Ir�terest. Barrower shall pay when �ue the pr�neipal af, an� interes� nn, the debt
<br /> e�idenced by the Note.
<br /> �. Payment of Property �harges. Borrower shall pay a11 prop�r�y charges cflnsisting of property taxes, hazard
<br /> �nsuran�e premiums, f�aad insurarice premiums, ground rents, condflminium fees, planned uni� development fees,
<br /> h�meowner's association fees, and any other special assessments that may be required hy loca� or state �aw in a
<br /> �imely manner, and �ha1� prov�de evidence of payment �o Lender, unl�ss Lender pays proper�y charges by
<br /> vr�ithholding funds from monthly payments due to th�Borrower or by charging such payments t� a line of credit as
<br /> prn�ide�f�r in the Loan Agreement.
<br /> 3. FirQ,Flo�d anc� Uther Hazard Insurance. Borrv�er shall insure all impro�ements an th�Property,whether
<br /> naw in existence or subsequently erected, against any hazards, casualties, and conting�ncies, including bu� not
<br /> Iimited to fire and flood far which Len�er requires insurance. Such insurance shalt be main�ained in the amounts and
<br /> for the periods tha�L�nder requires, Lender has the discr�tion to increase or decrea5e the amount flf any insurance
<br /> reyuired at any time pro�ided the amaunt is equal to or greater than any minimum required by the Secretary of
<br /> Housing and Urban De�e�opment ("Secretiary"}. Whether ar nat Lender irnpflses a flood insuranc� requirement,
<br /> Borrawer shall at a minimum insure all impro�emen�s on the Proper�y, wh��her nfl�v in existence or subsequently
<br /> erec�ed,agarnst loss by floods t�the extent required by the Secretary. If the Lender imposes ir�surance reQuirements,
<br /> all insurance sha�l be carried with companies appro�ed by Lender,and the insurance pnlicies and any renewals shall
<br /> be held by Lender and shall include loss paya�te clauses in fa�or of and in a form accep�able to Lender.
<br /> In the event of�oss, Borrower shall gi�e Lender �mmediate natice by mail. Lender may make proof flf loss if nat
<br /> made promptly by Borrower. Each insurance company concerned is hereby autharized and directed to make
<br /> payment far such l�ss to I�end�r, instead af to Borrower and Lender jointly. �nsurance proceeds shall be applied to
<br /> restorati�n or repair af the damaged Property, if the res�aration or repair is ecflnomically feasible and Lender's
<br /> .[7ne Re�erse Mortgage,LLC Lvan�riginator:Tiffany Davis
<br /> Company-NMLS#:2052-Laan Number:334988Z503 Loan�riginator NMLS#:75328 l
<br /> Nebraska-IS`ME�S,Security 1'nstrument(Adjustabje} Page�nf 12 C�Bay Docs,LLG f1310�I��15
<br /> q�33�988�5�3 ��33 �1� ���I�
<br />