2� 1 ���732
<br /> as} a por�ion of Borrvwer's payments for Mor�gage 7nsur�ce, in e�change far shar�ng or mad.�.fy�n.g�h.e mor�gage
<br /> i�surer's r�sk,or reduc�ng��sses.If such agreement pro��ded�hat an a��iate of Lender takes a share of the insur�r's risk
<br /> �n�xchange f�r a share of th�premiums paid to the insur�r,the arrangement�s o�en term�d"�apti�e reinsurance."
<br /> Further;
<br /> (a}Any such agreements wi�l n�t affe�t the amounts that Barr�wer has agreed tv pay for M�rtgage Insurance,
<br /> ar any othe�t�rms af the Loan.Such agreements w��l nat increas�the amount Borr�wer wi��owe for Martgage
<br /> Insurance,and they wi��not�ntit�e Borrawer t�any refi�nd.
<br /> �b}Any su�h agr�ements wi��no�affec�the r�ghts ��rrower has�-if any-�w�th respect�o the Nlortgage
<br /> Insurance under the Homeowners Protect�an Act af 1995 or any o�her Iaw.These r�ghts ma�include the r��ht to°
<br /> rece��e certain disclosures,��request and obta��can�e��atian of the Mortgage Insuranee,to have the Mor�gage
<br /> Insurance terminate�i autamati�al�y,andl�r�v r�ceive a refund flf any IVl�rtg�ge Insuran�e grem�ums that v�ere
<br /> uneara�d at�he t�me of such cancellation or terminatiQn.
<br /> �1.Assignment of M�sce�laneous Proceeds;Forfeiture.A�1 Miscellaneaus Proceeds ar�hereby ass�gne��o�nd
<br /> sha�l be pa�d�d Lender.
<br /> If t.�.e Pr�pert��s damaged,such Misce��aneou�Proceeds sha���e applied�o res�orati�n or repair af�h�Prop�r�y,if
<br /> the restora��on or repa.ir is�conomica�y feasib�e and Lender's se�urity is no�Iessened.Dur�ng�uch repa�r and res�orat�on
<br /> per�od,Lend�r sha��hav�the r��h����o1d such M�s�e��ane�us Pr���eds un�il Lender has had an opp��ty�o in.spec�
<br /> suGh Pr�per�y��ensure the work has heen comp�et�d��Lender's sa�isfactian,pro�id�d that such inspectzan sha��be
<br /> under�aken promp�ly.Lender may pa�for the repairs and re��ora�ion in a single disbursement or in a ser�es of progress
<br /> paymen�s as�ie work is comple�ed.Un�ess an agreem�nt is made in wr�tua.g or Applicab�e Law requvres interest to be
<br /> paid an such Misce�lan�aus Prace�ds,Lender shal�n�t be required�o pay Borrower any interest ar earn�n.g�on such
<br /> M�sce�Ian�aus Proceeds.�f�he res�oration or repa�r is not�conomical�y feas�bl�or Lender's security would be lessened,
<br /> the Mis�e��aneous Proceeds shall be app��ed to the�ums secured b}��his Securit��nstrument,whe�er or no�then�ue,
<br /> with the e�cess,if any,pa�d to Borr�wer. Such M�scel�ane�us Pr�ceeds shal�be app���d in the order pr��rided for�.n
<br /> Sect�on 2.
<br /> In�he event of a�otal�al�it�g, des�ruc�ion, or lass in value af fihe Prvper�y,the Misce��ar�.eous Pr�ceeds sha1�be
<br /> appl��ed�a the sums secured by th�s Security Lnstirumen� whethex or n��t�e�due, with the e�cess, �f a�y,pai��a
<br /> Barro�er.
<br /> In�he��ent of a part�al ta�ing,d�struc�ion,or Ios�in�a�u�of th�Proper�y in vvhich t�h.e fa�r market va�ue af t�ie
<br /> Property unmed�ately befare�he par��a1 taking,des�ruc�on,or lass i�value�s equa�to or greater tha.n the am�un�of the
<br /> sums s��ured by�,h�s Se�urity I�s�rument imm�diate�y bef�re the p�xal�g, destruct�on, or Ioss in va�ue,tua�ess
<br /> Borr�vc�er and Lender otherwise agr���n vvriti�g,�a.e sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument shal��e reduced by�he
<br /> amount of�e M�sce��ane�us Proceeds mu�tiplied hy th�fo��vvving fra���on:(a�t�ie tfltal amaunt of the sums secured
<br /> ymm edYately befor�the par�ial taking,destruction,or Ioss�va�ue d.�vi�ed�y�b}�he fair market value af th.e Prupea�y
<br /> imme��ately befare�e par�iai ta�ing,des�ru.ct�on,or loss in�alue.A.n.y ba,�an�e shal�be paid�o Barravver.
<br /> In�he e�en�of a partial�aking,destruction,ur�ass�n�a�ue of the Prapert�in wh�ch the fair maxket va�ue of the
<br /> Pr�pert�immeci�.ateiy bef�re the par��a1 takiug,destruct�ans or��ss��a�u��s less�har�the amoun�of t�e sums secur�d
<br /> unmedia�e�y bef�x�the par��al tak�ing, destruction, or l�ss in value,un�ess Borr�wer and Lender o�her�v�se agree in
<br /> wr�ting,the lU�sce�laneous Pr�ceeds sha��be appl�ed to the sums s�cured�y�ais 5ecur�ty Instrumen��whe�her or not�he
<br /> sums are th�n due.
<br /> If the 1'�operty is abandoned by�orr��er,or if,after nv�iGe by Lender�o Borrawer�hat�he Qppasing Pa�[as
<br /> deful�d in�h�n�x�s�n�ence�o�ers t�make an a�aard�o set������ai�f���.a.mag�s,B�rrov�er fails t�respond t�Lend�r
<br /> ��thin 3�days aft�r the date�he no�ice xs given,Lender�s authorized f��ollect and app�y the Misce�I�neflus Froceeds
<br /> either to restorat�on or repair of#he Praper�y ar ta�he sums secured by�his Securi�y Tnstrumen�,whether or no��he�due.
<br /> "�Ppos�.n�Par�y"r.�eans#,he�rd��.rty that�vve�B�rr�wer Mi�cell�eous Proceeds or�h.e par�against whvm�oxro�v�rer
<br /> has a r�ght af ac��an in r�gard�Q M�sce��a�ae�us Prvc�eds.
<br /> B�rro�ver sh.al�be in default if any act�on or proceeding, wh��her c���� or �rirninal, is begun�ha�, i_n�.�nder's
<br /> judbment,could result zn.�orf�iture of the Pro�erty ar other mater�a�impair�men�flf Lend�r'�in#eres�in t�ie Pxaperty vr
<br /> righ�s under this Secur�ty Ins#xu.men�.B�rrower�an cure such a d�fault and, if aceeleration has occurred,reinsta�e as
<br /> prQ�v�ded�n Sec�ion �9,b�causing the ac�i�n Qr praceeding tv be dismissed with a ru��.n.g�hat,in L�nd�r's judgrnen�,
<br /> N�BRASKA-5�r�g�e FamEly-Fannie�1�1Freddi�Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTRUMENT�xi�h MERS Farm 34� �1�1
<br /> Pag�8�#13 ,�
<br /> �os,Er�c. Borrower�s}fnitials
<br />