2� 1 ���732
<br /> 9.Pratect�on�f Lender's In�erest in the Property and R�ights Under tbis Se�ur�ty Inst�ument.If[a}Borro��r
<br /> fails to perfarm�h�co�renan�s and agreemen�s containe�.ua.th�s Security Instrument,�b�there is a lega�praceeding that
<br /> migh� s�gnifica�tly affe�t Lender's interest in the Praperty andlar ri�hts under�hYs Secu.r�ty Instrument �such as a
<br /> proceed�uag�bankr�.ptcy,pro�ate,for condemna�on or farf�iture,far eanforcemen�of a lien whsch may attain.pr�ority
<br /> ��er this Securi�ty I�as�rum�n�ar to enfor�e�aws or regulat��ns�,Qr�c)Borr�wex has a�andoned the Frap�r�y,�hen Lender
<br /> may do and�ay for whatever is reasanahle�r appr�priate to pratect Legder's�terest in�he Pr�per�y aud ri�its under t1��s
<br /> Security Instrument,including prot�ct�nng andlar ass�ssing��valt�e_of the Proper�,and se�uring andlor re�aari�g the
<br /> Property.Lender's a�tians can include,b��are not lim�t�d�o:�a�payin.g an.�sums secured by a��en which has priority
<br /> o�er th�s Secur�ty Inst�rument;(b}appearing in cour�;an��c)pay�g reasonable a�tarn�ys'fees to protect�ts�nterest in�he
<br /> Prope�t�r andJar r�ghts under th�s Secur�it�Ins�r�.im�n�,includi�g�t���cured p�s�t�an in a�hankruptc�proce�d��.5ecuring
<br /> �he Praperty�ncludes,bu�is nat�im��ed�o,enteri�g the Praperry to make r�pairs,chan�e Iack�,replace or board up d�ors
<br /> a�.d vu�ndows,drain water fron�pipes,elim�n.a�e buil.�g or�ther code vi��a�.�ns�r dangerous c�ndit�o�s,and have
<br /> ut�lit�es turn�d on vr of.f.A�th�ugh Lend�r may�e act��n�nder�his Secti�n 9,Lender daes nnt ha�re to do so and�s not
<br /> under any c�uty �r�o���gat�on to d� so. I�is a�reed�ha�Lender incurs no Iia�b���ty for not�ak�ng any flr aI� actions
<br /> au�hori�ed under this Sec�ion 9.
<br /> An�r amoun�s d.ishursed b��ender under�his�ec�ian 9 s��become add.itiona�de��flf Barrvv�er secured by t�is
<br /> Se��ty Ins�u.me��.'�'h�se ama�unts shal].bear interest at the�o�e rate fr�m the da�e of di�burse�ent and sha��be
<br /> payable,with such interes�,up��notice frax��,�nder�a Borxaw�r xeques�ing paymen�.
<br /> �f�h�s Secur�ty�nst�-um�nt�s on a Ieasehold,Borrower shall camply v�r�th al��he provisi�ns of�the lease.Tf B�rra�er
<br /> a�quires fee�i����o�h�Prop�r�y,th��easeh��d and�he fee ti�le shal�nvt merge uniess Lender agr�es���he merger in
<br /> wr�t�ng.
<br /> 1D.Mor�gage In�urarice.If Lender required Mortgage Ins�ra�ace as a cond��i�n af mak�n.g the Laan,Borr�w�r sha1�
<br /> pay�he premiums required to ma�n�ai�.the Mor�gage Insuran.�e iz�effec�.�f, f�r any reas�n,thh.e N�artgage�nsurance
<br /> coverage required by�en�.�r c�a.ses t�be availab�e from the moxtgage ansurer that pr�W�aus�y pr�vaded such�s�rance
<br /> and Borrovver was required ta�make separate�y designated paymeants toward th�prem�ums for Mor��age I�surance,
<br /> Borrower sha��pay �h�premiums required t� ob�aua cvverag� substantza��y equiWa�ent to �he Mortgag� �s�rance
<br /> previously in eff��t,at a�ast su��s�a�tially equi�a�en��o the c4��ta��rrQv�er of th�Nl�r�gage Insurar��e prev�ausly�n
<br /> �ffec�,from a�a�terna�e mor�gage insurer se�ec�ed by Lend�er.�f subs�an�ia�y equ��alent N�artgage I�surance�a���rage is
<br /> n�t aw�ailable,Borrower�I�a11���ti��e,t�p�y to L�nder th�amaunt of�he s.epa�a�ely de�ignated payments tha�were due
<br /> wher� the �.surar�ce caverage eea.sed to �� in effect. L�nder will accept, us� and r��ain�ese paym.�nts as a non-
<br /> refunda��e Ioss r�s�rv��.lieu���or�gage Insuranc�.Such�oss reserve sha�.l be non-refundable,notv�r�thstandu�g the fac�
<br /> �h.at the Loan is u�.�imately pa�d ua.�u��,and�,end�r sha��not be�equir�d ta pa�Borrower any interest or ea�nix�gs on such
<br /> I�ss reser�e.Len�er can no lon�er requ�re Ioss reserve paymen�s if Nlor�gage Insurance co�era.ge�in th�am�unt and f�r
<br /> �h�period that Lender requir�s��ravided�y an insurer se�ected by Lender again becames availab�e,is ob�a�ned,and
<br /> Lend�r requires separa�ely des��nated paymen�s tovvard the p�e�nzums for Mortga�e Insura,nce. If Lender required
<br /> Mor�gage In�ura�.ce as a con�.ition �f mak�n��ie Loan and Borrower was requue�to make separa�e�y d�signa�ed
<br /> payments toward the prem�urns f�r M�rtgage Inswra,n.ce,Barrower shall pa�r#he premiums requ�red�a maintain Mortgage
<br /> Insurance�n effec�,or to pro�ide a non-refu�ndab�e Ioss reserve,unt�.I Lender's requirement for Mar�gag��nsurance ends
<br /> �n. accordance with any�vritten agreemen� between Borro�rer and Lender provid.u�g for such termination or unt��
<br /> term�ation�s required by Applicab�e Law.�Vo�h�g in,this�ection��a#�ects Borrower's ob��g�t��n ta�ay interest a��he
<br /> ra�e provid�d�n the N'�te.
<br /> Mor�gag�Insuran�e re�burses Lender�or any en�ty that`purchases�he Na�e}for cer�ain Iflsses i�may�,cur if
<br /> Borrow�r d�es no�repay�the Lfla�as agr�ed.B�rrnwer is not a party���.he M�r�ga�e Insurance.
<br /> Mor�gage Insurers eva�.ua�e�their tota�risk on all such rnsuraxtce in farce from�im��o�irn.e, and xnay entex�n��
<br /> agr�ements w��h,other par��es#hat share or modi�fy the�r r�sk, or reduce �osses. These agreements ar� on�erms and
<br /> conci�tions�hat are sa�isfact�ry to t�e mortga�e �nsurer an��he o�her party� t�r par�ies)t�t�ese agreen�e�ts. Th�se
<br /> agreemen�s may requ�e�he m�r�gage insurer to mka�e payments us�ng any sou�ce.of�xn.�s�a�the mar�gag�insurer may
<br /> ha�e ava��ab�����.ich may inc�ude funds obta.in�d from Mor�gage�nsuran�e premiums�.
<br /> As a resu�t of these agreemen�s,Lender,any purchaser of�he no�e,another insurer,any r�insurer,any ather en��ty,�r
<br /> a�ilia�e�f any af�h.e fvr��ou�.g,ma�recei�e�dir�c�Iy or indirec����amoun�s that derive from�or migh�be charac�er�zed
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fann�e M�lFreddie Mac UN�F�RM�NSTRUh�ENT w�th MERS Form 3�� ��'�
<br /> Pag�?af 13 � �
<br /> �as,�nc. . Bar�awer�s}f ni�ials �-
<br /> ,
<br />