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2� 1 ���732 <br /> the default;�c�a date,nvt�ess than 30 days fram the da�e t�e notice is gi�en to Borrower,h�which the defau�t <br /> must he cured;and�d�tha�fa�lure tv cure the defau�t on�r before the date spec�f�ed in the n����e may rQ�u�t�n <br /> acce�eration of the sum�se�cured by th�s Secur�ty Instrument�nd sa�e af the Property.The not�ce shal��urth�r <br /> infQrm Borrower of the right#o rein5tate aft�r ac�e�eration and�he right to bring a�ourt ac�ian to assert tihe <br /> non-�e�istenc�af a defau�t or any v�her defen�e of Borrower to���e�erat�on and sale.If th�defau��is n�t cur�d on <br /> or before the date spe��f�d in th�notice,Lenderat�ts op�ion may r�qu�re immediate payment���ull�f ai�sums <br /> secured by th�s Secur�ty In�trument w�thout fur�her d�mand and may invake the pov�er of sa�e and any other <br /> remed�es perm�t�ed by Appl�cab�e Law.Lender sha�l be�utit��d to callec#�ai�exp�nses incurred i�pursuing the <br /> remed�es provided�n thi�Sect�on 22,inc�uding,�u�not�im�t�d to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs af title <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If the pa�er of�a�e�s in�vaked,Tru��ee sha��record a notice�f defau�t in each�ounty�n which any�a�t-��f the <br /> pr�perty is�aGated and�ha�l���1 copi�s of such n�tiCe�n th��anr�er grescribed��Applicable�aw to Borrower <br /> and to the othe�persons prescribed�ay A�prcab�e L�r�v.Afte�th�time requ�red by Appl�cab�e Law,'I�ru�tee shall <br /> give pubi�c not�c� �f sale t� t�� pQrsonS and �n the mann�r�rescx-�bed by Appl���b�e La�v. Trustee, withvut <br /> demand va Boxrower,sha�l seli the Property at pul�i�c auct�on t�the h�ghes�b�dder a�the t�m�and place and <br /> under th�terms�esignated �n the no�xce Qf sa�e in Qr��or m�ore parce�s and in any order'�ustee determ�nes. <br /> Trustee may pastp�ne saie of a���r any parce�:of the Pr�pe�y by gub�ic annou.ncement at�he��me and p�a�e Qf <br /> any prev�vusly scheduled sa�e.�e�der vr its desi�nee may purc�as�the�'raperty at any sa�e. <br /> Upon re�eipt of payment of the pri�e b�d,'I�r-ustee sha��del��er tv the px�rchaser Trustee's deed can�eying the <br /> Praper�y.The rec�fia�s in the Trus�ee'S deed shall b�prima f�cxe ev�den�e of the truth of�he sta#ements made <br /> therein. Tru��ee sha�i appl� the prac�eds �f the sale �� th� f��l�wing order; �a} to a�I costs and expenses of <br /> exerc�sing the po�ver of sale, and the�ale,iacluding the �ayme�t af�he Trustee's fees a�tua��y �ncurre�d and <br /> reasona��e at�arneys'fees a�p�rmitted�y Appii�able Law;(b}t����sums s�cured by this Secur�ty Instrument; <br /> and�c}any�xc�ss to�he person or persons�egall�entit�ed to�t. <br /> Z3.Re�onveyanee.Upan pa�ment of a��sums secuared by�his Secur��Instrumen�,Lender sh���request Trus�ee to <br /> re-convey�he Proper�y and sha��surr�nder th��Secur�ity�nstru�ment and a�l no�es e�idencing de��secured by�is S�curity <br /> Ins�rumen.��a Tr�stee.Trt�stee shai�r�convey the Prop�rty w�thou�warranty to the pe�son or persons�egally en�t��d to i�. <br /> Such person a�persons sb�ll pay a�.y recarda�vn eos�s.�enc�er may�harge such person�r pers�ns a fee f�r recanvey�g <br /> �he Pr�per�,but�nly i�the fee is pa�d ta a th�rd pa�t��such as�he Trus�ee)for ser�vi�es r�ndered a�d the c�.arging of the <br /> fee is permit�ed under Appl�cable�aw. <br /> Z4.5ubs�itute Trustee.Lender,a�its a��ion,may from time��t�me remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br /> t� any Trus�ee ap�oin�ed hereund�r by an instruament recorded in the c�unty �n which this Security Instruxnent is <br /> recorded. �ithaut can�eyance �f t��Praper�,#h.e succ�ssor trustee shall succeed to a�� �1ie��t�e,power and dut�es <br /> �onferred upon Trus�ee herein a�d by Appl�cable Law. <br /> 25. Request �or Na�ices. Borrower requ�s�s that copies �f the no�ic� of default and sale�e sen��a Borr��ver's <br /> address�ahich is�h�Proper�y Addres�. <br /> NEBRA��(.A-Sing�e Fami�y-Fannie�IaeJFreddie Mac UNIF�RM�NSTRU�ENT wi�h MERS Form 302 �0� <br /> Page�2 af 13 � <br /> ios,i�,�. Bvrr�wer�s}lni�ia�s <br />