2� 1 ���732
<br /> �4. �ale Qf N�te; Change of Loan Serv�c�r; Notice of�r�evan�e. The N��e or��artial�n�erest in the�ate�
<br /> �together�v�th.this 5ecurity I�s#rument�can be sald one oar more f�ames���haut prior n�t�ce t�B�rrov�r��.A sa�e might
<br /> result in a�ha�a�e air��he en��t�r�kn.o�n as tb.e"Laan Serv�cer"a�hat��llects Period�c k�ayments du�under the Not�and
<br /> th�s Se�uri�Instr�.ment and�erfarms o�her m�xtgage luan serv�c�ng�l��gatians under th�N�te,�Sec�ty�ns�rument,
<br /> and Applicah�e Law.There alsa mi�.ht be one Qr mor�changes of th�L�an Servicer w�r�lated to a sale vf th�No�e,If
<br /> th�re is a chan�e of�he Loa�Servicer,Borrawer�vfr����e given writ�en not��e of�he chan��which will s�a�e�.he na.me and
<br /> address�of�a.e n�w Loan Serv��er,the address ta which paymea�ts should�e made and�ny��her inf�rma�i�n RE�FA
<br /> requues in connectxon�rrt�a na�ice of transfer�f servicing.If the No�e is sQid and�hereafter tb.e Loan is servic�d by a
<br /> Laan Servicer ot�er�.an�he purchaser�fthe I�T�t�,�he x��r�gage I�an servicing Qb��gations to Borro�ver wi11 remain vvit�h
<br /> the Loan S�rv i��r ar be�rans�erred to a su�cessor�,oari Serv��er and are no�assurn�d by�he Not�purchaser unl�ss
<br /> ��h.�rwise provided by the Note purcha�er.
<br /> Ne�ther Borra��r nor Lendex ma�r c4mmen�e,�a�in,or be jain�d��any judicial acti�ri(as ei�her an ir�di�idua�.lit�ga�.t
<br /> or�he n�ember t�f a ciass}�.�t�ses frvm th���er�aar�y's acfi�ons pursuant tg this SeGurity Ins�en�oF t�hat a��eges that
<br /> �h� �th�r par�y has breached any pra�ision of� �r any dut� owed�y reas�n af,�.s �ecu�ty Instrument,unti� such
<br /> Borr�wer or L�nder has nQtii�ed�he o�her party�vvith su�h no�ice gi��n�.n camp�ia�c��ri�h the requ��ments of Sec�ion
<br /> �.5�of such a��e��d breach a�nd a�arded the o�her par�y her�t�a xeasvnab�e per�a�after th�giving�f su�h nvt�ce ta take
<br /> corre�t�ve a��on.If Applica��e Law provides a��e peri�d wh�ch must e1�.pse befo�e certain action�an be taken,tha�
<br /> �ime per�ad�v�ll��deemed��he r�asanab�e f�r purpQses�f t�us para��raph.The not�ce�f acc��erat�a�n and opport�nity to
<br /> cure g�v�n ta��rrower pursuan��0 5ec��on��an�.the na��ce vf acce�eratian given to Borrower pursuant�fl Sect��n 1 S
<br /> shal�be d�emed�o satisf��h�no�ice a.nd opp�rt�zai�to take corre�t�ve act�an p�o�ris�ons of�his Sec�on�U.
<br /> �1.Hazardous Substances.�,s used in�h.�s Sec��an 21;�a}"H�rdous Substances�'ar��h�se subs�ces def��d as
<br /> to�ic ar ha�ardous substan�es,p�1lu�xzts,or wastes by En��rox�m�nta�Law and fihe fv��owi.�g substances: gasoline,
<br /> kerosen�, other flar�mabi� ar��x�c petrole�na products, t�x�c pesticides and herbicic�es, volat��e s��ven�s, mater�als
<br /> �ontainin�asbes�os or farma�d�hyde,a.nd r�dxaact�v�materiaLs;�b}"Env�ronmen�a�I�a�"rn�ans fed�ral�av�s and Iaws
<br /> of �h� jurisdi�tior� wher� �he propert�r is 1�ca�ed �ha� relate �� heal�h} safe� Qr en�irvnmental pr��ec��on;
<br /> tc)"En��ronrn�ntal C�eanup" includ�s any response actian, remedial a�ti�n, vr remova� actia�, as defined in
<br /> �nu�r�nm,enta�Law;and�d3 an"Envi�onmen�a�Cond�tion"mean�s a cond�i�ion tbat can caus�,con��bu.i��ta,or other��se
<br /> �gger an Env�r�rrimen����Ieanup.
<br /> �3orra�v�r shal�no�cause o���rm����presencea use,disposa�,storage,�r release Qf any Ha2a7rd.ous Su�stances,or
<br /> t.�r�a�en�o re�ease any Ha.2ardous Substances,on ar in th�Frflper�y.B�rr�wer sha��not d�,nor al�avv any�ne eLse to do,
<br /> anything affec�in��h�Froper�y�a)�aat is�n�ola�ivn of arzy En�rironmental L�w,�}whi�h crea�es an Enr��ronmen�al
<br /> Gond��i�n,or�G��tr�ch,due to�he presence,us�,ar re��ase af a I�a�ardaus Su�s�a.�.c�,cr�a��s a conditian th�.�advers��y
<br /> aff�cts�he�a�u�of#he Property.The prec�d%�g t�vvo sent�nces sha�.�vt appiy���he presence,use,or s�orage on the
<br /> Praperty af sma11 qu.antities�f�-Ia�ardous Sub��an.ces that are gen�.Uy recogn�ized ta be apprvpriate ta r��rm��e�iden�ial
<br /> uses and�Q maintena�.ce�f the l�r�perty�inc�udin�,but not�im�t�d ta,hazardous substa.nces u�.cansunaer pr�du�ts�.
<br /> Borro�ver shall promp�ly g�iv�Lend�r�ritten nvt�ce�f ta��nny�n�rest�gativn,c�aun,demand,���sui��r other action .
<br /> by any gnv�rnmenta� or regu�a�ory agenc�or private pa,rCy i�volvin��he Prog�rty anci any�-ia�ard�us Substance or
<br /> Envaranmen�a�Law ��which Ba�rrower has actual I�now�edge, [b} ax��Env�ranm�n��I Cornd.it�an, ir�cl�xding but not
<br /> li�aited�o,any s�aillix��,�ea�ing,discha�rge,release or t�hrea�of rel�ase of ar�y Ha�ard��s Su�s�ance,and(c�ar����ndi�ion
<br /> �aused by the presence,.use�r reiease of a�-Iazaxc�aus Substan�e vv�ich adverse�y af.�'ec�s the va�.ue�af t�e Pr��erty,�f
<br /> Borrov�e�le�xns,or is�ot��.ed�ry any gavernm�r�ta,�or r�gu�a�o�y a��h.or��y,ar�y px��ate Par�Y,t�a�an.y remaval o�
<br /> other remed�at�an of any�Ia�ardaus 5ubs�ax�c�aff�ct�.ng the Frnper�is nec�ssary,Borrower sha��pram���y tak�a��
<br /> necessary remed�a�ac�tions�n accordance with E��ranm�ntal Law.N'a�h�ng h�rein shal�crea�e any abliga�zon�n Lender
<br /> for an Environr.�en������anup.
<br /> NaN-LTN�F�RM��VEN.ANTS.Barro�ver and Lender fur�ae�c��enant and agxee�s fal�aws;
<br /> 22.Acc���ra���n;Remed�es.Lender sha�l give noti�e to�a�r�rawer pr�or ta a�c�leration fo�lo�w��ag�arrower7�
<br /> brea�h af a�.y co�en�n.t ar agreement xn th�s Se�ur�ty Instrumen#�but no�prior�o a�celeratiQn under Sectivn 1$
<br /> un�ess Applicabie Law pro��des�therwise].The n�tice sha�l spec�f�:�a}the defau�t;��}the a�t�on�equ�red ta cur�
<br /> NEBRASf�A WSingle Fam��y-Fann�e MaelFr�ddle Ma�UN1F�R�INSTRU�ENT with MERS F��m �
<br /> Page�� v��3 �
<br /> ��s,�nc. BorrQwer�s}�ni�ials
<br />