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<br /> �3EEL� �F T�U�T
<br /> Loan Na: '����9�5�� �Co�ltinu�d} Page 3
<br /> Pr�perty, including withou� limita�ion, the Ame�icans With Disabili�ties Act. Trustor may contest in good faith any
<br /> su�h law, ordinance, or re�ula�ian and vvithhald �ampliance during any pr�ceeding, in��udfng appropriat� appeals,
<br /> so long as Trusfior has na�ified L�nder in vuriting prior to daing s� and so I�ng as, �n Lender's s�le opinion, Lender's
<br /> interests in the Property ar� nat jeapardi�ed. Lender may require Trustor to pos�t adequate security or a surety
<br /> bond, reasonably satisfacfory to Lend�r,to protect L�nder's interest.
<br /> Duty to Pro�ect. Trus�or agrees neither to abandan or lea�e unattended the Property. Trus�tor sha�l do all �the�
<br /> acts, in a�dition to those ac�ts se�farth abaWe in this section, which fram the charact�r and use a�the Property are
<br /> reasonabEy necessary to protect and pr�se�ve the Property.
<br /> DUE ❑N SALE - C�NSENT 6Y LENDER. L�nd�r may, at Lender"s �ptian, declar� immediately due and payable alI sums
<br /> secured by th�s De�d of Trus�upon the sale or transfer, without Lender's prior written consenfi, of all ❑r any part of the
<br /> Fieal Property� �r any interes� in�hs Real Proper�y, A "sale or transfer" means �he �on�eyance o� Real Pr�perty or any
<br /> righ�, ti�le or in�arest in the Real Pr�p�r�y; �avhether I��al, beneficial or equitabfe; whether �oluntary or in�aluntary;
<br /> whether by �u��ight sale, d��d, 'rnstallmen� sale �ontract, land c�ntract, cantract ��r deed, leasehald interes� with a
<br /> �kerm greater than three �3� y�ars, leas��aptian�anfiract, �r by sale, assignment, or transfer Qf any beneficial inter�st in
<br /> ar to any land �rust holding tit�e to the Real Property, or by any other methad af can��yance of an interest in the Real
<br /> Prvperty. I� any Trust�r is a corp�ration, par�nership �r fimited liability campany, �rans�er a�so includes any change in
<br /> ownership�f more than tvuenty�fi�e percent ��5°/�y o�F�he�oting st�ck, par�nersh�p interests ar�imi�ed liability company
<br /> interests, as the �ase may be, o�such Trus�or. Howe�er, th�s option shali not b� exercised by Lande� i�F such exercis�
<br /> is pr�hibit�d by f�deral law ar by Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AND L1ENS. The following pro�isions re�ating to the taxes and l��ns an the Pr�per�y are parfi of this I]eed of
<br /> Trusfi:
<br /> Payment. Trustor shali pay when due (and in al� events priar tt� deiinquency� all taxes, spe�ial tax�s, assessmen�s,
<br /> �harg�s �includ�ng water and sewer�, fine� and impositions le�ied against or ❑n a���unt of th� Praperty, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims fior work done a� vr �or ser�ices rendered or mat�rial furnished to the Property. Trustor
<br /> shall main�ain�he Prape�-ty free �f all iien�ha�in� priority oWer or equa� to�he inte�est of Lender under this ❑e�d �f
<br /> Trust, except �F�r the li�n of taxes and assessments nvt �ue and except as otherwise p�o�ided in �hi5 Deed v�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right to Cvn�esfi, Trus�or may withhold payment of any�ax, assessmenfi, ar claim in cann�ction with a good faith
<br /> dispute over the obligafiEan�o pay, so �ang as Lender's interest in�h� Praperty is no�jeaparclized. If a lien arises or
<br /> is �iled as a result ❑f nQnpayment, Trus�or shal� within fifteen �15y days after the �ien arises or, if a lien is filed,
<br /> within fifteen �15} days a�fter Trustar has noti�e of the filing, secure the d�scharge a# �he li�n, or if reques�ed by
<br /> Lender. deposif wifh L�nder cash or a suf�icient�orpora�e surety bond or other security satisfactor�r�a Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficien�t t� discharg�the iien plus any�osts and attorneys' fees, ar ❑ther charges tha� coufd accrue as a
<br /> resuit of a foreclosure or sale und�r the li�n. In any con�est, Trustor shal� d��end i�self and Lender and sha11 sa�isfy
<br /> any ad�ers�judgment�efar� enforcement against the Property. Trustor shall name Lend�r as an additianal oblig�e
<br /> under any sure�y bond�urnished in the �antest proceedings.
<br /> E�idence of Payment. Trus#ar shall upon demand fiurnish to Lender satis�actary e�idence ❑f payment of the �axes
<br /> or assessments and shalE aufiharize �he apprapriate governm�n�al official t� de[iver�o L�nder at any t�me a written
<br /> sta�ement�f the�ax�s and ass�ssmen�s against�h� Property.
<br /> Nvtice of Constructian. Trustar shall no�i�y L�nder at I�ast fifteen {15� days befvre any work is commenced, any
<br /> services are furnished, or any ma�eria[s are supplied to the P�oper�y, if any mechanic's �ien, ma�erialmen's �ien, ar
<br /> o�her lien �ould be asser�ed vn a��ount o�the wor�, s�rvices, or ma��rials. Trus�or will upan request o� Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�an�� assurances sa�isfactary �o Lender that Trus�or �an and wi�l pay the cost vf suGh
<br /> imp���ements.
<br /> PRDPERTY ❑AMaGE 1NSURANCE, The �FalIowing pravisions relating ta insuring �he Property ar� a part afi this aeed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Main�enance of lnsurance. Trustor sha!! procure and maintain policies of fire insuran�e with standard e�tended
<br /> cov�rage endarsements �n a fair vafue basis tar the full insurable Walue �o��ring all Impra�ements �n the Real
<br /> Prvperty in an amount su�f�ci�nt �a aWoid application of any coinsuran�� c�ause, and wi�h a sfiandard mortgage�
<br /> clause in fa��r�f L�nder. Trustor shalI a�so procure and maintain �amprehensive gene�-al liabiiity insurance in such
<br /> co�erage amounts as Lender may request with Trusfiee and Lender b�ing named as additional insursds �n such
<br /> IiabiIity insurance policies. Additionalfy, Trus�ar sha11 maintain su�h ather insurance, including but not limited to
<br /> hazard, business interruption, and b�iier insuranc�, as L�nd�r may reasonably require. P�[iCies shall be written in
<br /> �Farm, amounts, �o�erages and basis reasonably acceptable t� Lend�r and issued by a company ar campanies
<br /> reasonably accep�able �o Lender, Trustar, upan request of Lender, wi�l �eli�er ta L�nder �rom time t❑ �ime the
<br /> policies or �er�ificates afi insurance in form satisfactvey to Lender, includin� st�pulations that co�erages will not be
<br /> �anceiled or diminished w�thout a� leas� ten {1�} days prior written no�ice to L�nder. Each insu�an�e pnli�y als�
<br /> shall in�iude an endorsement providing that co�erage �n faWor of Lender wiil not be impaired in any way by any act,
<br /> omission ar default o�F Trus�ar vr any vther persan, Shou�d th� Real Property be located in an area designa�ked by
<br /> the Administrator ❑f the Federal Emergency Management Agen�y as a spe�iaC �lood hazard area, Trustor agrees t�
<br /> abtain and maintain Federal FIQod Insurance, if a�ailable, wi�h�n 45 days a��ker natice is given by Lender that �he
<br /> Pr�perty is la�ated in a special flood hazard area, for the�ul{ unpaid principal balanc� of the loan and any prior liens
<br />