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2� 1 ���718 <br /> []EED �F TRU�T <br /> Laan No: �D1�9�5Z� {�ontinued� Page � <br /> DEED❑F TRUST �S GiVEN�ND ACCEPTED QN THE F�LLaW�NG TERIV�S: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTAT��NS AND V�IARRAIVTfES. Trustar warrants that: {a� this ❑�ed of Trust is execu�ed at <br /> Barrower`s request and no� at�h� reques� af L�nder; �b� Trustor has fihe fu11 pow�r, righ�, and au�harity to enfier into <br /> �his Deed of Trust and to hyp��hecate �he Property; (c� the prv�isions o� �his Deed ofi Trus� do no� confl�ct wi�h, or <br /> result in a defau�fi under any agreement or ather ins�rumen� binding upon Trust�r and do nat resul� in a Wiola�ion af any <br /> lavv, rec�ula�ion, ��ur� decree ar order applicable ta Trus�or; {dy Trustnr has established ad�qua�e means vfi obtaining <br /> from Barrvwer an a c�nt�r�uing basis in�ormatian about Borrawer`s financial �ondition; and [e} Lender has made no <br /> representation�o Trus�or abvut B�rrower {includ�n�withvut limitation the �reditworthiness of�arrower}. <br /> TRUST�R'S 1lUAiVERS. Tr�astar waives afl rights or defenses arising by reason �f any "on� action" or "an�ki-d�ficiency" <br /> law, or any ❑ther law which may pre�ent Lender from brin�ing any acti�n agains� Trustor, including a ciaim far <br /> deficiency to �he ext�n� Lender is a�Ch�rwise en�itfed �o a claim for deficiency, before or af�er Lender's c�mmencement <br /> ar comp�e�i�n of any�oreclosure action, �i�her judiciaily or by exercise of a power�f sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND PEF�F�RI111ANCE. Except as atherwise pravided in �this Deed of Trus�, Barrow�r shall pay ta Lender ali <br /> Inde��edn�ss secured by this Deed of Trust as it becflmes due, and Borr�wer and Trustor shall perfarm all their <br /> respec�ive ohliga�ions under the Note,this Deed vf Trust, and the Related Documents. <br /> PDSSESSIDN AND MAINT�NAN�E �F THE PRaPERTY. Borr�wer and Trustor agree that gorrower's and Trustor's <br /> poss�ssion and use of the�'roperty shall be governed by the fo�lowin� pravisions: <br /> Poss�ss�vn and Use. Until the occurrence of an Event ot Default, Trustor may �1} rema�n in possession and <br /> cvn�r�l tif the Property; {�� us�, operate or manage�he Property; an� 43y c�lfect the R�nts�rom�he Property. <br /> Duty ta Main�ain. Trustor shal! maintain �the Praperty in �enantable cflndition and promptly p�rform all rspairs, <br /> repla�ements, and maint�nance necessary to preser�� its�alue. <br /> Compliance VIlifih Enr���anm�ntal Laws. Trusto� r�presents and warrants �o Lender that: t 1� During the peri�d o�F <br /> Trustor's ownership o��he Praperty, th�re has been no use, g�neration, manu�acture, storage,trea�ment, disposa�, <br /> re�eas� ar threa�ened release �f an� Hazardaus Substance by any person an, under, ab�ut or fram the Property; <br /> (�} Trust�r has no Icnowledge of, or reason to believe �ha#there has been, excep� as pre�iausly disclosed to and <br /> acknawledged by Ler�der in writin�, {a} any breach or �iolation of any EnWiranmental Laws, �b} any use, <br /> gen��atian, manufac�ure, st�rage, �reatment, dispvsal, re�ease or threat�ned reEease of any Hazardaus Substance <br /> on, under, alaout or from �he Property by any prior ov►rners or occupants af �he Prop�rty, or ��f any actua� or <br /> �hreatened litigation or claims o�F any kind by any pers�n relating to such matters; and 43} Except as pr�viously <br /> disclosed to and a�l�now�edged by Lender in writing, {a} neither Trustar nor any tenant, c�ntra�tvr, agen��r other <br /> auth�rized user a�the Prap�rty shall use, generate, manufaCture, store, �kreat, dispase of�r release any Ha�ardvus <br /> 5ubstance on, under, �bou�vr from the Praperty; and �b} any su�h actiWi�y shal! be �anducted in compliance with <br /> all applEcab[e federaf, s�ate, and laca! I8W5� regulations and ordinan��s, including without limitation all <br /> En�ironm�ntal Laws. Trustor au�hv�-izes Lend�r and its agents to enter upon the Proper�y to mak� such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem apprapriate to determine comp�ian�e vf the <br /> Pr�p�rty with this seGtion �f �he Deed of Trust. Any inspectivns or �es�s made by L�nder shall be for Lender's <br /> purpases only and shall not b� cans�rue�i t� �reate any responsibifity or liabi[i�y�n the part��F Lender to Trust�r ar <br /> t� any o�her persan. The representations and warran�ies contained herein are based on Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in��s�iga�ing the Pr�perty for Hazardous Substanc�s. Trus�ar herel�y ��) releas�s and vvai�es any fu�ur� claims <br /> against Lender �or indemnity ar contribution in �he eWent Trustar becomes liabie f�r cleanup or v�her �as�s under <br /> any such lawsr and {�} agrees t� indemnify, de�end, and h�ld harmless L�nder against any and a�l claims, Ivsses, <br /> IiabilEties, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly or indir�ctly sustain or suffer resulting�rom <br /> a brea�h vf this sectian of �he Deed �� Trust or as a conse�u�nc� af any use, g�neratian, manufac�ur�, storage, <br /> disposal, release ar�hrea�ened releas�occurring prior to Trustor's ownership or interest in�he P��per�y, whether or <br /> no� the sam� was ❑r should have been known to Trus�or. The pr��isions of this section of �he ❑eed of Trust, <br /> �nc�udEn�the a�liga�ion to indemni�y and de�Fend, shalf sur�i�e th� payment of�he �ndeb�kedness and�he satisfac�ion <br /> and reconveyance �f the lien o�this D�ed ��Trust and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisition of any interest <br /> in the Praperty, whether by�oreclosure ar otherwise. <br /> Nuisanc�r ��StB. Trustor shall nafi cause, conduc� or permit any nuisance nor �ommi�, permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping �fi or waste an or t❑ �he Property vr any par�ion o� fhe Property. Vllithou� limiting the generali�y of the <br /> �orsgaing, Trus�or will no� r�move, or grant�o any ather party the right to remo�e, any timber, minerals �including <br /> ail and gas}, coa�, clay, sc�ria, soil, gra�rel ar rvck praducts without Lender'� prior writ�en consent, <br /> Remo�a�of Impra�ements, Trustor shall not demolish or remave any fmpr�vem�nts from the Real Pr�perty wi�hau� <br /> Lender's priar writ�en �onsen�. As a candition to the rema�ai of any Impro�ements, L�nder may require Trustar to <br /> rnake arrangements satis�actory to L�nder �o repla�e such lmprov�ments wi�h Impravements of at I�ast equa� <br /> �alue. <br /> L�nder's Righ#ta Enter. Lender and L�nder's agen�s and representatives may enter upvn the Reat Property at ail <br /> reasonable tim�s to a#tend to Lender's interests and ta insp�ct the R�al PrQperty �or purposes of Trust�r's <br /> c�mpiiance wi�h the terms and �anditiQns af this Deed �f Trust. <br /> Compliance with Go�ernmenfial Requirements. Trust�r shall promptly camply with all laws, ardinances, and <br /> regula�ions, now ar her�aft�r in effec�, of afl goWernrnental authori�ies appli�able to the use �r occupancy of the <br />