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2� 1 ����85 <br /> zn�eres� from �he da�e of d�sbursemen� at �he same rate assessed on advances under �he ��n�rac� and shall be <br /> payab�e,wxth zr��eres�,upan notice fram Lender�a Barra�er requesting paymen�. <br /> In�pect�vn. Lender ar its agenti may make reasonab�e en�ries upon and inspec�zans af�he Praperty. Lender shal� <br /> give Barravver notice a�the��me of or prxar t�an znspectian specifying reasonable cause for�he�spec�ian. <br /> Candemnat�on. The proceeds of any award or c�aim for damages, direc��r consequentia�, in car.�.�ct�on w�th a�ay <br /> con��mna�ian ar other�akzng �f az�y part�f�he Proper�y, or for conveyance in l�eu af candem�a.a��o�, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha��b�pa�d ta Lender. <br /> �n the e�ent of a �fl�a� �a.��ng af the Property, the pro�eeds shall be app�zed to the sums secured by this Security <br /> . Instrumen�, vvhether or na� then due, vt�ith a.�y excess p a�d �a B orro�wer. �n �he even� o f a partial taka.rig of the <br /> Property in v�rhich�he fa�r market valu� flf�he Proper� immed�a�te�y before the taking is equal to or greater than <br /> �he am.aun� of the sums secured by th�s Securz�y �ns�rurnent imrnediately befnre �he �a�ing, unless Barrower and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by this 5e�ur�ty Instrument sha11 l�e reduced by the amoun��f <br /> �he prflceeds mul�iplied by the fo��av�ring fracti�n: �a}�he�o�a� amaunt af the sums secured imrnediately befare�he <br /> taking, divided b� �b� �he fair marke�va�ue af t.�ie Praperty �mmedzately bef�re �he �akir�g. Any balan�e sha�I be <br /> paid �a Barrower. In tihe everi� of a part�al tak�ng of the Proper�y in whzch �he fair market va�ue af the Propezty <br /> zmm�dxate�y before �he �aking is less than the am�unt of the sums secured imm�d�a�ely before �he tak�g, unless <br /> B��-rower and Lender o�her� agree in writ�ng ar un�ess App���abie La�r otherw�se provides, �he pr�ceeds shall <br /> be app��ed to�he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrumen�vvhe�h�r or nat�he sums ar�then due. <br /> �f�he Property zs abandoned by B�rr�wer, or�f, after notice by L�nder to Barrawer that the cond�m�x�vr offers �o <br /> make an a�ard ar sett�e a�Ia�m far damages,B�rroWer fails�o respQnd to Le�.der W��hin the m.�xumum number af <br /> days�s�ab�zshed by App��cable La�v aft�r�he date�he notzce�s given,Lender is author�zed�o ca�lec�and apply�he <br /> praceeds, a� its �ption, either to restoratifln or repair of th� Praper�y ar �a �he sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument,vvhether�r not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer o�herwise agree �n writing, any app�icati�n of pro�eeds�a pr�nc�pal shall�at�xtend <br /> or p�stpone�he due date of�he paym�n�s due under�h�Contrac#or Ghange the amoun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Barro�ver N�ot Released; Forbearance By Lender N�� a �'�Vaiver. Extension af �he time far paym�nt ar <br /> rnodif catx�n af amor�zzat�an of�he sums secured by thzs 5e�urit��ru.mer�� granted by Lender�o B orraWer or <br /> any succ�ssor in in�erest of B�rrower shal� no� aperate ta release �he Iiab���ty of �he ar�g�na� B�rrovver ar <br /> B�rrotiver's successors in inter�s�. Lender sha�l n�t be required ta cammen��praceedings aga�r�st any�u�cessar in <br /> �r�terest or r�fuse�a ex�end time f�r paymen�or��thex-vv�se modify amor�iza�io�.�f�he sums secured by�his 5ecur�ty <br /> Ins�trument by reas�n of any demand made by the �r�g�na1 Bc�rrower �r BorroWer's successors in �nteres�. Any <br /> farbearan�e by Lender �n exercis�ng any r�ght or remedy shall no�be a v�ra�ver of ar preclude the exerc�se �f any <br /> right�r remedy. <br /> Su��es�ors and Ass�gn5 Bound; Jvint and Several Liabi�i�y; Accommodat�on Signers. The covenants and <br /> agreements af th�s Secur��y�ns�rumex�� sha���bind and 1�enef t the successors and assigns �f Lender and Borr�wer, <br /> subj ec� t� the provisians of �ect�an tit�ed Transfer af �he Praper�y �r a Benef�c�al In�erest i�n Borrower. <br /> Borrovver's covenants and agreeme�.ts shal�be join�and several.Any p�rson v�rho co-signs�his 5ecurity�nstrum�nt <br /> but has na perso�al �iabz��ty u�ad�r the �ontract �"Ac�ommodation Signer"}: �a} �s co-�ig-�.�ng this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument an�y �� m�r�gage, grant and convey �hat Accammodatzon Signer's �n�eres� �n the Pr�perty under th� <br /> ��rms af fi�i� Security �ns�rum�nt; �b} zs no� p�rsonal�y obliga�ed to pay �he �ums secured by th�.s 5ecuri�y <br /> Instrument; ar�d�c} agre�s�ha�Ler�d�r and an.y��her F3�rrovver may agree�a extends mad�fy, forbear or make any <br /> accamm�dations vv��h regard to the terms of thi.s Securzt�Instrumen�or�he Co�.�ract with�ut tha�Accomrnodat�on <br /> Sigr�er's cansen�. <br /> Laan �harges. If the ��an secured by this 5ecurity Ins�.rument is subj e�t �a a �aw �which se�s maxzmum �oan <br /> charges, and�ha��a�vv is f na�l��nterpre�ed s��ha��he interes�or ather�oan charges col�ected or to be c��1�c�ed�n <br /> connec�ion wi�h the loan exc�ed the permitted �imi��, �he�: �a� any such Ioan charge sha�I be reduced by �he <br /> arnoun�nec�ssary t� reduc� �he charge to�he permi�t�d �imi�s and �b} any sums already collected from B orrower <br /> wh�ch e�ceeded ��rmit�ed I�mits Wi11 be r�fun.ded �o Barrower. Lender may ch�ose t� rnake th�s refund by <br /> reducixxg �he pr�ncipa� a�wed under the C�ntrac�or by making a direct payment to Borro�wer. If a refund reduces <br /> princ�pat,�he reduc��on wi��be trea�ed as a par�ia�prepaymen�under the�ontrac�. <br /> Notic�5. At�y no�ice �o Borro�rver provided for �n this 5e�urity Instrument shall be g��en by d�Iivering i� �r by <br /> ma�ling i�by firs�class ma�l unless Applzcable LaW r�qu�res use of another method. The na�ice sha�I be d�rected�a <br /> the Property Address or any o�ther address Borrovver designates by notic� �a Lender. BorroWer agrees t� pravide <br /> Lender wi�h Borrovver's mast curren�ma�ling address, as i�may change fr�m t�me-�o-time. Any no�ice to Lender <br /> shall be given by�rs�class mail�o Lender's address stat�d herein�r any��her address Lender designa�.es b�natice <br /> �o B�rrflvaer.Any no�ice pravided for�n�iis Security�nstrument sha�l be deemed ta have been g��en tfl Borrovver <br /> ar Lender�when given as pravided in�hzs paragraph, <br /> G�vern�ng Law, Se�erabil.�fiy,Th�s Securi�y�ns�rument sha��be gaverned by federal�aw and the laws of�h�s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n�he event that any prov3s�on or c�ause of���s Secur�ty Instrumen� �r the Cantract canflic�s wi�h <br /> Applzcab�e LaW, such canflic� shall n��affe�� a�her provxszons of�his Security Ins�rument flr�.ie C�n�ract v�h�ich <br /> can be given effect Without the�onflicting provisi�n. To th�s end the prov�sions af�his Secur�ty Instrumen#and the <br /> Contra�t are dec�ared�o be se�erab�e. <br /> B�rrawer's Copy.Borrower shal�be given one copy�f�his Security�ns�rurnen�.. <br /> C���44-2�15 CompIiance Systems,Inc.SC54-EC3E-2�IS.l�.3.1a9& <br /> Consumer Real Es�ate-Security Iz�strument DL2�36 Page 3 af 5 www.compliancesystems.�om <br />