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2� 1 ����85 <br /> Payment of Pr�nc��a�and Int�r�es�; �ther Charges.Borr�wer sha1�promp�Iy pay�hen due�he principal of and <br /> interest�n�he debt owed ur�der�he�ontrac�and late charges ar an�o�her fees and charges due under the Con�ract. <br /> .A.pplicab�e Law. As used in this Security ��, the �erm "Applicable Lavv" sha�l mean a11 eantr�Iling <br /> appl�cable federa�, s�a�e ant� lo�al sta.�utes, regula�i�ns, ardinances and adm�nzstra�ive rules and �rder� ��ha�have <br /> the effec�of law�as vve1l as a1I applicab�e�nai,non-a�apealab�e judicia�opinions. <br /> Charges; L�.ens. B�rrower� shall pay all �axes, assessmen�s, chargess fines and impositions a��ributa.ble �o th� � <br /> Pr�perty which may a�tain��riority over this 5ecur��y�ns�rumen�, and leasehold paymen�s ar ground rents, if any. <br /> .�.t the request of Lender,Btarrower shall promp�ly furnish�o Lender�eceipts e�iden�ing the payments, <br /> Borrov��r sha�l prompt��di��charge any lien which has priarity over th�s Secu.r��y Instrument un�ess Borrnwer: (a} <br /> agrees in wri�ing ta �ie pa.ymen� af�he ob��ga�ion secured by �he l�en �n a acceptab�e to Lender; �b} <br /> con�es�s �n goad fa��h �he �:ien by, �r defends agains� enforcement of the �ien in, legal proceedings Wh�ch �n the <br /> Lender's apua.�on opera�e �t� pre�ent the enforcement of�he Iien; or �c� secures from the halder of�he lien an . <br /> agreem.ent satisfac��ry to L��nder subordinating�he 1ie�.to �his Securi�y�nstrument. �f Lender de�ermines that any <br /> part of the Proper�y is subj��c��a a lien vvhich may attain priority over th�s Security Instrumen�, Lender may give <br /> B�rrav�er a n��xce zdent�fyi��g�e �ien. Borravver sha�� satisfy�he lien ar take one or rnore of�he ac�ions se�farth <br /> above vvithin l.�days of�he giv�ng of n�ti�e. <br /> Ha�ard ur Prflp�rty Insur�an�e. I3orrower sha1�keep�he �mpravements now existina or hereafter ere��ed or�the <br /> Property�nsured ag�.ins��os�by f re,hazards xncluded vvi�hin the term"extended coverag�" and any o�her hazards, <br /> inc�uding fl�ods or floodin.g, for which Lender requir�s insurance. This insuxance shail be mazn�a�ned in the <br /> amounts and for the periads�hat Lender requires. The insuranc�carrier prnviding the�.nsurance shai�be chosen by <br /> �3orrower subject �ti Lende��'s approval vvhich sha�I nat be unreas�nably withhel�. If BorroWer fa��� to ma�n�ain <br /> caverage described above, Lender may, a� Lender's ap�ian, ob�ain cnverage #� prate�� Lender'� rights in �he <br /> �roperty in accordar�ce wi�h section tit�ed Pr�tec��on af Lender's Rights in th�Pro�er�y, <br /> 1�1I insurance po��cies and �°enetiva�s sha�� be accep�ab�e to Lender and shall include a standard m�rtgage c�ause. <br /> Lender sha�l have the r�ght���hold the po�icies and renevvals. If Lender�equires, Bo�ro�ver shal�prompt�y g�ve to <br /> Lender all rece�pts�f paid��rem�ums and rene�tra�notices. In�he ev�n�of Ioss, Borrour�r sha11��ve promp�no�ice <br /> to�he insurance carrier and:Lender.Lender may make pr��f of loss if no�made pr�mpt�y by Borrov�rer. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrovver otherwise agree in wri�ing, insuran�e pro�eeds shal� be appl�ed to restora�ion �r <br /> r�pair of�he Properfiy dama;g�d, if, in Lender's sole discre�ion, �he rest�ration or repair �s econ�mical�y feasib�e <br /> and Lender's secur��is no� lessened. �f, in Lend�r's s��e discretian, �he restoratifln or r�pair is no� ec�nomically <br /> feasible or Lender's security vvould be lessened,the insurance pr�c�eds sha���e applied to the sums secured by this <br /> Security �nstrument, �rheth+�r ar na� then due, v�rith any �x�ess paid �o Borrovver. If Borrnwer abandons �he <br /> Pr�p�rty, �r does no�ansvve��with�n the number of day�pr�scribed by Appli�able Law as set for�h in a no�z�e fr�m <br /> Lender to Borrovver that�he insurance carrier has offered�o set�le a claim, th�n Lender may collec��he �nsurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use �:he praceeds �o repair or r�store �he Property �r�o pay sums secured by this 5ecurity <br /> Instrument,vvhe�her ar not��en due. The period of�.xne for Borro�rer�o answer as set for�h in the notice vvi�l begin <br /> when the notice�s gi�en. <br /> i�nless Lender and F�orrovver o�h�rwise agree in wri��ng, any appl�cation of pro�eeds tfl principal sha��not extend <br /> ��pas�pone the due date of�h�payments due under�he �on�rac�or�hange the am�u�t of the payments. If under <br /> �he section�it�ed Ac�e�e�rat�an; Remedies, �he Pr�perty is acqui�ed by Lender, Barrawer's r�gh�to any insurance <br /> p�licies and praceeds resulting fr�m damage to �he P�oper�y prior ta the acquis��ion shall pass �o Lender �o the <br /> e�tent of the sums se�ured b.y this Securi�y�nstrumen�im�xned�ate�y prior�o the ac�uisi�ion. <br /> Preservatian, Maintenanc�e and Prot�ction of �he l�roperty; Barrawer's Loan Appiicatian; Leaseholds, <br /> Borrotiver sha�l n��des�-�y, �damage ar impair the Proper�y, alla�r�he Property tn deter��rate, ar comm��waste on <br /> the Praperty. Barrower s�all be in defau���f any forfei�.ire a��ia�or proceeding,wh�th�r civ�I or�r�mzna�,�s begun <br /> ��at in Lende�'s gflod faith�udgm�nt c�uld result �n forf��ture of the Proper�y or ��he�-w�se materially�mpair the <br /> lien creatied by this Secur�ty Ins�rument ❑r Lender's security interest. Borro�ver may such a defaul� and <br /> r�instat�, as pravided in sec�.ion�i�Ied Borr��ver'�R�ght�o Re�nstate, by causing the ac�ion�r praceeding�fl be <br /> di�missed With a ruli�a.g tha�,in Lender's go�d faith de�ermination,preclu�.es farfe��ure�f the B�rrower's in�erest in <br /> the Property or o�her material impa�rmen� of�he ��en crea�ed by �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen� or Lender's security <br /> in��res�.B�rrower sh�.Il also be�n�.�faul�if Borr�wer,during the�oan appl�cat�on process,gave ma�erially fa�se or <br /> inaccurate �nforrnation or statemen�s �Q Lender �ar failed t� provide Lender wi�h any material informa��on} in <br /> . cannectian vvi�h�he loan ev�denced by �he Contrae�, If�his Securi�y�nstru.ment�s on a leasehold, Borrawer shall <br /> comply vvith al�the pravisior�s of t�ie lease.If Borrav�er a��uires fee�i�le to#he Froperty,the�easeho�d and the fee <br /> title�ha1�not merge t�nless Lender agrees to�he merger in wr��ing, <br /> Protee�ion af Lend�r'S ��;ht� in the Property, If B�rrovver fails to perform �he covenan�s and agreem�nts <br /> conta�ned�n th�s Security In,�trument, or�here�s a�egal proceed�ng�hat may signif c�nt��affect L�nder's rights in <br /> �he Property �such as a pr�ceeding in ban�ruptcy, probate, for condemnat�on or forfei� �r �o enforce laws or <br /> regulati�ns}, �hen Lend�r may do and pa}� fflr tivhatever is necessary t� prot�c� �he value of the Proper a�.d <br /> � <br /> L�nder's r�gh�s�n the Pr�per�.y. Lender's ac��ons may inc�ude paying any sums secured b�a Iien vvhich has pr�flrity <br /> over�his Securi�y�nstrument, app�a�-ing ua court,paying reasanable at��rneys'fees and en�er�ng on t�ie Proper�y ta <br /> m�ke repairs.Althaugh Lender ma�r�ake ac�ion un�er this�ect�on,Lender�oes n�t hav��o do sn. <br /> A�y arr��un�s disbursed by �aender under �his section sha�� be�orne additiflnal del�t 4f Barrovver secured by th�s <br /> 5ecurity Instrument. TJnless Borrower and Lender agree �� �� terms af payme�t, these amaun�s shal� bear <br /> 0 2444-2a15 Complia.n�e 5ystems,Inc.8C54-EC3E-20I5.l I.3.1098 <br /> Cansumer Real EstaEe-Security Instrument D�,;?Q35 Page 2 of 5 www.cvmpliancesystems.�om <br />