2� 1 ���� 11
<br /> as se�ec�ed b� L�n�cz•; �a� cas��; �b� money ordet•, �c� Ge�•�i�"ied ��a��k, bank che�l�, tr�asure�•'s check or cashier"s
<br /> �h�cic, pravided an� su�la ch��� is drawn upon �n ins�i�u�i��� whose depos��s a�•e insured by a fede�•al ag�ncy,
<br /> instt•ume�taix�y or entity; ox• �d� E�ec�t�onic Funds Transfez�. U�pon t°einsta�ement by Borrower, thrs Secuz•ity
<br /> �r-�strument ar�d obliga�ion� s�cured h��eby ����II remaxn fully ef�'ect��e as zf n� acceiera�i�n h�d occurred,
<br /> . Haw�v�r����is����h��o r�i�sta�:�s�a�.�1 not appxy�n.the case❑f accelerat�on und��r Sec�ian �S.
<br /> 20. .��le of No�e; Ghange of�oan ServYcer; No�ice af G�•ievance, Th�N��� o� a�aarti�.l �r��erest in �h�
<br /> Nate �toge�h�r �vv��h �his Se�uri�y �nstrum�nt� can be sold �n�o�• mare�imes withouti priar no�i�e to Borrowet•.
<br /> A saie tni�h� �csul� in a cha�a�� it� t1�e enti�y �1�naw�� as th� "L�an 5ervi�:�r"} �hat coiiects Pet•iadic Pa�men�s
<br /> due und�r ��a��Tote and �his S�cu�•i�y �nstrum�zxt ar�d �e�;fo�•ms athe� �mor�ga�c l�a�n �ez�vi�in� �Ula�atio�s unc�ex
<br /> the Not�, this Secu��ity Ins���u�nen�, and App�i�able Law. T��e�•e also migh� �e ane or more changes of�he
<br /> L,c�an Se��ric�r unz•�Ia��d to a s�.le of�he Not�. �f�hexe is a �han�� of�he I:..oai1 S�x�icer, Bar�•awe�• wil� Ue
<br /> given wr•i��en �o��ce of the Ghan�e which w�ZI s�a�e�he na�xa.� and address of��.�new Loarr Sc��vicer, �h�addz��ss
<br /> to which pa�zr�en�s �h�uld be made and any o�het• infor�a�ion �SPA requi�re� in connecti�n wi�h a�o�ice �f
<br /> transfer af s�t•vicit�g. �f�he N��.e �s sold and�hexeafter the Loa�a is serviced b� a Loan �er�ic�r ��her �han �he
<br /> purchas�r af�he No�e, �he morti��g� loan se�vicin� obli�ati�ns�� Ba�•z•ovver wilI z��main �with�he ia�ar� ServiGer
<br /> ox be �ransf�rr�d �o a success�r Laan Ser�icer a�.d are rao� assumed by the Na�e pu�,chas�r ut�less o�herwis�
<br /> p��avzded by�h�Note�urchaser.
<br /> �ei�her �3arr�wer nor L�nd��• may com�n�nce, join, or b� ,�n�ned �o any judicial a���on �as ei�h�r an
<br /> xn�.i�i�ua� �i�igar�t o�• the m�m�er of a class} tha� a.z•�ses fi•om the o�h�r �at���'s ac�ioMs pur�uan� ta �h�s Security
<br /> �ns�rumen� or• thati al�eges �ha� the o�he�• party h�.s brea�h�d any p��ovisian of, oz• �.ny duty avsred l�� r�aso� �f,
<br /> #:his Security �ns�rumen�, un�i� such Borr�wer �r Lende�� has �o�i��d �he a�her pa�•ty �wi�h sueh no�i�e given in
<br /> �amplia��ce with �hc xequi��c�men�s of Section 1 S� of such alle��d bre�.ch and affo�ded �he ather pa�•ty �aereto a
<br /> reasonable periae� after �he gi�ing of such �atice�o take cnr�-ect�ve actzon. Tf���alic�.ble L�.w p�•av�des �.�inae
<br /> per�o� which must e�apse bef�Y� c�x�axn ac�ion c�an be taken, �ha� �ime perioci vvi�l be deerx�ed �a be xeasonabX�
<br /> f��r pu�•poses of�hrs pairagra�h. The notice af acceleration and a�partunz�y �o Gu�•� g��ve��.�o Lax�ro�w�r pursuant
<br /> �o Se�tion �� and �he no�ice �f ac�el�ra��Qn g�r�en to Box-r�we� �ursu�r�� �o �e�tion 1� s�aall L�e d�em�d ta
<br /> satisfy�he r�otx�e and oppo�tuni�y to�alfe c�rre�tive�c�ion provisions of this Sec�ion��;
<br /> , �1. Haza�•dous Substances. As used in�his Sec�iaz�21: �a�� "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�hose subs�an�es
<br /> de�n�d as t���� ar ha�a�•dflus suE�stanc�s, pallu�ara�s, oz• �vas�e� b� En�iz{anmez��a� Law and t�1� fU��QW111g
<br /> � subs�anc��: �aso�ine, I�e�os�ne, a�her flarnmable ar �axzc pe�roleu�a produc�s, toxic �esti��de� and he�rbic�de�,
<br /> volatile�sol�et�f:s, ma�eri�.Is ca�a�ainit�g asbes�as or forma�dehyde, a�nd radioac�iv� �na�erials; ��} "EnvY�•�t�men�a�
<br /> Lavv" mean� f�d�z•a�l laws and laws �f the juxXsdic�ian wh�re the Pr��er�y is �oca�ed tha�rela�e �a h�a��h, saf�ty
<br /> or �nviranm�n�a� protec�ian; �c) "�nvit•onxa�en�al �l�anup" i��c�ludes ar�y re5p�n�� a�tion, r�tnGd ia.l a�tiQra, or
<br /> rer�oval acti�n, as defined i�a Envirot�mental Law; and �d} an "Environmental �ondi�i�n" means a �andi�iQn
<br /> that can cause, cQntribute�o,or o�.herwise tr��ger a����avironmen�al�I�anup.
<br /> BQrrawer shali t�ot �a�.�se �r permrt �he pz•eser�cc, use, di�posal, s#;o��age, o�� r�lease of any I�azard���s
<br /> �ubs�anc�s, ar �hreaten �o �•clease an}� Ha�az•dous �ubs�ancesa Qn Qr in the Piroperty. Ba�•row�z� sha�� not do,
<br /> nar al�aw ar��ane else�a do� any�h�ng affe�tin�#:he Pro�erty �a��hat is in viola�ion of any En�rironmen�al Lavv,
<br /> �b} which c�•�a�es an En�ironmcn�al Condition, or ��} w��c�a, due �o i.he pres����e, u�e, o�, rel�ase of a
<br /> �-Iazarc�ous S��bs�a�c�, crea�es a Gandi�ion �ha� adve�,sely af�`cc1:s �he�alue �f th� Pt•operty, The ��r�c�ding �rn�o
<br /> sen�ences shall no� app�y to the presence, LIS�a or s��rage �n the Pr�per�y of srn�.11 qua���itz�s of Haz�rdaus
<br /> �Subs�ances th�i� a�re generally r�cognized to �e a��ropria�e ta n�r���a� res�dent�al uses and to maintenance of�IZe
<br /> Proper�y�inGiuding,but�a1:lim��ed�o,haz�.rdflus su�s�a�.c�s zn co��sum�r�ro�uG���,
<br /> Bort�awer shal� �rarnptly �iv� L�nder wri��en n�tice af�a} any invest�ga�:ion, ���i�n, d�mand, lavUsl��� oz-
<br /> ❑th�r a��ion l�y any ga�rert�men�al or r��ula��ry agenc� o�• �rivate par�y �nvo�v�ng the Pro�er�y and any
<br /> Hazard�us Subst�nce of �nv�ronmental �aw o�'which �ar��owex• has �c�:ua� l�na�vl�d�e, (b} an� r,nviranmental
<br /> �ondi�io�, inc�udi�ag but not l�xx�i��d �:a, any s�ailli��g, le�l�i�.g, discha.rge, �•cicas� o�� thr�a� oF xeI�ase of a11y
<br /> �Hazardaus Subs�ance, at�d �c} any condition caused by �he presence, use ar• �release of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> which advet•sely aff�c�s the �alu� of th� Pro�er�.y. �f Barrawe�• lea��ns, �r is no�:ified by any go�v�rr�men�al or
<br /> regula��xy au�l�a�•i�y, or any pri�a�e pa�-�y, tha� any removal o� o�hety remedi�.tior� af any Haza�dous Subs�atace
<br /> aff�c�in� �h� Prap�t•4y is r�ece�sar�, �ar�raw�� sha�� �romp�ly tal�e al� �aecessary re�ra.edial a�tians ixa ac��rdanc�
<br /> wi�h �nWzrox�mental Law, N�o�h�ng her�zn shail cr�at� any abliga�ian ot� Lender fnr a� ��viro�amen�a�
<br /> C�eanup.
<br /> NESF�A�KA-5ingle Fam��y�Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac �]NIF�R�!�NSTRI�MENT
<br /> Forrn 3�28'110�
<br /> �.as�r Forms I��,��QQ}��6-3555
<br /> LF f#F'hl MA3D�8 91�1 �'�g� �� a,��� I n itials;� �,,, �
<br />