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2� 1 ���� 11 <br /> �he No�e}. �3�rt•awe�•'s a�c�p�ata�� of any su�h �•efur�d naade by dif•ec� paymen� �o Boz�t�owe�• wi�� cans��tu�e a <br /> waivez•�f an�ri�ht of a��roz�.�3axrawer mi�h�ha�e��'151rig QU�Q�51.1C�1❑V�iC�7.�t�ge, <br /> 15. No�ic�s. A�1 notic�s �iv�n by Borrowe�� a�• Lendet• in eonnection with this SeGuri�y Z�ast�•uz�.�en� mus� <br /> �e in w�•i.tin�. �ny notrce to B���rower in connec�ion with this Secuxity �ns��rum���.� �hall �e dcemed �o h�.�e <br /> b�en giv�n t� ��rrower when z�aaiied l�y �rs� c�ass mail or vvhen actual�y deli�ered to Bn�•�row�r's no�ic� <br /> �ddr�s� if sen� by a�her means. No�ice �a a�1y a��e Bor�rawer �ha11 cons�itu�� notice �o ail Borz�awers ut�Iess <br /> Applicable Law e�pr�ssly r�c�uix�s o�hez•wise. The na�i�� address sl�all be �h� Fz•opet~�y Address ut�less <br /> Borrowe�• �aa� ci�signa��d a �u�s�i�u�e na�ic� add�'�55 by not��e �o Let�der-, �3oxt,avver shall prn�.p�ly notify <br /> Lende� af Bor�rowex"s change �f address. zf Lende�• �peci��s a p�•ocedut,e foz• z�eporting Bo�rrower's �han�e of <br /> address, then Borz•ower shaIl an�y xepor� a change �f address throug� �hati specifi�d procedure, There may be <br /> ot1�y nne desi�nat�d no�ice address under �h�� Se�urity Ins�rurr�ent �� any one�ime. Any notic�ta Lender-shaXl <br /> � be given by d��iverxng i� ar by z��ai�ing i� by �rst �lass mail �o Lenc��r's addr�ss s�a�ed hez•ein unles� Lendez <br /> has designated an���ez• address �y no�ice�o :Btorrowe�r, Any no�ic� i�. �ofln�c��o�� �vi�h�his �eeu�,it� rtls�z•u�nent <br /> shatl nat b� d��m�d�a have bee�� gi�en to �L���d�x un�il ac�ual�y x�cei�ed by Lend�r. If an� no�ice rcqui��ed by <br /> this Se�u�ri�y �nstrumen� is als� required under .Applicable L�aw, ���e A��1��abl� I.av� requirerne��t will sa�isf� <br /> t�a.e correspondin�reauiremen�ur�der this 5ecut��ty�xa�tr�ment. <br /> 1G. �ave�•n�r�g Law; Se�e�•abx�zty; Rules of Construc#ior�. Th�s Securi�;y xns��umen� shall be governec� <br /> by federa� Iaw and the law oC�he jurisc�ic�i�n in �hi�h the Pr�pert� xs loeatEd. All righ�s arid �bliga�io�s <br /> �otl�ained in ��Zis Secu�•ity �Tn��r•un�ent are subjeet �o �.n� rec�uir�n��n�s and lil�i�atior�s af Applicable Law, <br /> Applicab�e L�� might exp��ci�Iy or• imp�icitl� allow �he pat•�ies �o agree �y can��•ae� or z� mi�h� be silen�, but <br /> such si�cn�e sha.11 not bc caz�s�rued as a prohi�i�ion aga���.st a�re�men� by c�za���a��. �n thc eWent �ha� any <br /> pro�isi�n ot� clau�e of this Securi�y �ns�r�.lm�z�� o� �he Na�e canflicts �vzth A�pl��able Law, su��7 conf[ic� s1�a1I <br /> no� affe�� other pro�ision� of this Secu�,ity �ns�rument ar �he No�e wh�cl� can be �ive� ef.f�cti wi�hou� �he <br /> ca�f'Izc�i�.g pr�vision, <br /> As used in this Secuxity �nstrumen�; �a� words o�` �he rnasculine g�t�cl�r shall m�ar� and includ� <br /> �or•t•espondiza�g n�u��r words o�• words of the fem�nin� gender; �b� wor•ds in �he sin�ular sha�l meafl at�d iMclude <br /> �he �Iural and vi�u versa; a�nd (�} �he wa2•d "may" gz�es sole discz•��ion wi�hau� any �b�z�at�az� �o �a�e anY <br /> ac�ion. <br /> l7. Rarrower's Copy. �3oxxower sh�ll l�e giv��a one copy of�he Note �.nd of thi� Secu�i�y Tnst��umen�. <br /> 18. Trarisfer of�he Property or a B�n�f�c�a� Interest in �3a�rrov�er. As used iri�his Sectian. 18, "Int�res� <br /> �n �h� �roper�y" means any lega� ar beneficial interes� zn �he Pr�perty, includit�g, bu� no� limit�d to, thase <br /> beneficial interGs�s ���ansferre� i�� a bond fo� de�d, con��•ac� for deed, ir�s�a����a�en� sales con�ra�� or escrov� <br /> agrcemen�:,�h�in�cnt�f�vhi�h is�he�ransf�x•of ti�le by I3�rrowex•a�a fu�u�e date ta a puz•c��as�z•. <br /> If a�l ar �ny pa�r� af�h�Px•a��e�r�y oz any zri�erest in �he Pr•aper�y xs sald az-1;�,�.nsf�ra,�d ��r if T3o�•rower is no� <br /> a,natu�a� �et•sor� azad a benefieia� �nteres� in �o�rawer �s sald o� tra��sferred} withou� Lender's �rio�• wri�ten <br /> consen�, Lender may a�equire xmmedia�e paymen� in fu1l of all sums secured by t��zs S��uri�y Ins�xumen�. <br /> However,�his opt��n sha�l nat be exez�c�sed b�Lender�f su�h exercise is prohibi�ed by App�icable��.w, <br /> If I�ender ��ercises this �p�ian, Lender shall giwe I3orrow�r r�o�zce �f a�celeration. The notice shall <br /> pravid� a p��riod af no� �ess ���an 30 �ays froxx� �he c�a1:e th� �o�i�e is given in acGot�dan�e v���h Section �5 <br /> wi�hin vvhi�� �3�rrawer mus� �aa� alI sums seGure�. by tf�i� Secux•i�y Zns�t•unaerat, If�3art�a,w�r faxls�o pa� �hes� <br /> sums pria� 1:0 �he e��i�atYan af �his pe�,iod, Lende�• may i��.�al�e any r�177�d��5 pe�m i�ted �y th�s Securi�y <br /> r��s�rurr�en�w���o��further no�ic�or demand on�orrawet•, <br /> 19. �.3or�rawer'� Rxght �� Reins�a�e Af�er Acceieratxan. �f Borrower meets c��r�ain conditzar�s, Borrower <br /> sha�l hav� th� �ight to hav� enfar�emen� of this Security �ns�rumen� discon�inued a� any t�xx�e pxior �o the <br /> �arl��sti o�: ��.� �v� days �efore sal� af tihe :Prap�r�� put•suaza� �o a.ny p�wer o�'s�le con�ained ii� this Securi�y <br /> �ns�xumen�; �b� such o�h�r p�riad as Ap��icabie Law mi�l�.� s��cify fo�r �l�e te�r����a.tiQn �f Barrov��r's righ� to <br /> z•e�ns�ate; ar �c� en.�ry of a judgm�n� enforcin� this Secux•ity 7ns�ru��et��. Those condi�ions aze 1:�a� �or�•or7vet•: <br /> �a� pays Let�der a�� sums which �h�n wo�.�ld be due under �his �ecuri�y Ins���umen� and �he Na�e as if no <br /> acc�lera���n ��ad occurxed; (b) cu�•es a��y defaul� of any oth�r caWenan�s or agreemen�s; �c) p�.ys ai� expenses <br /> i�.curred z� en�orcing th�s Se�urt�� �ns�runr�en�, in�luding, �u� noti l�mit�d tio, reasan�.ble,a��aY•ney�' fee�, <br /> prope�rty ins�e��ior1 atld �alua�i�T� �'ees, and ����.er� ���s irzcu�rred fa�• �;he purpose of pt•ate�titlg Lend��•'s in�eres� <br /> zn �he Pr�per�y �nd z-ighi;s unde�� �h�s Secur�ty It�sl:rumen�; at�d �d} �akcs suuh a��ion as Let�de�r xna� r�asanably <br /> �•�qui�-e to assure �hat Ler�der's in�e�resti �n the Prope�•�y and ��i�h-�s ��nde�• this Se�urit� �t�s��un�en�, and <br /> ��3o�rower's obligatiion tfl ��ay the sums secuz•Gd by this Sec�.�z�i�y Y�strumen�, shall �ont�nue unc��anged, �.ender <br /> rnay xequ�re that Sorrawer pay such reins�atemetl� sums and ex�enses zn ane or mare of�he following forrns, <br /> NE�RASkCA-��ngle F�mily -Fanni�Ma�IFr�eddieMac UNIFORM IN�TRUMENT <br /> Farm 3��8'�10� <br /> Laser Forms Inc.(Sq0}4�45-3555 <br /> �.��#FN�A�o������ .�cxg�e 1�of�3 In,#ials: <br /> � � <br />
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