2� 1 ���573 J
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: '[�'i 292'i 39 {�or�tlnu�d�' Page 2
<br /> grants ta Lender a UnEfarm Gammercial Gade security interest in the Persanal Praperty and Rents.
<br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATI�NS AND 1JVARRANT�ES. Trustvr wa��ants that: �a} this �eed vf T�ust is executed at
<br /> 6a��awer's request and nat at the �equest af Lende�; �b} Trustar has the full pawe�, right, and autharity ta enter inta
<br /> this �eed af Trust and ta hypathecate the P�ape rty; �c� the p�a�isians vf this �eed af Trust da nvt canflEct with, v�
<br /> result in a default unde� any ag�eement vr ather instrument binding upan T�usta� and da nat result in a �€alativn af any
<br /> law, �egulativn, caurt dec�ee a� v�der applicable ta T�ustar; �d� T�ustvr has estabiished adequate means af vbtaining
<br /> frvm 6ar�awer an a cantinuing basis infv�matian abaut 6a�rawe�r5 financial canditian; and �e} Lende� has made na
<br /> representatian ta Trustar abaut 6arrawer �including withaut limitatian the c�editwa�thiness af 6ar�awe��.
<br /> TRUST�R'S 1JVA�VERS. Trusta� wai�es all �ights ar defenses a�ising by reasan af any "ane actian" a� rranti-deficiency"
<br /> law, a� any athe� law which may p�e�ent Lende� fram b�inging any actian against T�usta�, including a claim fvr
<br /> deficiency ta the extent Lende� is athe�wise enti�tled ta a claim fvr deficiency, befare ar afte� Lende�'s cammencement
<br /> ar cample#ian af any fareclvsu�e actian, either judicially ar by exercise af a pawer vf sale.
<br /> PAYN[ENT AND PERF�RN[ANCE. Except as athe�wise pra�ided in this �eed af Trust, 6arrawe�and Trustar shall pay ta
<br /> Lende� all Indebtedness secu�ed by this �eed af Trust as it becames due, and 6a�rawer and T�usta� shall strictly
<br /> perfv�m all their respect��e abligatians under the Nate,this €�eed af Trust, and the Related �acuments.
<br /> P�SSESSI�N AND N[AINTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. 6arrawe� and Trustar ag�ee that 6ar�awer's and Trustar's
<br /> passessian and use af the Prape��ty shall be ga�erned by the fallawing p�a�isians:
<br /> Pvssessivn and Use. Un�til the accu��ence a� an E�ent af �efault, T�us�tar may ��� �emain in passess�an and
<br /> cant�al a�the Praper�ty; ��� use, aperate vr manage the Prape�ty; and �3} callect the Ren#s fram�the Praperty.
<br /> Du�ty tv N[ain'tain. Trusta� shall ma�n�tain the Prape��ty in tenantable candi�ian and prampt�y pe�farm all repairs,
<br /> replacements, and ma�ntenance necessa�y ta p�eser�e �ts�alue.
<br /> Cvmpliance 1JVith Envirvnmenta� Laws. T�us#ar �epresents and war�an�ts �ta Lender that: ��� �ur�ng #he periad af
<br /> Trusta�'s vwnership vf the Prape�#y, there has been na use, gene�a#ian, manufactu�e, s#vrage, t�eatment, d�spasal,
<br /> release a� threatened release af any Hazardaus Substance by any persan an, under, abaut ar fram the P�aperty;
<br /> ��} Trustar has na knawledge af, ar reasan ta belie�e that there has been, except as p�e�iausly disclased ta and
<br /> acknawledged by Lende� in wrEting, �a� any breach vr �ivlativn vf any En�iranmental Laws, �b� any use,
<br /> generativn, manufac�ure, starage, t�eatment, dispasal, release ar threa�ened release af any Hazardaus Substance
<br /> an, under, abaut a� fram the Praperty by any pr�ar awne�s a� vccupants af the Praper#y, ar �c� any ac#ual ar
<br /> �h�eatened litiga�ian ar claims af any kind by any persan �ela�ting tv such matte�s; and �3} Except as pre�iausly
<br /> disclased ta and acknawledged by Lende�in w�iting, �a� neithe�Trustar nar any tenant, can�t�actar, agent a�ather
<br /> autha�ized use�af the Prape�ty shall use, genera#e, manu�acture, stare, t�eat, dispase af ar release any Hazardaus
<br /> Substance an, under, abaut a�f�vm�the Prape��ty; and �b} any such act��ity shall be canducted in campliance with
<br /> all applicable federal, state, and lacal laws, regulatians and ardinances, including withau# I�mi#atian all
<br /> En�iranmen#al Laws. Trustar autha�izes Lender and its agents ta ente� upan the Praper#y ta make such
<br /> inspectians and tests, at Trustar's expense, as Lende� may deem app�ap��ate ta dete�m�ne campliance af the
<br /> Prvpe�ty wi#h th€s sectian af #he �eed af Trus#. Any inspect�ans a� tes#s made by Lender shall be fa� Lende�'s
<br /> purpases anly and shall na� be cans�rued ta c�eate any �espansib�lEty a� liability an the par�af Lende�ta T�usta� a�
<br /> ta any vther persan. The representatEans and wa�ran#ies cantained he�ein a�e based an T�ustar's due diligence in
<br /> in�estigating the P�aperty fv� Hazardaus Substances. Trustar hereby �1} releases and wai�es any future claims
<br /> against Lender far indemn�#y ar cantributian in the er�ent Trusta� becames IEable fa� cleanup ar ather casts under
<br /> any such {aws; and ��} ag�ees ta indemnify, defend, and hald harmless Lender again$# any and all claims, lasses,
<br /> liabili�ties, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lende�may di�ec�tly a�indirec�tly sus�ain ar suffer �esulting f�am
<br /> a breach af�his sectian af the �eed a�Trust ar as a cansequence af any use, gene�atian, manufactu�e, starage,
<br /> dispasal, release a�threatened release vccur�ing p�iar ta Trus#ar's awnership ar interest in the Praper#y, whether ar
<br /> na# the same was vr shauld ha�e been knvwn #a Trustar. The pra�isians af this sectian af the �eed af Trust,
<br /> �ncludEng the ab�iga#ian ta indemnify and defend, shal!sur�i�e the paymen#af the Indebtedness and the satisfac#ian
<br /> and �ecan�eyance af#he lien af this �eed af T�us#and shall nat be affected by Lender's acquis�#ian af any inte�est
<br /> in the P�aperty, whethe�by fa�eclasure ar athe�wise.
<br /> Nuisance. 1JVas#e. Trus#ar shall nvt cause, canduct a� permit any nuisance nar cammit; perm�t, ar suffer any
<br /> stripping af ar waste an ar #a the P�aperty ar any par#ian af the Praperty. Wi#haut limiting #he general�ty af the
<br /> faregaing, Trusta�will na# remv�e, ar grant tv any ather party the right#a rema�e, any timber, mine�als �including
<br /> ail and gas}, caal, clay, scaria, sai{, gra�el a�rack praducts withaut Lende�'s p�iar wri�tten cansent.
<br /> Remvva�v#Imprvvemen#s. Trusta�shall na#demalish vr rema�e any Impra�ements f�am the Real P�vperty wi�thaut
<br /> Lender's pria�wri�ten cansent. As a canditian ta�the remv�al a�any Impra�ements, Lende� may require Trusta�ta
<br /> make arrangements satisfactvey ta Lender ta replace such Impra�ements with Imp�a�ements vf at least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right tv Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may ente� upan the Real Prape�ty at all
<br />