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<br /> Lvan Nv: �0��9�7 39 {Continued� Page 3
<br /> sn lang as Trus�tnr has nn�tified Lender in wri�ing prinr�ta dning sn and sn lnng as, in Lender's snle npininn, Lender's
<br /> in�eres�ts in �the Prnper�ty are nn�t jeapardized. Lender may require Trus�nr �tn pns� adequa�te securi�y nr a sure�ty
<br /> bnnd, reasnnably sa�isfac�tnry tn Lender, tn prntec�t Lender's in�terest.
<br /> Duty t� Protect. Trustar agrees nei�ther �tn abandnn ar lea�e unat�tended the Prnper�ty. Trus�tnr shafE dn all n�ther
<br /> acts, in addi�tinn�tn thnse ac�ts set fnrth abn�e in �this sec�tinn, which frnm �the character and use nf�the Prnper�ty are
<br /> reasnnably necessary tn prntec�t and preser�e the Prnperty.
<br /> DUE flN SALE - CflNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Ler�der's nptinn, declare immediately due and payable ali sums
<br /> secured by�th�S Deed nf Trust upnn �the saie nr transfer, withnu�t Lender`s pr�nr written cnnsent, nf all nr any part nf the
<br /> Real Prnperty, nr any in�teres�t in �the Real Prnperty. A "sale nr transfer" means the cnn�eyance nf Real Prnperty nr any
<br /> righ�t, �ti�tle nr �nteres�t in �the Real Praperty; whether fegal, beneficial nr equ��table; whether �nlun�ary nr in�n�untary;
<br /> whether by nu�tright sale, deed, �ns�tallmen�t sale cantrac�t, land cnntrac�t, cnntract fnr deed, ieasehnld interes�t with a
<br /> term greater than three �3� years, lease-np�t�nn cnn�rac�t, nr by sale, assignmen�t, nr�transfer nf any beneficia� in�terest in
<br /> nr �tn any land trus�t hnlding �ti�t�e �tn �the Real Prnper�ty, nr by any n�her methnd af cnn�eyance nf an interes�t in the Real
<br /> Prnper�ty. Hnwe�er, �this nptinn shall nat be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prnhfbited by federa� �aw nr by
<br /> Nebraska iaw.
<br /> TAxES AND L[ENS. The fnllnwing prn�isinns relating tn �the taxes and liens nn the Prnperty are par�t nf this Deed nf
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment, Trustnr shall pay when due �and �n al� e�en�ts prinr tn delinquency� all taxes, speciai taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �inc�uding water and sewer�, fines and impnsitinns le�ied against nr nn accnunt nf�the Prnperty, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims fnr wnrk dnne nn nr fnr ser�ices rendered nr material furnished tn the Prnper�ty. Trustnr
<br /> shall maintain the Prnper�ty free nf a�� �iens ha�ing prinri�ty n�er nr equal tn�he in�teres�t nf Lender under�this Deed nf
<br /> Trus�t, excep�t fnr the lien nf taxes and assessmen�ts nnt due and except as ntherwise prn�ided in this Deed nf
<br /> Trus�t.
<br /> Right t� C�ntest. Trustnr may wi�thhald payment nf any tax, assessmen�t, nr claim in cnnnectinn wE�th a gand faith
<br /> d�spu�te n�er�the abliga�tian �tn pay, sn lang as Lender's in�terest in the Prnper�y is nnt jenpardized. If a �ien arises nr
<br /> is filed as a result nf nnnpayment, Trus�nr sha�� within fi�teen ��5� days a�ter the IFen arises nr, if a lien is filed.
<br /> w��thin fFf�teen ��5� days a�ter Trus�tnr has nntice nf the filing, secure the discharge nf the lien, nr if requested by
<br /> Lender, depnsit with Lender cash nr a suff�cient cnrpnra�te surety bnnd nr nther secur�ty satisfactnry�tn Lender in an
<br /> amnun�t sufficien�t�tn d�scharge the lien plus any cnsts and attnrneys` fees, nr nther charges �that cnuld accrue as a
<br /> resu��nf a fareclnsure nr sa�e under�the lien. In any cnntes�t, Trustnr sha�� defend itseif and Lender and shal�sa�t�sfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgment befnre enfnrcement against the Prnper�ty. Trustnr shall name Lender as an addi�tinnal nbligee
<br /> under any surety bnnd furn�shed in�the cnn�test prnceedings.
<br /> E�idence �f Payment. Trustnr shall upnn demand furnish �tn Lender sa�tFsfac�nry e�idence nf paymen�t nf the �taxes
<br /> nr assessmen�ts and sha�l au�thnrize the apprapr�ate gn�ernmental nfficial �tn del��er�tn Lender at any t�me a wr�t�ten
<br /> s�ta�tement nf the�taxes and assessmen�ts agains�t�the Prnper�y.
<br /> N�tice �f Constructi�n. Trustnr shall natify Lender a�t least f�f�teen ��5� days befnre any wnrk is cnmmenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, nr any materia�s are supplied tn the Prnperty, if any mechanic's I�en, ma�ter�almen'S IFen, nr
<br /> ather I�en cnuld be asser�ted nn accnun�t nf �the wnrk, ser�ices, nr materials. Trustnr will upnn request nf Lender
<br /> furn�sh tn Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactnry ta Lender tha�t Trustnr can and will pay �he cnst nf such
<br /> �mprn�emen�ts.
<br /> PRflPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The fnllnw�ng prn��sians relating tn insur�ng the Prnperty are a part nf this Deed nf
<br /> Trus�t.
<br /> Maintenance �f Insurance. Trustar sha�� prncure and mainta�n pnl�cies nf f�re insurance with standard ex�tended
<br /> cn�erage endnrsemen�ts nn a fair �alue bas�s fnr the fulE insurable �a�ue cn�ering all Emprn�ements an the Real
<br /> Prnper�ty in an amnunt suffic�ent �tn a�nid applica�tinn �f any cninsurance clause, and with a standard mnrtgagee
<br /> clause in fa�nr nf Lender. Trustnr shal� alsa prncure and main�ain cnmprehensi�e general liabili�ty insurance in such
<br /> cn�erage amnunts as Lender may reques�t wi�th Trustee and Lender being named as add�tinnal insureds �n such
<br /> liabi�i�ty insurance pnlicies. Additianally, Trus�tnr sha�l maintain such n�ther insurance, inc�uding but nn�t I�m�ted ta
<br /> hazard, business in�terruptinn, and bni�er insurance, as Lender may reasnnab�y requ�re. Pn�icies sha�� be written in
<br /> fnrm, amnunts, ca�erages and basis reasnnably acceptable tn Lender and �ssued by a cnmpany nr cnmpan�es
<br /> reasanably acceptable tn Lender. Trus�tnr, upnn reques�t nf Lender, will deli�er �tn Lender frnm t�me tn time the
<br /> pn�icies nr cert�fica�tes nf insurance in fnrm satisfactnry tn Lender, includFng stipulatinns that cn�erages w�ll nnt be
<br /> cancelled nr diminished withnut at �east ten ��0� days prinr writ�ten nntice �tn Lender. Each insurance pnlicy alsn
<br /> shall include an endarsemen�t prn��ding that cn�erage in fa�nr nf Lender w�ll nnt be impaired in any way by any act,
<br /> nmissinn nr defaul�t nf Trustnr nr any n�ther persnn. Shnuld �the Rea� Prnper�ty be lnca�ted in an area des�gnated by
<br /> the Adminis�ratar nf the Federal Emergency Managemen�t Agency as a special f�nnd hazard area, Trustnr agrees�n
<br /> nbtain and maintain Federal Flnnd �nsurance, if a�ailable, fnr the full unpaid pr�nc�pal balance nf the inan and any
<br /> pr�ar liens an �the praper�ty secur�ng �the Inan, up tn �the maximum pnlicy I�m�ts se�t under �he Natianal Fland
<br /> Insurance Prngram, ar as ntherwise required by Lender, and�tn maintain such insurance fnr�the�term nf the Inan.
<br /> Applicati�n �f Proceeds. Trustnr shal� prnmp�tly nntify Lender nf any InsS nr damage tn the Prnperty. Lender may
<br /> make prnnf nf Inss if Trustnr fa�ls tn dn sn w�thin fi�teen ��5� days nf the casualty. Whether or not Lender's
<br /> secur��ty �s �mpa�red, Lender may, a�t Lender's elec�tion, rece��e and retain �the prnceeds nf any insurance and apply
<br />