2� 1 ���572
<br /> �EE� �F TRUST
<br /> ' Loan No: 7���9�7 39 ���rlt�nued� Page �
<br /> TRUST4R'S REPRESENTATI4NS AN❑ UIIARRANTIES. Trustar warrants that: �a} this Deed af Trust is executed at
<br /> Barrawer's request and nat at the request a� Lender; �b} Trustar has the fu!! pawer, right, and autharity tv enter �nta
<br /> this Deed a� Trust and ta hypathecate the Praperty; �c} the pra�is�ans a� th�s Deed a� Trust da nat canfl�ct with, ar
<br /> result in a defauft under any agreement ar ather instrument binding upan Trustar and da nat result in a �ialatian af any
<br /> law, regulatian, caurt decree ar arder applicabfe ta Trustar; �d} Trustar has establ�shed adequate means a� abtain�ng
<br /> fram Barrawer an a cantinuing basis infarmatian abaut Barrawer's �inancia! cand�tian; and �e} Lender has made nv
<br /> representat�an ta Trustar abaut Barrawer �including withaut limitatian the creditwarthiness af Barrawer}.
<br /> TRUST4R'S UIIAIVERS. Trustar wa��es all rights ar defenses arising by reasan a�any "ane actian" ar "anti-deficiency"
<br /> faw, ar any ather !aw which may pre�ent Lender fram bringing any actian aga�nst Trustar, including a claim far
<br /> defic�ency ta the extent Lender is atherwise entitled ta a cf aim far deficiency, befare ar after Lender's cammencement
<br /> vr campletian af any fareclasure actian, either judicia!!y ar by exercise a�a pawer vf sale.
<br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERF4RMANCE. Except as atherwise pra�ided in this Deed a�Trust, Bvrrawer shafl pay ta Lender all
<br /> Indebtedness secured by this Deed af Trust as it becames due, and Barrawer and Trustar shall perfarm alf their
<br /> respecti�e abligatians under the Nate, this Deed af Trust, and the Related Dacuments.
<br /> P4SSESS�4N AN❑ MAiNTENANCE 4F THE PR4PERTY. Bar�awer and Trustar agree that Barrawer's and Trusta�'s
<br /> passessian and use af the Praperty shall be ga�erned by the falfawing pra�isians:
<br /> Possession and Use. U ntif the accurrence af an E�ent af Defa ult, Trustar may �1� remain �n passessian and
<br /> cantra!af the Prvperty; ��} use, aperate ar manage the Praperty; and �3} callect the Rents frvm the Prvperty,
<br /> ❑u#y #o Main#ain. Trustar shalf maintain the Praperty in tenantable canditian and pramptly perfarm a!! repairs,
<br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary ta preser�e its �alue.
<br /> Comp�iance �lllith Enr►ironmental Laws. Trustar represents and warrants ta Lender that: �1} Dur�ng the periad af
<br /> Trustar's awnership vf the Praperty, there has been na use, generatian, manufacture, starage, treatment, dispasal,
<br /> release ar threatened release af any Hazardaus Substance by any persan an, under, abaut ar fram the Praperty;
<br /> ��� Trustar has na knawledge af, ar reasan ta befie�e that there has been, except as pre�ivusly discfased ta and
<br /> acknawledged by Lender in writing, �a} any breach ar �iafatian a� any En�iranmental Laws, �b� any use,
<br /> generatian, manufacture, starage, treatment, dispasal, release ar threatened release af any Hazardaus Substance
<br /> an, under, abaut ar fram the Praperty by any priar awners ar accupants af the Praperty, ar �c} any actual ar
<br /> threatened fitigatian vr claims af any kind by any persan relat�ng ta such matters; and �3y Except as pre�ivusly
<br /> disclased ta and acknawledged by Lender in writing, �a} neither Trustar nar any tenant, cantractar, agent ar ather
<br /> authar�zed user af the Praperty shall use, generate, manufacture, stare, treat, dispase af ar release any Hazardaus
<br /> Substance an, under, abaut ar fram the Praperty; and �b} any such acti�ity shafl be canducted in campl�ance w�th
<br /> all applicable federal, state, and laca� laws, regufativns and ardinances, including withaut lim�tatian a!f
<br /> En�irvnmental Laws, Trustar autharizes Lender and its agents ta enter upan the Praperty ta make such
<br /> inspectians and ��5�5, at Trustar's expense, as Lender may deem apprapriate ta determine campliance af the
<br /> Praperty with this sectian vf the Deed af Trust. Any �nspectians ar tests made by Lender shall be far Lender's
<br /> purpases anly and sha!! nat be canstrued ta create any respans�bility ar liabilfty an the part af Lender ta Trustar ar
<br /> ta any ather persan. The representatians and warranties cantained herein are based an Trustar's due d��igence in
<br /> in�estigating the Praperty far Ha�ardaus Substances. Trustar hereby �1� releases and wai�es any�uture claims
<br /> against Lender far indemnity ar cantributian in the e�ent Trustar becames I�able far cleanup ar ather casts under
<br /> any such laws; and ��y agrees ta indemnify, defend, and hald harmless Lender against any and al! cla�ms► Iasses,
<br /> f iabif ities, damages► penalties, and expenses whEch Lender may directly vr indirectly sustain vr suffer result�ng fram
<br /> a breach af this sectian af the Deed af Trust ar as a eansequence af any use, generatian, manu�acture, starage,
<br /> dispasal, release ar threatened release accurring priar ta Trustar's awnership ar interest in the Praperty, whether vr
<br /> nat the same was ar shauld ha�e been knvwn ta Trustar. The pra�isians af this sectian vf the Deed af Trust,
<br /> including the abfigat�an ta indemnify and defend, sha!!sur�i�e the payment a�the lndebtedness and the satisfact�an
<br /> and recan�eyance af the lien af th�s Deed af Trust and shall nvt be affected by Lender's acqu�sit�an af any interest
<br /> in the Praperty, whether by fareclasure ar atherwise.
<br /> Nuisance► �lllaste. Trustar shall nvt cause, canduct �r permit any nuisance nvr cammit, permit, ar suffer any
<br /> stripp�ng af ar waste an vr ta the Praperty ar any partian af the Praperty. VIJ�thaut limiting the generality af the
<br /> faregaing, Trustar will nat rema�e, ar grant ta any ather party the right ta rema�e, any timber, minerals �including
<br /> vi!and gas�, caaf, clay, scaria, sa�F, gra�e! ar rack praducts withaut Lender's priar writ�ten cansent.
<br /> Remor►a�of impro�ements. Trustar shalf nvt demalish ar rema�e any�mpra�ements fram the Reaf Praperty withaut
<br /> Lender's priar written cansent. As a canditian ta the rema�a� af any fmpra�ements, Lender may require Trustar tv
<br /> make arrangements satisfactary ta Lender tv rep�ace such �mpra�ements with f mpra�ements af at least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upan the Real Praperty at aff
<br /> reasanable times ta attend ta Lender's �nterests and ta inspect the Rea! Praperty far purpases af Trustar's
<br /> campliance with the terms and canditivns af this Deed�f Trust.
<br /> Compiiance with Go�ernmentai Requirements. Trustar shal! prvmptly camply with all laws, ardinances, and
<br /> regufatians, naw ar hereafter in effect, af a!! ga�ernmenta! autharities app��cabfe ta the use ar accupancy af the
<br /> Praperty, including withaut limitatian, the Americans VIJ�th Disabilities Act. Trustar may cantest in gaad faith any
<br /> such faw, ardinance, ar regulatian and withhvld campliance during any praceeding, including apprapriate appeals,
<br />